All abstracts by Jabrane Labidi at Goldschmidt2018
(2018) 13CH3D and 12CH2D2 Measurements of Methane from Boreal Lakes
Haghnegahdar M, Schauble E, Kohl I, Labidi J, Walter Anthony K & Young E |
(2018) Bulk and Clumped Isotopic Signatures of Aerobically Produced Methane
Taenzer L, Gaube J, Rumble D, Young E, Labidi J & Leavitt W |
(2018) Resolved Analyses of 13CDH3 and 12CD2H2 from Taiwan Mud Volcanoes
Rumble D, Wang P-L, Lin L-H, Lin Y-T, Tu T-H, Labidi J & Young ED |
(2018) Formation Processe(s) of Methane in Submarine Mud-Volcanoes from the Marianna Trench (IODP Exp. 366)
Labidi J, Sissmann O, Giunta T, Price R, Takai K, Kohl I & Young E |
(2018) A Relationship between Sulfur Isotopes, μ182W, and 3He/4He: Evaluating the Possibility of S- Isotope Heterogeneity in a Primitive Mantle Reservoir
Dottin Iii J, Farquhar J, Labidi J & Jackson M |
(2018) Selenium Isotope and Se–Te Elemental Systematics of the Pacific–Antarctic Ridge Basalts
Yierpan A, König S, Labidi J, Kurzawa T, Redlinger J & Schoenberg R |