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Call Mitchell (2015) Are Mangrove Carbon Exports Old or Modern? A Multiple Radio- and Stable Isotope Analysis
Maher D, Call M, Santos I, Sanders C, Schulz K, Jenkinson A & Jacobsen G
(2015) Carbon Dioxide and Methane Fluxes in a Mangrove Creek Driven by Tidal Pumping: Insights from Cavity Ring Down Spectrometry
Call M, Maher D & Santos I

Call Mitchell (2016) Spatial and Temporal Variability of CO2 and CH4 Gas Transfer Velocities in Mangrove Dominated Estuaries
Rosentreter JA, Maher DT, Ho DT, Call M, Barr J & Eyre BD

Callac Nolwenn (2016) Biogeochemical Cycling of Arsenic and Phosphorus in Shallow Submarine Hydrothermal Sediments
Callac N, Holm M, Posth N, Ivarsson M, Kilias S & Chi Fru E

Callac Nolwenn (2015) Metagenomics and Biogeochemistry of Shallow Submarine Vent Field, Spathi Bay, Milos Island, Greece
Callac N, Hemmingsson C, Posth N, Ivarsson M, Argyraki A, Kilias S & Chi Fru E
(2015) Putative Biogenic Signature found in Extremely REE Enriched Black Substance, Ytterby Mine, Sweden
Sjöberg S, Rattray J, Callac N, Allard B, Skelton A, Dupraz C, Ivarsson M, Karlsson S & Sjöberg V
(2015) Proterozoic Arsenic Dynamics Controlled by Glaciations
Chi Fru E, Arvestål E, Callac N, El Albani A, Kilias S, Argyraki A & Jakobsson M

Callac Nolwenn (2012) Deep Sea Metalliferous Deposits as Modern Analogues for Ancient Marine Environments
Rouxel O, Resnais Y, Callac N & Anschutz P

Callaghan M. (2019) The Selective Pressures on the Microbial Community in a Metal-Contaminated Aquifer
Carlson H, Price M, Callaghan M, Liu H, Aaring A, Chakraborty R, Kuehl J, Arkin A & Deutschbauer A

Callagon E. (2015) Observing Ion Interactions at Charged Solid-Liquid Interfaces Using X-Rays: From Statics to Dynamics
Fenter P, Lee SS, Callagon E, Nagy K & Sturchio N
(2014) Real-Time Observations of Calcite Reactivity with X-Ray Reflectivity and Microscopy
Fenter P, Laanait N, Lee SS, Zhang Z, Callagon E & Sturchio N
(2012) Interaction of Pb with Calcite (104) Surface in the Presence of EDTA
Callagon E, Lee SS, Fenter P, Nagy K & Sturchio N

Callahan D. (2020) The Fate of Organic Fermentation Products in Carbonate Sediments
Hutchinson T, Leung PM, Callahan D, Kessler A, Wong WW, Greening C & Cook P

Callahan R. (2019) Lithologically Mediated Feedbacks between Subsurface Weathering and Ecosystem Productivity
Riebe C & Callahan R
(2018) Built on Bedrock, Running on Dust: Controls on Ecosystem Productivity and Vulnerability in the Sierra Nevada, California
Riebe C, Callahan R & Arvin L
(2016) Using Cosmogenic and U-Series Nuclides in Stream Sediment to Test Hypotheses About Mountain Landscape Evolution
Callahan R, Riebe C & Dosseto A

Callahan S. (2019) Uncultured ANME-1 Archaea Gain Energy from Either Methanogenesis or Anaerobic Oxidation of Methane
Kevorkian R, Callahan S, Winstead R, Barber B & Lloyd K

Callard L. (2016) Weathering Fluxes and Sediment Provenance on the SW Scottish Shelf at the Last Deglaciation
Arosio R, Crocket K, Nowell G, Callard L, Benetti S & Howe J

Callaway J. (2018) Consistency in U.S. Tidal Wetland Soil Carbon Densities: Spatial and Downcore Trends of a Field-Based, Community-Generated Dataset
Windham-Myers L, Holmquist J, Bliss N, Crooks S, Morris J, Megonigal P, Troxler T, Weller D, Callaway J, Drexler J, Ferner M, Gonneea M, Kroeger K, Schile-Beers L, Sutton-Grier A & Woo I

Callbeck C. (2018) Offshore Transport of a Key Sulfur Oxidizing Bacteria from the SUP05 Clade Sustains ‘cryptic Sulfur Cycling’ in the the Oxygen Minimum Zone of the Peru Upwelling
Callbeck C, Lavik G, Ferdelman T, Fuchs B, Gruber-Vodicka H, Hach P, Littmann S, Schoffelen N, Kalvelage T, Thomsen S, Schunck H, Löscher C, Schmitz R & Kuypers M

Callebaut Ine (2017) Early Diagenesis of Arsenic in Electro-Active Sediments
van de Velde S, Burdorf LD, Callebaut I, Hidalgo-Martinez S, Gao Y & Meysman FJ

Callebaut Isabelle (2022) Intracellular Formation of Amorphous Calcium Carbonate by Bacteria: From Molecular Actors to Environmental Impacts
Benzerara K, Gaëtan J, Mehta N, Millet M, Duprat E, Skouri-Panet F, Travert C, Leloup J, Halary S, Moreira D & Callebaut I
(2021) Biomineralization of Intracelllar Amorphous Calcium Carbonates (ACC) by Bacteria: Molecular Mechanisms, Evolutionary History and Environmental Significance
Benzerara K, Bitard-Feildel T, Bolzoni R, Cassier-Chauvat C, Caumes G, Chauvat F, Dezi M, Diop I, Duprat E, Gaschignard G, Görgen S, Lefevre C, López-García P, Menguy N, Monteil C, Moreira D, Skouri-Panet F & Callebaut I
(2017) Cyanobacterial Intracellular Carbonatogenesis: Phylogenetic Distribution, Mechanisms and Environmental Implications
Benzerara K, Bitard-Feildel T, Blondeau M, Cam N, Caumes G, Coutaud M, Gorgen S, Dewever A, Diop IS, Callebaut I, Cassier-Chauvat C, Dezi M, Duprat E, Ferard C, Gugger M, Lopez-Garcia P, Moreira D, POinsot M, Sachse M & Skouri-Panet F

Callefo F. (2023) Characterization of Carbonate Minerals Formed by Aerobic Halophilic Bacteria from Lagoa Vermelha, Brazil
Jamel F, Teixeira V, Callefo F & Galante D

Callegari G. (2020) Natural Radiation Equivalent Dose Rates Assessment in Soils and Waters of Calabria Region, Southern Italy
Guagliardi I, Ricca N, Infusino E, Callegari G & Caloiero T

Callegari I. (2013) Automated Gamma-Ray Spectrometer for Monitoring Wastes Made by Non-Nuclear Industries
Xhixha G, Bezzon G, Broggini C, Buso G, Caciolli A, Callegari I, Colonna T, Fiorentini G, Guastaldi E, Kaçeli Xhixha M, Mantovani F, Massa G, Menegazzo R, Mou L, Rossi Alvarez C & Strati V
(2013) Mapping the Natural Radioactivity of Elba Island by Means of Geostatistical Interpolation of Airborne Gamma-Ray Data
Guastaldi E, Baldoncini M, Bezzon G, Broggini C, Buso GP, Caciolli A, Callegari I, Colonna T, Fiorentini G, Kaçeli Xhixha M, Mantovani F, Massa G, Menegazzo R, Mou L, Rossi Alvarez C, Strati V & Xhixha G

Callegaro S. (2023) Rapid Translithospheric Ascent Rates for Lamprophyres from Zircon Dissolution Speedometry
Augland LE, Lundmark AM, Callegaro S & Jerram DA
(2023) Magma-Shale Interaction and Volatile Mobilization at LIPs: Insights from Kinetic Experiments
Deegan FM, Bédard JH, Grasby S, Dewing K, Geiger H, Misiti V, Capriolo M, Callegaro S, Svensen HH, Yakymchuk C, Aradi LE, Freda C & Troll VR
(2023) Dolerite Sills from the Siberian Traps (Tunguska Basin, Russia) Bear Evidence of Halogens Mobilization from Evaporitic Host Rocks
Callegaro S, Svensen HH, Heimdal TH, Guarino V, Deegan FM, Jerram DA, Polozov A & Planke S
(2022) Emplacement of the Central Atlantic Magmatic Province at the Edges of Cratonic Keels
Boscaini A, Marzoli A, Bertrand H, Chiaradia M, Jourdan F, Faccenda M, Meyzen CM, Callegaro S & Serrano Durán L
(2021) Don’t Blame it on Fluorine: Low F Concentrations in Deccan Traps Magmas Straddling the Extinction Interval Estimated from in situ Analyses on Clinopyroxene
Baker DR, Callegaro S, Renne P, Melluso L, De Min A, Whitehouse M & Marzoli A
(2021) Geochemistry of Low-Ti Siberian Traps Sills from the Tunguska Basin Bears Evidence of Magma-Crust Interaction
Callegaro S, Svensen H, Neumann E-R, Polozov A, Jerram DA, Deegan F & Planke S
(2021) Synchrotron Light X-Ray Microtomography Reveals a Crystalline Mush within the Deep Plumbing System of Large Igneous Provinces
Capriolo M, Callegaro S, Dal Corso J, Newton RJ, Baker DR, Renne P, Storm M & Marzoli A
(2021) Constraining the Enigmatic Source of Vesteris Seamount Volcanism
Belosa L, Callegaro S, Tronnes RG, Meyzen CM, Polteau S, Gaina C & Mazzini A
(2019) Deep Carbon in CAMP and the T-J Mass Extinction: New Perspectives on LIPs Through Melt Inclusions
Capriolo M, Marzoli A, Aradi LE, Callegaro S, Dal Corso J, Bartoli O, Newton RJ, Wignall PB, Mills BJW, Baker DR, Youbi N, Spiess R & Szabó C
(2019) Siberian Traps Expanded in Space and Composition Through New High Precision Geochronology
Augland LE, Ryabov VV, Vernikovsky V, Planke S, Polozov A, Callegaro S, Jerram D & Svensen H
(2019) Thermogenic Gas Release from CAMP as a Trigger for the End-Triassic Crisis
Hatlen Heimdal T, Hovland Svensen H, Jones MT, Callegaro S & Pereira E
(2013) Recycling of Subducted Crust in the Source of Within-Plate CAMP Basalts from Southeastern North America
Callegaro S, Bertrand H, Marzoli A, Chiaradia M, Reisberg L, Meyzen C & Bellieni G
(2013) S Burden in CFBs: A New Approach
Callegaro S, Baker DR, Marzoli A, De Min A, Bertrand H, Geraki T, Viti C & Nestola F
(2011) Geochemistry of Eastern North American CAMP Diabase Dykes
Callegaro S, Marzoli A, Bertrand H, Reisberg L, Chiaradia M & Bellieni G
(2011) S in CAMP and Paranà-Etendeka CFBs
De Min A, Callegaro S, Baker D & Marzoli A

Calleja M.L. (2017) Dissolved Organic Matter Dynamics in the Mesopelagic Fish Accumulation Layer: Implications for C Cycling
Calleja ML, Røstad A, Ansari M, Da Silva L, Kaartvedt S, Irigoien X & Morán XAG
(2017) Natural Organic Matter in Mekong Delta Sediments: Implications for As Release and Mobility
Asta M, Wang Y, Calleja M, Le Pape P, Frutschi M, Viacava K, Le Vo P, Fernandez A, Sanchez-Ledesma D, Morin G & Bernier-Latmani R

Callender E. (2003) Atmospheric Sources of Potentially Toxic Elements in the Northeastern U.S
Goldhaber M, Callender E, Reynolds R, Bleiwas D & Chambers D

Callot J-P. (2023) Noble Gas Signatures of Fluids at Santorini and Milos (Greece)
Bernard A, Battani A, Callot J-P, Balci U, Gyore D & Stuart F

Callura Jonathan (2019) Recovery of Rare Earth Elements with Ligand-Functionalized Polymers in Fixed-Bed Adsorption Columns
Karamalidis A, Callura J & Dzombak D
(2017) Selective Solid Phase Extraction of Rare Earth Elements from Aqueous Solutions
Callura J, Perkins K, Noack C, Washburn N, Dzombak D & Karamalidis A

Callura Jonathan C. (2016) Selective Adsorption of Rare Earth Elements from Geothermal Brines
Callura JC, Noack CW, Perkins K, Washburn NR, Dzombak DA & Karamalidis AK

Calmano W. (2014) Arsenic Mobility in Soil of Paracatu
Ferreira M, Patchineelam S, Castilhos Z, Gerth J & Calmano W
(2013) Sequential Extraction of Arsenic in Sediments of Paracatu, MG, Brazil
Ferreira M, Patchineelam S, Castilhos Z & Calmano W

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