All abstracts by Philippe Negrel at Goldschmidt 2000
(2000) Chronology of Fluvial Sediments in the Loire River Valley over the Past 8500 Years:
Négrel P, Kloppmann W, Garcin M & Giot D |
(2000) Boron Isotope Fractionation in Groundwaters as an Indicator of Permafrost Past Conditions in the Fractured Crystalline Bedrock of the Fennoscandian Shield
Casanova J, Négrel P, Blomqvist R & Wikberg P |
(2000) Lead Contents and Lead Isotopes in the Labile Fraction of Sediments in Silicate-Drained Rocks: Evidence in Small Watersheds in the Massif Central (France)
Roy S & Négrel P |
(2000) Arsenic and Rare Earth Elements Trapping by Carbonates and Hydrous Iron Oxides Precipitates Generated by Degassing and Oxidation of Mineralised Waters
Le Guern C, Baranger P, Conil P, Negrel P, Brach M, Bodenan F & Crouzet C |