All abstracts by T H Yoon in conference series: Goldschmidt
(2007) Microbial Biomineralization and Redox Transformation of As and Fe in an Acid Mine DrainageBenzerara K, Morin G, Yoon T-H, Miot J, Casiot C, Farges F & Brown, Jr. G
(2006) Applications of synchrotron radiation to processes at environmental interfaces
Brown GE, Benzerara K, Yoon TH, Ha J, Cordova CD, Spormann AM, Tyliszczak T, Tanwar KS, Trainor TP & Eng PJ
(2006) Microbial reduction of hematite: effects of particle size and exopolysaccharides
Ha J, Cordova C, Yoon T-H, Spormann A & Brown G
(2005) Soft X-Ray Spectromicroscopy Study of Chemical Heterogeneities in Iron Precipitates Formed at or Near Bacterial Cells
Yoon TH, Borch T, Benzerara K, Fendorf S, Tyliszczak T & Brown Jr. GE
(2005) Nanoscale Environments Associated with Bioweathering of a Mg-Fe-Pyroxene
Benzerara K, Yoon T, Menguy N, Guyot F, Tyliszczak T & Brown Jr. GE