All abstracts by Mario Trieloff at Goldschmidt 2000
(2000) 40Ar-39Ar Ages of H-Chondrites: Constraints on Parent Body Thermal Metamorphism
Hopp J & Trieloff M |
(2000) Noble Gases in the Loihi and Iceland Mantle Plume Sources and Constraints on Earth's Early History
Trieloff M, Kunz J, Clague DA, Harrison D & Allègre CJ |
(2000) Argon: A Tracer of Mantle Metasomatism Recorded by Xenoliths from the Uwayrid Volcanic Field, Saudi Arabia
Bouikine A, Trieloff M, Hopp J & Altherr R |
(2000) Tracing Mantle Metasomatism of Zabargad (Red Sea) Peridotites by the 40Ar-39Ar Technique
Korotchantseva E, Trieloff M & Hopp J |