All abstracts by François L.H. Tissot at Goldschmidt2024
(2024) The Influence of Subducted Components on the Ti Isotopic Composition of Arc Magmas
Kang P, Johnson AC, Ibanez-Mejia M, Tissot FLH, Whitney DL, Gordon SM, DesOrmeau J & Fornash KF |
(2024) Simultaneous Determination of Hafnium Radiogenic (ε176Hf) and Mass-Dependent (δ179/177Hf) Isotope Variations in Rocks and Minerals Using a 174Hf-179Hf Double Spike
Ibanez-Mejia M, Tissot FLH, Johnson AC & Kraft R |
(2024) Early Solar System Turbulence Constrained by High Oxidation States of the Oldest non-CArbonaceous Planetesimals
Yap TE, Batygin K & Tissot FLH |
(2024) Magnitude and Timescales of Ca Isotope Variability in Human Urine
Tissot FLH, Cleveland D, Grigoryan R, Kipp MA, Shafiee R, Melton H, Miaou E, Chunduri R, Tacail T & Razionale D |
(2024) High Precision Analysis of Potassium Stable Isotopes Using the Collision/Reaction Cell Neoma MC-ICPMS/MS
Nie NX, Grigoryan R & Tissot FLH |
(2024) Sub-Nanometer Resolution of Zirconium Isotopes in Zircon and Baddeleyite by Atom Probe Tomography
Foley ML, Ibanez-Mejia M, Bloch E, Gerstl S & Tissot FLH |
(2024) UID: The Uranium Isotope Database
Li H & Tissot FLH |
(2024) The Behavior of Ti Isotopes during Continental Batholith Construction: Insights from Whole Rock and Mineral Separates of the Tuolumne Intrusive Complex
Scoggin S, Johnson A, Ibanez-Mejia M, Tissot FLH, Chapman JB, Memeti V & Hammerli J |
(2024) The Ti Isotope Composition of the Andean Lower Continental Crust: Implications for Lower Crustal Foundering and the Co-evolution of Crustal and Mantle Geochemistry
Johnson AC, Ibanez-Mejia M, Tissot FLH & Zieman L |
(2024) Carbonate Uranium Isotopes Record Global Expansion of Marine Anoxia during the Toarcian Oceanic Anoxic Event
Remírez M, Gilleaudeau GJ, Gan T, Kipp MA, Tissot FLH, Kaufman AJ & Parente M |
(2024) Thermal Processing of CAIs Revealed by Stable Isotopes of Refractory Elements
Di Y, Yin Q-Z, Tissot FLH & Amelin Y |
(2024) Limited U Isotope Fractionation during Evaporation: Insights from Gas Levitation Experiments
Han Z, Li H, Tang H, Tissot FLH & Hui H |
(2024) Evidence of Magnetic Fields during the Formation of Calcium-Aluminum-Rich Inclusions
Borlina C, Weiss BP, Bai X-N, Mansbach EN, Chatterjee N, Tung P-Y, Harrison R, Lima EA, Tissot FLH & McKeegan KD |
(2024) Mg Isotope Composition of CAIs from CV Chondrites and Implication for Early Solar System Heterogeneity
Li H, Budde G, Tang H, Marquez RT, Ivanova MA & Tissot FLH |
(2024) Diffusive Isotope Fractionation of Zr in Silicate Melts
Bloch E, Ibanez-Mejia M, Watkins JM, Foley ML, Johnson A, Turner S, Tissot FLH, Mallik A & Ulmer P |
(2024) Zirconium Isotopic Fractionation in the Ocean and its Application as Tracer of Seawater Composition
Huang L, Tissot FLH, Ibanez-Mejia M, MacLennan S & Aarons SM |