All abstracts by John W. Valley at Goldschmidt2016
(2016) Radiation Damage, APT and Pb Mobility in Zircon: The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly
Valley J, Blum T, Reinhard D, Larson D, Prosa T & Kelly T |
(2016) Sensativity and Uncertainty in Nanoscale Geochronology by Atom Probe Tomography
Blum T, Reinhard D, Chen Y, Prosa T, Larson D & Valley J |
(2016) Micron-Scale Oxygen Isotope Zoning in Metabasalt Zircon: A Robust History of Crustal Fluid Flow during Crustal Growth
Bowman J, Hilber M, Moser D, Valley J, Mazdab F & Wooden J |
(2016) Hf-O Isotope Signature for Zircons in the Taitao Granite: Geochemical Constraints on Slab-Melting
Suzuki K, Iizuka T, Kitajima K, Valley JW, Sawaki Y, Hattori K, Hirata T & Anma R |
(2016) Improved Matrix Correction of δ18O Analysis by SIMS for Pyralspite and Cr-pyrope Garnets
Kitajima K, Strickland A, Spicuzza MJ, Tenner TJ & Valley JW |
(2016) Detrital Jack Hills Zircon-Quartz δ18O Analysis Tests Alteration of Zircon and Zircon Inclusions
Cameron E, Valley J, Ortiz-Cordero D, Kitajima K & Cavosie A |