All abstracts by Britta Planer-Friedrich at Goldschmidt2019
(2019) Cryptic Sulfur Cycling in Paddy Soils Leads to Formation of Novel Arsenic Species Important for Rice Research
Planer-Friedrich B, Wang J, Kerl C, Hu P, Martin M, Mu T, Brüggenwirth L, Wu G, Said Pullicino D, Romani M & Wu L |
(2019) Biogeochemical Transformation of Fe, As, Mn and N in Household Sand Filters for As Removal in Hanoi, Vietnam
Le AV, Hug S, Planer-Friedrich B & Kappler A |
(2019) Sorption and Transformation of Methylated Thioarsenates in the Rice Rhizosphere by Iron (Oxy)hydroxides
Kerl CF & Planer-Friedrich B |
(2019) Sulfur-Induced Arsenic Mobilization in Peat
Besold J, Eberle A, Kerl C, Lezama Pacheco J, Fendorf S & Planer-Friedrich B |
(2019) 2-D Imaging of Light-Dependent Changes in Arsenic Speciation in Microbial Mat Porewaters
Gatti LM, Castillejos Sepulveda A, Planer-Friedrich B, Farias ME & Klatt JM |
(2019) Sb Release and Fe Transformations during Sulfidization of Sb(V)-bearing Ferrihydrite
Hockmann K, Planer-Friedrich B, Johnston SG & Burton ED |
(2019) Influence of Redox Interfaces on Arsenic Mobility
Kumar N, Boye K, Noel V, Planer-Friedrich B, Bargar J, Brown G & Fendorf S |