All abstracts by Julie Pearce at Goldschmidt2015
(2015) Reactive Transport Modelling of CO2 with SO2 and O2 as Impurities for Geological Storage: Upscaling from the Benchtop to the Reservoir
Kirste D, Pearce J, Golding S & Frank A |
(2015) Geochemical and Geomechanical Testing of Samples from a Potential Surat Basin CO2 Sequestration Site
Golding SD, Dawson GKW, Rudolph V, Gao J, Xing H, Khan C, Li Q, Pearce JK, Law ACK, Keck R, Watson A, Jiang X & Biddle D |
(2015) Geochemical CO2-SO2-O2-fluid-Rock Interactions
Pearce J, Dawson G, Golab A, Knuefing L & Golding S |