All abstracts by Philippe Van Cappellen at Goldschmidt 2002
(2002) Trace Metal Dynamics in Freshwater Sediment: The Haringvliet
Canavan R, Slomp CP & Van Cappellen P |
(2002) Abiotic vs. Microbial Reduction of Uranium (VI)
Behrends T & Van Cappellen P |
(2002) Arsenic Association with Iron Sulphides, Adsorption and Incorporation
Wolthers M, van der Weijden CH, Rickard D, Van Cappellen P & Charlet L |
(2002) Surface Chemistry of a Gram-Negative Bacterium
Claessens J, Behrends T & Van Cappellen P |
(2002) Composition and Chemical Reactivity of an Iron-Phosphorus-Manganese Phase in a Freshwater Estuarine Sediment
Hyacinthe C, Hyacinthe C & Van Cappellen P |
(2002) Reactive Transport in Complex Biogeochemical Systems
Van Cappellen P & Regnier P |
(2002) From Process-Oriented Laboratory Experiments to the Modelling of Complex Natural Systems: Incorporation of Microbial Dynamics in a Biogeochemical Reaction Network Simulator Based on the Concept of a ‘Knowledge Base’
Regnier P, Laverman A, Pallud C, Van Lith Y & Van Cappellen P |
(2002) Global Benthic Fluxes: Importance of Enhanced Solute Transport in Marine Sediments
Meile C & Van Cappellen P |
(2002) Seasonal Oscillations in Microbial Iron and Sulfate Reduction in Saltmarsh Sediments
Koretsky C, Moore C, Meile C, DiChristina T & Van Cappellen P |
(2002) Application of Reactive Transport Modelling to the Interpretation of pH Changes in Sediments
Jourabchi P, Van Cappellen P & Regnier P |