All abstracts by Max Werner Schmidt at Goldschmidt 2007
(2007) Equlibrium Experiments and Theoretical Studies in the MgO-SiO2-H2O System at High Pressures: Clarification of Stabilities and Thermodynamic Properties of Phase A, Clinohumite and Chondrodite
Melekhova E, Schmidt MW, Ulmer P, Connolly JAD & Dorogokupets PI |
(2007) Fluids, Melts, and Supercriticality in the MSH System and Element Transport in Subduction Zones
Schmidt MW & Melekhova E |
(2007) Differences between Preserved vs. Delaminated Lower Crust: Evidences from the Kohistan Arc
Jagoutz O, Müntener O, Schmidt MW, Ulmer P & Burg J-P |
(2007) Magmatic Paragonite: Vapour Saturation of Hydrous Arc Magmas at High Pressure ?
Müntener O, Schmidt MW, Ulmer P & Jagoutz O |