All abstracts by Jeffrey Vervoort at Goldschmidt2019
(2019) Magmatism and Deformation in the Mt. Edgar Granitic Complex at ~ 3.3 Ga, Pilbara Craton
Salerno R, Vervoort J, Fisher C, Roberts N, Tikoff B & Kemp A |
(2019) Coupled Sm-Nd, Lu-Hf, 142Nd and 182W Study of Mt. Ada Basalt, East Pilbara Terrane, Western Australia
Rizo H, Murphy D, O'Neil J, Kemp A & Vervoort J |
(2019) Understanding the Early Earth Isotope Record: The Role of Accessory Minerals
Fisher C, Bauer A & Vervoort J |
(2019) The Conflicting Hf and Nd Isotope Records of Early Earth Crust-Mantle Evolution
Vervoort J, Kemp A, Fisher C, Bauer A & Salerno R |