All abstracts by Ben Tutolo at Goldschmidt2022
(2022) Designing Experiments and Models to Predict Carbon Dioxide Mineralization in Basalts at the Field Scale
Tutolo B, de Obeso JC, Awolayo DN, Zhang Q, Brown C, Kirschner T, Byng J, Mitton A, Laureijs C, Syverson DD, Nightingale M, Luhmann A & Lauer R |
(2022) Water-Alternating-Gas (WAG) Injection as a Plausible Scheme to Optimize Carbon Dioxide Mineralization in the Basaltic Oceanic Crust
Awolayo DN, Tutolo B, Lauer R, de Obeso JC, Nelson CJ & Goldberg D |
(2022) Global Constraints on Modern and Ancient Mid-Ocean Hydrothermal Metal Fluxes to Seawater
Syverson DD, Awolayo DN & Tutolo B |