All abstracts by Harry Becker at Goldschmidt2017
(2017) Siderophile Volatile Element Fractionation in the Solar Nebula
Becker H, Kadlag Y & Wang Z |
(2017) Sulfur Isotopic Composition of Pyroxenites from the Earth’s Mantle
Schmid FE, Iden E, Becker H & Wiechert U |
(2017) Impact-Generated Zircon and the History of Lunar Breccia 67955
Vanderliek DM, Becker H & Rocholl A |
(2017) Wet or Dry? Compositional Constraints on Late Accreted Material
Becker H, Gleissner P, Li C & Wang Z |
(2017) Constant Cu/Ag in Mantle Pyroxenites, MORBs and OIBs – Implications for the Formation of Continental Crust
Wang Z, Liu Y, Becker H, Hoffmann E & Chen C |
(2017) Hf-Nd Isotope and Platinum Group Element Patterns of >3.8 Ga Mantle Peridotites from SW Greenland
van de Löcht J, Münker C, Hoffmann JE, Li C, Wang Z, Becker H & Rosing MT |