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All abstracts by Karim Benzerara in conference series: Goldschmidt

(2024) Signatures of Bacterial Weathering Detected by Statistical Characterizations of Calcite Surface Microtopography
Stigliano L, Benzerara K, Wild B, Ackerer P, Menguy N, Travert C, Skouri-Panet F & Daval D

(2023) Hyperspectral Study of Visible Fluorescence in Modern and Ancient Microbialites to Detect Traces of Life
Debrie J, Saint Martin JP, Desjardins K, Lam F, Le Callonnec L, Medjoubi K, Somogyi A & Benzerara K

(2023) Mineral Surface Roughness Resulting from Dissolution as a Proxy for the Reaction Conditions: A Potential Biosignature?
Stigliano L, Benzerara K, Ackerer P & Daval D

(2023) Quadruple Sulfur Isotope Signatures in Microbialites from Modern Redox-Stratified Lakes
Havas R, Thomazo C, López-García P, Surma J, Nakagawa M, Jézéquel D, Iniesto M, Moreira D, Tavera R, Caumartin J, Benzerara K & Ueno Y

(2023) Micropyrite: A Promising biosignature?Insights from Modern and Ancient Sediments
Marin-Carbonne J, Decraene M-N, Dupeyron J, Alleon J, Pasquier V, Remusat L, Thomazo C, Olivier N, Benzerara K & Bernard S

(2023) Study of Modern Microbialites in a Seasonally Euxinic Water Column
Caumartin J, Benzerara K, Iniesto M, Moreira D, Jézéquel D, Havas R, Thomazo C & López-García P

(2023) Magnetosymbiosis as an Adaptation for Microeukaryotes to Life Under Oxic-Anoxic Interface
Bolzoni R, Alonso B, Chevrier DM, Menguy N, Fouteau S, Vallenet D, Benzerara K, Monteil CL & Lefevre CT

(2023) The Mineralogical and Chemical Composition of Microbialites as Environmental Proxies: Lessons Learned from the Integrative Analysis of Modern Microbialites from Ten Mexican Lakes
Zeyen N, Benzerara K, Beyssac O, Daval D, Muller E, Thomazo C, Tavera R, López-García P, Moreira D & Duprat E

(2023) Isotope and Trace Element Composition of Biogenic Amorphous Calcium Carbonate (ACC) Formed by Cyanobacteria
Mehta N, Coutaud M, Bouchez J, Van Zuilen K, Bradbury HJ, Moynier F, Gorge C, Skouri-Panet F & Benzerara K

(2022) Linking Calcite Surface Roughness Resulting from Dissolution to the Saturation State of the Bulk Solution
Stigliano L, Ackerer P, Benzerara K & Daval D

(2022) Lake Pavin is a Microbial Mineralization Oasis
Lefevre CT, Menguy N, Benzerara K, Busigny V, Mangin CC, Mehta N, Travert C, Bolzoni R, Bidaud CC, Mathon FP, Jézéquel D, Viollier E, Skouri-Panet F, Duprat E & Monteil CL

(2022) Molecular Insights into Formation of Bacterial Intracellular Amorphous Calcium Carbonate (ACC) by X-Ray Absorption Spectroscopy
Mehta N, Gaëtan J, Vantelon D, Fernandez-Martinez A & Benzerara K

(2022) Intracellular Formation of Amorphous Calcium Carbonate by Bacteria: From Molecular Actors to Environmental Impacts
Benzerara K, Gaëtan J, Mehta N, Millet M, Duprat E, Skouri-Panet F, Travert C, Leloup J, Halary S, Moreira D & Callebaut I

(2022) Mineral and Microbial Community Composition of Gypsum-Based Microbialites from the Danakil Depression, Ethiopia
Kotopoulou E, Benzerara K, Iniesto M, López-García JM, Moreira D & López-García P

(2022) Active but Hidden Role of DOC in the C Cycle of Precambrian Analogs Stratified Lakes: An Isotopic Study
Havas R, Thomazo C, López-García P, Jézéquel D, Iniesto M, Moreira D, Tavera R, Caumartin J, Muller E & Benzerara K

(2021) Carbon Cycle Dynamics in Microbialite-Hosting Alkaline Crater Lakes as Precambrian Analogs
Havas R, Thomazo C, López-García P, Jézéquel D, Iniesto M, Moreira D, Vennin E, Tavera R, Muller E & Benzerara K

(2021) Biomineralization of (Fe, Mn)-rich Silicates in an Oxic Environment by Oxygenic Photosynthesizers
Benzerara K, Ciobanu M, Elmaleh A, Iniesto M, Jézéquel D, López-García P, Menguy N, Skouri-Panet F, Tavera R & Moreira D

(2021) The Use of NMR Spectroscopy to Probe Chemical Environment Surrounding Intracellular Amorphous Carbonates Formed by Cyanobacteria
Mehta N, Georges T, Azaïs T, Laurent GP, Coelho-Diogo C & Benzerara K

(2021) Biomineralization of Intracelllar Amorphous Calcium Carbonates (ACC) by Bacteria: Molecular Mechanisms, Evolutionary History and Environmental Significance
Benzerara K, Bitard-Feildel T, Bolzoni R, Cassier-Chauvat C, Caumes G, Chauvat F, Dezi M, Diop I, Duprat E, Gaschignard G, Görgen S, Lefevre C, López-García P, Menguy N, Monteil C, Moreira D, Skouri-Panet F & Callebaut I

(2021) Sub-Micrometer Pyrites in Microbialites Record Equilibrium S Isotope Fractionation by Microbial Sulfate Reduction Independently of the Sulfate Concentration of the Water
Marin-Carbonne J, Decraene M-N, Remusat L, Havas R, Thomazo C, Pasquier V, Alleon J, Zeyen N, Bernard S, Escrig S, Vennin E, Meibom A & Benzerara K

(2021) Physico-Chemical and Biological Controls on Microbialite Formation: Experimental Biomineralization in Open System
Muller E, Benzerara K, Havas R, Iniesto M, Jézéquel D, López-García P, Moreira D, Tavera R, Thomazo C, Vennin E & Zeyen N

(2021) Microbial Ecology of Intracellular Calcium Carbonate Biomineralization by Bloom-Forming Cyanobacteria
Gaëtan J, Mehta N, Duprat E, Bruley A, Skouri-Panet F, Gugger M, Bernard C, Duval C, Leloup J & Benzerara K

(2021) Mineralogical and Geochemical Study of Modern Stromatolites: Clues to their Formation and Use as Paleoenvironmental Records
Debrie J, Prêt D, Benzerara K, Sans-Jofre P & Saint Martin JP

(2020) Biomineralization of Amorphous Calcium Carbonate (ACC) is Widespread in Bacteria
Benzerara K, Bidaud C, Bolzoni R, Duprat E, Menguy N, Monteil C & Lefevre C

(2020) Life Limits and Biomorph Formation along Polyextreme Gradients in the Geothermal Area of Dallol (Ethiopia)
Lopez-Garcia P, Belilla J, Benzerara K, Lopez-Garcia JM, Jardillier L, Reboul G, Bertolino P, Lopez-Archilla AI & Moreira D

(2019) Phosphorus Sequestration by Magnetotactic Bacteria in the Water Column of Lake Pavin: Insight into the Biological and Environmental Controls
Bidaud C, Benzerara K, Billard H, Colombet J, Duprat E, Jézéquel D, Lefèvre C, Lehours A-C, Menguy N, Poinsot M & Skouri-Panet F

(2018) Radium Retention by Cynobacteria Forming Intracellular Carbonates
Mehta N, Benzerara K & Kocar BD

(2018) Impact of Diurnal Cycles on Intracellular Precipitation of Carbonates by Cyanobacteria
Coutaud M, Jezequel D, Ferard C, Skouri-Panet F & Benzerara K

(2017) Exploring Microbial Life in the Multi-Extreme Environment of Dallol, Ethiopia
Belilla J, Moreira D, Jardillier L, Bertolino P, Alain K, Lopez-Garcia JM, Benzerara K, Lopez-Archilla AI & Lopez-Garcia P

(2017) Barium and Sr Isotopic Fractionation during their Uptake by Cyanobacteria Forming Intracellular Carbonates
Coutaud M, Bouchez J, van Zuilen K, Moynier F, Gorge C, Poinsot M, Skouri-Panet F & Benzerara K

(2017) Microorganisms are Major Drivers of the P Geochemical Cycle in Lake Pavin (Massif Central, France)
Duprat E, Benzerara K, Lefèvre C, Monteil C, Jézéquel D, Menguy N, Viollier E, Guyot F, Férard C, Miot J, Poinsot M, Rivas-Lamelo S, Skouri-Panet F & Trcera N

(2017) Diversity of Phosphatases in the Biomineralizing Bacterium Ramlibacter Tataouinensis: An in Vitro and in Silico Study
Skouri-Panet F, Benzerara K, Cosmidis J, Ferard C, Caumes G, De Luca G, Heulin T & Duprat E

(2017) Chemistry Versus Biology – “True” and “False” Biosignatures Formed Through Biomineralization and Organomineralization Processes
Cosmidis J, Templeton A, Benzerara K, Skouri-Panet F, Duprat E & Macalady J

(2017) Cyanobacterial Intracellular Carbonatogenesis: Phylogenetic Distribution, Mechanisms and Environmental Implications
Benzerara K, Bitard-Feildel T, Blondeau M, Cam N, Caumes G, Coutaud M, Gorgen S, Dewever A, Diop IS, Callebaut I, Cassier-Chauvat C, Dezi M, Duprat E, Ferard C, Gugger M, Lopez-Garcia P, Moreira D, POinsot M, Sachse M & Skouri-Panet F

(2017) Deciphering the Functional Potential of Microorganisms for P Cycling: A Genomics Perspective on Metal-Phosphate Biomineralization
Caumes G, Benzerara K, Chan Sock Peng E, Cosmidis J, Skouri-Panet F & Duprat E

(2017) Advanced InfraRed and Raman Spectroscopy on Ca-Phosphates and Mg-Carbonates for Surface Exploration of Mars
Fau A, Beyssac O, Gauthier M, Bernard S, Benzerara K, Meslin P-Y, Drouet C, Maurice S, Guyot F & Balan E

(2017) Time-Resolved Raman Spectroscopy for Mars Exploration: Insights from a Laboratory Analogue of the Mars2020 SuperCam Instrument
Beyssac O, Gauthier M, Maurice S, Wiens RC, Fau A, Bernard S & Benzerara K

(2017) Speciation of Fe in Modern Mexican Lacustrine Microbialites
Zeyen N, Benzerara K, Morin G, Brest J, Menguy N, Templeton A, Webb S & Gérard E

(2017) Origin of Siderite in Anoxic and Ferruginous Lake Pavin: Clues from C and O Isotope Compositions
Busigny V, Benzerara K, Ader M, Chaduteau C & Jézéquel D

(2017) Differences in Ca Homeostasis between Cyanobacteria Forming and Not-Forming Intracellular Ca-Carbonates
De Wever A, Coutaud M, Blondeau M, Poinsot M, Skouri-Panet F, Caumes G, Laurent T, Gugger M & Benzerara K

(2017) CLSM/SEM Correlative Study of the Dissolution of Intracellular Calcium Carbonate in Cyanobacteria Under a Heat Stress
Ferard C, Etique M, Blondeau M, Poinsot M, Skouri-Panet F & Benzerara K

(2017) Fe Biomineralization in the Meromictic Lake Pavin
Miot J, Duprat E, Remusat L, Benzerara K, Jézéquel D, Cordier L, Viollier E, Skouri-Panet F, Férard C, Poinsot M, Rivas-Lamelo S, Gonzalez A, Pont S & Berg J

(2017) Adaptation to Growth on Fe(II) in the Photoferrotroph R. Palustris TIE-1: A Proteomic and Electron Microscopy Analysis
Bryce C, Kleindienst S, Benzerara K, Miot J, Newman DK, Kulkarni G, Byrne JM, Franz-Wachtel M, Macek B & Kappler A

(2016) Microbial Calcification in the Rock Record: Learning from Field- and Laboratory-Based Studies Down to the nm-Scale
Benzerara K, Cam N, Cosmidis J, Duprat E, Li J, Lopez-Garcia P, Moreira D, Saghaï A, Skouri-Panet F & Zeyen N

(2016) Serpentinization in Carbonaceous Chondrites: A Nanoscale Mineralogical Study
Elmaleh A, Bourdelle F, Menguy N, Benzerara K, Leroux H, Caste F & Fialin M

(2016) Light Element Isotopic Composition in Ultra-Carbonaceous Antarctic Micrometeorites
Duprat J, Engrand C, Bardin N, Dartois E, Baklouti D, Benzerara K, Delauche L, Dobrica E, Marie G, Guerquin-Kern J-L, Kakazu Y, Leroux H, Quirico E, Remusat L, Slodzian G & Wu T-D

(2015) Crystal Chemistry of Fe-Serpentines in Chondrites: A Nanoscale Study
Elmaleh A, Bourdelle F, Caste F, Benzerara K, Leroux H & Devouard B

(2015) Intracellular Ca-Carbonate Biomineralization in Cyanobacteria: New Facts and Some Speculations
Benzerara K, Blondeau M, Cam N, Etique M, Férard C, Margaret-Oliver I & Skouri-Panet F

(2015) In-Vitro Synthesis of Amorphous Mg-, Ca-, Sr- and Ba-Carbonates: What do We Learn About Intracellular Calcification by Cyanobacteria?
Cam N, Georgelin T, Jaber M, Lambert J-F & Benzerara K

(2015) Microbial Molecular Processes Involved in Biogeochemical P Cycle in the Water Column of Lake Pavin (Massif Central, France)
Rivas-Lamelo S, Duprat E, Benzerara K, Miot J, Skouri-Panet F, Poinsot M, Ferard C, Jézéquel D & Viollier E

(2015) High Local Iron Enrichments in Modern Microbialites from Mexico: Speciation and Origin
Zeyen N, Benzerara K, Templeton A, Webb S & Gérard E

(2015) Non-Cyanobacterial Lineages Likely Contribute to Carbonate Precipitation in Modern Microbialites
Saghaï A, Benzerara K, Zeyen N, Zivanovic Y, Moreira D, Bertolino P & López-García P

(2015) Microbial Metabolic Activities Shaping Pelagic Iron-Rich Aggregates (Iron Snow)
Lu S, Huang S, Gaspar M, Miot J, Neu T, Overman J, Marz M, Benzerara K, Küsel K & Cooper R

(2014) Precipitation of Low-T Hydrated Talc by Microorganisms in Modern Microbialites from Mexico
Zeyen N, Benzerara K, Li J, Groleau A, Balan E & Robert J-L

(2013) Bacterial Formation of Fe-Phosphates in the Water Column of Meromictic Ferruginous Lake Pavin (Massif Central, France)
Cosmidis J, Benzerara K, Morin G, Busigny V, Jézéquel D, Lebeau O, Noël V, Dublet G & Othmane G

(2013) Graphite Formation by Calcite Reduction during Subduction
Galvez M, Beyssac O, Martinez I & Benzerara K

(2013) Poorly-Crystalline Fe(Mg) Silicates Involved in Early Fossilization of Microbes in Modern Microbialites
Li J, Zeyen N, Benzerara K, Bernard S & Beyssac O

(2013) Natural Uranium Ores Host Iron-Reducing and Iron-Oxidizing Bacteria as Demonstrated by High Throughput Sequencing and Cultural Approaches
Mondani L, Benzerara K, Carriere M, Christen R, Fevrier L, Achouak W, Nardoux P, Berthomieu C & Chapon V

(2013) Intracellular Calcification by Cyanobacteria: A Significant Controlled Biomineralization Process
Benzerara K, Skouri-Panet F, Ragon M, Cam N, Li J, Ferard C, Lambert J-F, Georgelin T, Jaber M, Moreira D, Lopez-Garcia P & Julie C

(2013) Multimodal and Multiscale Microscopies to Study Biomineralization and Crystallization Processes
Menguy N, Benzerara K, Li J, Cormier L, Dargaud O & Radtke G

(2012) Nanometer Scale Characterization of Fossil Bacteria in an Eocene Phoshorite Sample
Cosmidis J, Benzerara K, Esteve I & Gheerbrant E

(2012) Redox Reactions Affecting Arsenic at Iron-(oxyhydr)oxide Mineral Surfaces
Morin G, Ona-Nguema G, Benzerara K, Juillot F, Wang Y, Hohmann C, Obst M, Kappler A & Brown Jr. GE

(2012) An Early-Branching Microbialite Cyanobacterium Forms Intracellular Carbonates
Couradeau E, Benzerara K, Gerard E, Moreira D, Bernard S, Brown Jr. GE & Lopez-Garcia P

(2012) Isotopic and Petrologic Evidence for Graphite Formation by Carbonate Reduction in Blueschist Metamorphic Rocks
Galvez ME, Martinez I, Beyssac O, Benzerara K, Malvoisin B, Chopin C & Malavieille J

(2012) Investigating the Role of Microbial Processes in the Weathering of Rock-Derived Graphitic Carbons
Berlendis S, Beyssac O, Benzerara K, Skouri-Panet F & Ferard C

(2011) An Experimentalist Call to Theoreticians About XANES Spectra Theoretical Simulation at the C K-Edge, Ca and Fe L2, 3 Edges
Benzerara K, Beyssac O, Galvez M, Bernard S & Cosmidis J

(2011) Early Fossilization Process of Cyanobacteria in Modern Microbialites
Couradeau E, Benzerara K, Gerard E, Esteve I, Moreira D & Lopez-Garcia P

(2011) Redox Reactions on Mineral Surfaces: Spectroscopic and Imaging Studies at the Molecular Level
Brown G, Morin G, Ona-Nguema G, Juillot F, Fandeur D, Benzerara K, Calas G, Wang Y, Ha J, Kaya S, Kendelewicz T, Spormann A & Nilsson A

(2011) Experimental Investigation of the Stability of Fe-Rich Carbonates in the Lower Mantle
Boulard E, Menguy N, Auzende A-L, Benzerara K, Bureau H, Antonangeli D, Corgne A, Morard G, Siebert J, Perrillat J-P, Guyot F & Fiquet G

(2011) Evolution of the Macromolecular Structure of Biopolymers during Pyrolysis: A C-XANES Study
Beyssac O, Bernard S, Benzerara K & Brown GE

(2010) Molecular Mechanisms of As-Binding to Biogenic Iron(III) (Hydr)oxides Precipitated by the Nitrate-Reducing Iron(II)-Oxidizer Acidovorax sp. Strain BoFeN1
Hohmann C, Morin G, Brown Jr. G, Obst M, Benzerara K & Kappler A

(2010) Study at the Nanoscale of Iron Biomineralization on Organic Fibres by a Phototrophic Iron-Oxidizing Bacterium
Benzerara K, Miot J, Obst M, Kappler A, Hegler F, Guyot F & Morin G

(2009) Imaging Traces of Life in Metamorphic Rocks Using Raman, STXM and NanoSIMS
Bernard S, Beyssac O, Benzerara K, Brown Jr. GE, Mostefaoui S, Meibom A & Goffe B

(2009) 2D, 3D, and in situ STXM in Geomicrobiology
Obst M, Wang J, Karunakaran C, Benzerara K, Dynes JJ, Lawrence JR, Swerhone GDW & Hitchcock AP

(2009) Chemical and Structural Imaging of Fossilized Tissues at the Nanoscale and Assessment of their Taphonomy
Galvez ME, Benzerara K, Beyssac O & Bernard S

(2009) Geomicrobiology of Microbialites from the Alchichica Alkaline Lake
Couradeau E, Benzerara K, López-García P, Moreira D & Gérard E

(2009) Iron Biomineralization by Neutrophilic Nitrate-Reducing Iron-Oxidizing Bacteria
Miot J, Benzerara K, Morin G, Kappler A, Obst M, Brown, Jr. GE & Guyot F

(2009) Study of Mineral-Microbe Assemblages Down to the nm-Scale in Carbonate Microbialites
Benzerara K, Meibom A, Lopez-Garcia P, Kazmierczak J & Brown, Jr. GE

(2008) Aragonite as a Precursor Phase of Cyanobacterial Calcite Precipitation and the Influence of EPS on the Nucleation Process – A STXM Study
Obst M, Hitchcock AP, Dynes JJ, Lawrence JR, Swerhone GDW & Benzerara K

(2008) STXM-Based Study of Microbial Fossils in Recent and Ancient Rocks
Benzerara K, Bernard S, Lepot K, Miot J & Brown, Jr GE

(2008) Scanning Transmission X-Ray Microscopy Analysis of Metamorphic Biogenic Carbon
Bernard S, Benzerara K, Beyssac O & Brown, Jr. GE

(2008) Synchrotron X-Ray Studies of Bacteria-Mineral-Metal Ion Interactions
Brown, Jr. GE, Gelabert A, Wang Y, Cismasu C, Ha J, Ona-Nguema G, Benzerara K, Morin G & Wang Y

(2007) 'In Situ' Characterizing the Structural and Chemical Evolution of Biopolymers during Advanced Fossilization: From Nature to Experiments
Bernard S, Benzerara K & Beyssac O

(2007) Study at the Nanoscale of the Alteration of Submarine Basaltic Glass from the Ontong Java Plateau
Miot J, Benzerara K, Banerjee NR, Menguy N, Tyliszczak T, Brown, Jr. GE & Guyot F

(2007) Nano-Carbonate Clustering in Organic Globules Supports a Biogenic Origin of 2.7 Gyr Old Stomatolites
Lepot K, Benzerara K & Philippot P

(2007) Microbial Biomineralization and Redox Transformation of As and Fe in an Acid Mine Drainage
Benzerara K, Morin G, Yoon T-H, Miot J, Casiot C, Farges F & Brown, Jr. G

(2006) In-situ characterisation techniques used to test the biogenicity of biomorphic structures in 2.72 Ga pristine drill core samples from the Tumbiana formation, Western Australia
Lepot K, Philippot P, Benzerara K & Cotte M

(2006) Applications of synchrotron radiation to processes at environmental interfaces
Brown GE, Benzerara K, Yoon TH, Ha J, Cordova CD, Spormann AM, Tyliszczak T, Tanwar KS, Trainor TP & Eng PJ

(2005) Soft X-Ray Spectromicroscopy Study of Chemical Heterogeneities in Iron Precipitates Formed at or Near Bacterial Cells
Yoon TH, Borch T, Benzerara K, Fendorf S, Tyliszczak T & Brown Jr. GE

(2005) Nanoscale Environments Associated with Bioweathering of a Mg-Fe-Pyroxene
Benzerara K, Yoon T, Menguy N, Guyot F, Tyliszczak T & Brown Jr. GE

(2004) Biologically Induced Nanomineralization: Specific Biosignatures of Biogeochemical Relevance?
Guyot F, Benzerara K, Gloter A, Menguy N & Skouri-Panet F

(2002) Geomicrobiology of Carbonate Precipitations at the Surface of Pyroxenes in an Aridic Soil
Benzerara K, Chapon V, Heulin T, Guyot F, Menguy N & Skouri F

(2000) Interactions of Bacteria with Silicate Surfaces Control the Evolution of Numerous Natural Processes: Formation of Sediments, Maturation of Soils, Fossilization, Formation of Ecosystems in Extreme-Conditions
Lemelle L, Benzerara K, Lesourd M, Barakat M, Heulin T, Guyot F & Gillet P

(2000) Experimental Study of Culture Media of a Bacteria from Dry Environment
Benzerara K, Lemelle L, Heulin T, Barakat M, Lesourd M, Guyot F & Gillet P

(2000) The Tatahouine Meteorite: A Case Study of Life Under Extreme Conditions
Gillet P, Achouak W, Barrat J, Benzerara K, Guyot F, Heulin T, Lemelle L & Lesourd M

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