All abstracts by Philippe Claeys at Goldschmidt2016
(2016) Chromite: Accessory Mineral Tracing Pallasite Parent Body Differentiation
McKibbin S, Hecht L, Iizuka T & Claeys P |
(2016) Multi-Proxy Analyses of Bioapatites – Implications for Palaeoecology, Palaeoclimatology and Bioarchaeology
Claeys P, de Winter N, Stein K & Snoeck C |
(2016) Isotopic and Trace Element Seasonality in Cretaceous Rudist Bivalves (Hippuritida): Tracing Cretaceous Seasonality
de Winter N, Snoeck C, Skelton P, Huck S & Claeys P |
(2016) Investigating Diagenetic Patterns Using δ18Op and δ18Oc in Bone and Tooth Apatite of Modern, Archaeological and Fossil Specimens
Snoeck C, de Winter N, Stein K & Claeys P |