All abstracts by Dennis Kraemer at Goldschmidt2023
(2023) Jaspillites from the 3.5 Ga Old Dresser Fm. – A Reliable Geochemical Archive for Ancient Water Chemistry?
Viehmann S, Kraemer D, Hohl SV, Koeberl C & Van Kranendonk MJ |
(2023) An Unusual REE-Nb-Ta-Bearing IOA Deposit Associated with Carbonatite: Insights from Gleibat Lafhouda, South Morocco
Benaouda R, Kraemer D & Bau M |
(2023) Tracing Wastewater Input into the North Sea Using Anthropogenic Gd Anomalies: Evidence for Widespread MRI Contrast Agent Contamination of River Estuaries of Elbe, Ems and Weser and the Southern North Sea Including the German Bight
Kraemer D, Katja S, Klimpel F, Ernst DM, Rauch U, Koschinsky A & Bau M |
(2023) A First Look into the Gallium-Aluminium Systematics of Early Earth’s Seawater: Evidence from Banded Iron Formations
Ernst DM, Garbe-Schönberg D, Kraemer D & Bau M |
(2023) Occurrence and Origin of Dissolved Selenium in a Depleted Limestone Aquifer in Central Jordan
Wagner F, Alhyari M & Kraemer D |
(2023) Rare Earth Elements and Yttrium in Alkaline Lakes and Hot Springs from Tanzania
Kreitsmann T, Kraemer D, Mahecha A, Regenspurg S, Wilke FDH & Bau M |