All abstracts by David Waite at Goldschmidt2010
(2010) Reactive Oxygen Species Generation by Elemental Iron and Silver Nanoparticulates
Waite TD, Jones A & Garg S |
(2010) Impact of Amorphous Ferric Oxide Reactions during the Dissociation of Organically Complexed Fe(III)
Bligh M & Waite TD |
(2010) Mineral Species Controlling the Solubility of Al in Acid Sulfate Soil Waters
Jones A, Collins R & Waite TD |
(2010) The Inhibitory Effect of Silicate on the Fe(II)-catalysed Sequestration of U by Fe(III) Oxides
Boland D, Collins R, Payne T & Waite TD |
(2010) Is There a Link between Fe(III) Oxide Reactivity, Fe(II)-Catalysed Crystallisation and U(VI) Reduction?
Collins RN, Payne TE & Waite TD |