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All abstracts by Xiaole Sun in conference series: Goldschmidt

(2024) Active Silicate Alterations and its Role in Major Cation Sinks in Volcanic Ash-Rich Hikurangi Margin Sediments
Cui Q, Luo M, Hong W-L, Huang T-H, Xiao Y & Sun X

(2024) Atypical Seasonality of the Silicon Cycle in the Yellow River Estuary and Bohai Sea Revealed by Stable Silicon Isotopes
Cui Q, Liu X, Wang Z, Sun W, Xiao Y & Sun X

(2023) Unveiling Early Si Diagenesis in Ulleung Basin Using Si Isotope
Huang T-H, Sun X, Kim J-H, Torres ME & Hong W-L

(2023) Role of Marine Silicate Weathering in Cation Turnover along Continental Marginals
Hong W-L & Sun X

(2021) The Critical Role of Sediment Nutrient Cycling for the Nutrient Budget of the Laptev and East Siberian Shelf Sea
Sun X, Humborg C, Mörth C-M & Brüchert V

(2019) Calcium Isotope Heterogeneity in Shallow Sediment from the Gulf of Aqaba and the Iberian Margin
James D, Bradbury HJ, Antler G, Steiner Z, Hutchings A, Sun X & Turchyn AV

(2017) Early Diagenesis of Silica in the Arctic Ocean Sediments Inferred by Porewater Stable Silicon Isotopes
Sun X, Humborg C, Mörth C-M & Brüchert V

(2017) Manganese, Iron, and Sulfate Reduction Rates in Terrestrial Carbon-Dominated Siberian Arctic Shelf and Slope Sediment
Brüchert V, Sawicka J, Sun X, Bröder L, Mörth M, Humborg C, Joye S & Samarkin V

(2014) Global Importance of Diffusive Cation Fluxes in Deep-Sea Sediments for the Biogeochemical Cycles of Calcium, Magnesium, Sodium and Potassium
Sun X, Higgins J & Turchyn A

(2013) The Global Flux of Calcium into and out of Marine Sediments
Sun X & Turchyn AV

(2012) Si Isotope Signatures Preserved in BSi Hold Temperature Information
Sun X, Andersson P, Humborg C, Conley D, Crill P & Moerth C-M

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