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Chen Ren Xu (2023) Subducted Serpentinite Results in the Heavy Mo Isotopic Composition of the Mantle Source of Arc Lavas
Dai F-Q, Chen Y-X, Chen RX, Zhao Z-F & Wang Y

Chen Ren-Xu (2022) Mantle Oxidation Initiated by Slab-Derived Carbonate Fluids: Insights from CH4±graphite Inclusions in Orogenic Peridotites
Su Y, Li S, Chen R-X & Zheng Y-F
(2022) Serpentinization and Deserpentinization of the Mantle Wedge at Forearc and Subarc Depths at a Convergent Plate Boundary: Evidence from Orogenic Peridotites from a Composite Oceanic-Continental Subduction Zone
Yin Z & Chen R-X
(2022) The Effect of Supercritical Fluids on Nb-Ta Fractionation in Subduction Zone: Geochemical Insights from a Coesite-Bearing Eclogite-Vein System
Chen T & Chen R-X
(2020) Zircon Behavior in the Metasedimentary Rock during Continental Collision: Constraints from Felsic Granulites in the Bohemian Massif
Yang G, Chen R-X & Zheng Y-F
(2020) Water in Minerals from Ultrahigh-Pressure Metamorphic Rocks: Implications for Fluid Activity in Continental Subduction Zone
Chen R-X, Gong B & Zheng Y-F
(2020) Garnet Effect on Zircon Lu-Hf Isotope Systems during Crustal Anatexis
Xia Q-X, Chen Y-X, Chen R-X & Zheng Y-F
(2016) Zircon in Orogenic Peridotite Records the Crust-Mantle Interaction in Continental Subduction Zone
Chen R-X, Li H-Y & Zheng Y-F
(2014) Dehydration and Anatexis of UHP Metagranite during Continental Collision
Li W-C, Chen R-X & Zheng Y-F
(2014) Crust-Mantle Interaction in Continental Subduction Channel: Evidence from Orogenic Peridotites and Mafic Intrusives
Zheng Y-F, Zhao Z-F & Chen R-X
(2011) Metamorphic Growth and Recrystallization of Zircons in Negative δ18O Metamorphic Rocks: A Combined Study of U-Pb Dating, Trace Elements, and O-Hf Isotopes
Chen Y-X, Zheng Y-F & Chen R-X
(2011) Growth of Zircon and Rutile during Continental Subduction-Zone Metamorphism: A Case Study of UHP Eclogite in the Dabie Orogen
Zheng Y-F, Gao X-Y, Chen R-X & Gao T
(2011) Timing of Dehydration Melting and Fluid Flow during Continental Subduction-Zone Metamorphism in the Dabie Orogen
Chen R-X & Zheng Y-F
(2010) Hydrogen Isotopes and Water Contents in Minerals from UHP Metamorphic Rocks
Chen R-X, Zheng Y-F & Gong B
(2010) Distinguishing Metamorphic Growth from Recrystallization of Zircon in Eclogite-Facies Metamorphic Rocks
Xia Q-X, Chen R-X & Zheng Y-F
(2008) Mineral Water Concentration and H Isotope Evidence for Decompressional Dehydration during Exhumation of Deeply Subducted Continental Crust
Chen R-X, Zheng Y-F & Gong B
(2007) Mineral H Isotopes and Water Contents in UHP Eclogite-Gneiss Contact from CCSD Core Samples
Chen R-X, Zheng Y-F & Gong B
(2007) H-O Isotopes and Water Content in Nominally Anhydrous Minerals from UHP Eclogite in the Dabie Orogen
Gong B, Zheng Y-F & Chen R-X
(2006) Water in granitic minerals: implications for oxygen isotope geothermometry
Gong B, Zheng Y-F, Zhao Z-F & Chen R-X

Chen Reuven (2017) Towards a Physical Kinetic Model for Feldspar OSL-Thermochronometry
Guralnik B, Jain M, Brown N, King G, Lambert R, Chen R & McKeever S

Chen Rick (2019) Variations in Chemical Weathering and CO2 Flux along a Subtropical Catchment in an Active Orogen
Wang Y-J, Chen R, Tsai J-F, Lin L-H & Wang P-L

Chen Rong (2019) Transformation of Fe-Bearing Minerals in Natural Sediments with Redox Variation Using Diversified Analysis Techniques
Liu S, Liu H, Chen R & Ma J
(2007) Two Mesozoic Volcanic Activities in Fujian Province, China: Constraints on the Transformation of Tectonic Domain in Southeastern China
Li L, Sun M, Xing G, Zhao G, Chen R, Wong J, Yin C & Wong K

Chen Ru (2013) Stable Isotope Analysis of Carbonates Using Isoprime MultiFlow-Irms
Liu Y, Tuo J, Wu C & Chen R
(2013) Phenylnaphthalenes and Terphenyls in Mesozoic-Cenozoic Source Rocks of the Qaidam Basin, China
Zhang M, Tuo J, Wu C & Chen R
(2010) Distribution and Carbon Isotope Composition of Lipid Biomarkers in Lake Sediments on the Tibetan Plateau
Tuo J, Zhang M, Chen R, Li Y & Zhang C

Chen Ruihui (2020) Impacts of Geological Heterogeneity and Artificial Decolmation on Hydrogeochemistry during Bank Filtration
Wang W, Hu B, Lensing H-J, Strasser D, Chen R & Munz M

Chen Ruiqian (2020) Nitrogen Isotope Compositions of the Chang 7 Shale, the Ordos Basin, North China: Implications of Depositional Redox Changes
Chen R

Chen S (2005) Paleoenvironmental Study of Doushantuo Formation: Insights of Trace Element and Carbon Isotope
Pan J, Ma D, Lehmann B, Cao S, Xia F & Chen S
(2000) Timing Constraint on Multiple Events of Subcontinental Lithosphere: Inferred from SHRIMP U/Pb Ages of Lower Crust Xenoliths, North China Craton
Zhou X, Wilde S, Sun M, Chen S & Zhang G
(2000) Origin of the Coronas in the Mafic Granulite Xenoliths from Hannuoba, Northern Sino-Korean Craton
Chen S, Zhou X, Zhang G, Li J & Chen L

Chen S-H (2011) Study on Main Sources of the Sulfur in Acid Rain in Jiangxi Province, China
Xia F, Pan J-Y, Xia F, Chen S-H, Peng H-M & Liu P
(2010) Study on Sulfur Source of Acid Rain Using Sulfur Isotopic Trace in Jiangxi Province, China
Xia F, Pan J-P, Xia F, Le S-K, Chen S-H & Peng H-M
(2006) Lead isotope geochemistry and lead source in black rock series of early Cambrian from southeast Guizhou, China
Xia F, Pan J-Y, Ma D-S, Cao S-L, Chen S-H, Guo F-S & Sun Z-X

Chen S-H (2014) Study on Sulfur Isotopic Composition of Acid Rain in Fuzhou City, China
Xia F, Pan J-Y, Chen S-H, Peng H-M & Liu P
(2013) Study on Sulfur Isotopic Composition of Acid Rain in Nanchang City, China
Xia F, Pan J-Y, Chen S-H, Peng H-M & Liu P

Chen Sainan (2019) Study on Dissolved Inorganic Carbon (DIC) Migration and Transformation in a Karst Reservoir
Wang W, Li S, Zhong J, Li C, Xu S, Yi Y & Chen S

Chen Sang (2021) Coherent Tracer Correlations in Deep-Sea Corals and Implications for Biomineralization Mechanisms Underlying Vital Effects
Chen S, Littley EFM, Rae JWB, Charles C, Guan Y & Adkins J
(2019) Trajectory and Timescale of Δ47 Equilibration in the HCO3-/CO32- Pool Under Normal and Enzymatically Catalyzed Conditions
Uchikawa J, Chen S, Eiler J, Adkins J & Zeebe R
(2019) Understanding Paleoceanographic Tracers in Deep-Sea Corals from a Biomineralization Perspective
Chen S, Littley E, Rae J, Charles C, Guan Y & Adkins J
(2014) A Drying Event at 8.2 kyr in a High-Resolution Borneo Speleothem Record
Hoffmann S, Chen S, Lund D, Adkins J & Cobb K

Chen Season S (2016) Geochemistry of Metal Transport in Hydraulic Fracturing Flowback Water
Tsang DC & Chen SS

Chen Sha (2016) Copper Isotope Fractionation during Partial Melting and Melt Percolation in the Mantle
Huang J, Huang F, Wang Z-C, Zhang X-C, Chen S & Yu H-M
(2015) Iron Isotope Systematics of the Tongshankou Porphyry–skarn Cu–Mo Deposit, Eastern China
He Z-W, Huang F, Yu H-M, Chen S, Kang J-T & Zhang X-C

Chen Shangbin

Chen Shaohong (2008) Geochronology Constraints on Sediment Provenance and Transport History in the Yangtze Drainage Basin
Fan D, Chen S, Liu Y & Xu C

Chen Shaohua (2007) Carbon Isotopes of Black Shales in NW Hunan, China and the Early Cambrian Atmospheric CO2 Level
Ma D, Cao S, Pan J & Chen S

Chen Shaomin

Chen Shejun (2020) Organophosphorus Flame Retardants (OPFRs) in PM2.5 in Urban and E-Waste Recycling Regions in Southern China: Concentrations, Sources, and Emissions
Wang T, Chen S, Luo X & Mai B

Chen Sheng-Chung (2016) Comparative Genome Analyses of Methanoculleus Species from Various Habitats
Chen S-C & Lai M-C
(2016) Methanoarchaea Isolated from Deep Sea Mud Volcanoes
Lai M-C, Chien H-H, Chen S-C, Chen M-F & Weng C-Y
(2015) Archaeal and Bacterial Communities in the Potential Gas Hydrate Bearing Sediments at Formosa Ridge Offshore Taiwan
Lai M-C, Chen S-C, Wu S-Y, Hung C-C, Ding J-Y & Lai S-J

Chen Sheng-Han (2011) Fungal Spore Contributions to Subtropical Aerosol Particles
Chen S-H & Engling G

Chen Shengsheng (2018) The OCT-Type Ophiolite Recognized from the Bangong-Nujiang Suture Zone, Central Tibet
Shi R, Huang X, Griffin W, O'Reilly S, Huang Q & Chen S
(2015) The Discovery of Daliuchong Volcanic Edifice in Tengchong, Yunnan Province (China) and its Significance
Li N, Wei H, Zhang L, Zhao Y, Zhao B, Chen S, Chen Z & Yu H

Chen Shishi (2016) Multivariate Statistical Analysis to Identify Pathfinders in Sandstones for Deeply Seated Uranium Deposits in Wheeler River Property, Athabasca Basin, Canada
Chen S & Hattori K

Chen Shizhong (2021) Pyrite Textures and Compositions from the Qiucun Au Deposit, Dehua-Youxi-Yongtai Ore District, SE China: Implication for Ore-Forming Processes
Fan F, Xiao F, Chen S, Xing G & Niu S

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