All abstracts by Pascal Philippot at Goldschmidt 2007
(2007) Nano-Carbonate Clustering in Organic Globules Supports a Biogenic Origin of 2.7 Gyr Old Stomatolites
Lepot K, Benzerara K & Philippot P |
(2007) Multiple Sulfur and Carbon Isotopic Chemiostratigraphy of the 2.73 Ga Carbonated Tumbiana Formation, New Insights for the Fortescue Excursion
Thomazo C, Ader M, Farquhar J & Philippot P |
(2007) Noble Gases Composition of Palaeo Archaean Atmosphere and Mantle
Pujol M, Marty B, Cauzid J & Philippot P |
(2007) In situ Determination of Arsenic Speciation in Natural Fluid Inclusion from Au-Rich Quartz Veins
Cauzid J, Brugger J, Hazemann J-L, James-Smith J, Liu W, Philippot P, Proux O & Testemale D |
(2007) Carbon and Iron Isotopic Evidence for Photosynthesis in a 3.5 Ga Old Shallow Marine Depositional Environment
van Zuilen M, Thomazo C, Luais B & Philippot P |
(2007) Elemental-Sulfur Reducing or Disproportionating Organisms in a ~3, 5 Myr-Old Seafloor Setting
Philippot P, Van Zuilen M, Lepot K, Thomazo C, Farquhar J & Van Kranendonk M |
(2007) Isotopic Record of Hadean Crust in Western Australia
Tessalina S, Philippot P, Van Kranendonk M, Bourdon B & Birck J-L |