All abstracts by Alberto Zanetti at Goldschmidt2013
(2013) New Insights into the Evolution of the Finero Mafic Complex
Langone A, Renna MR, Tiepolo M, Zanetti A, Mazzucchelli M & Giovanardi T |
(2013) Meter-Scale Chemical Interaction between Pyroxenite-Derived Melts and Mantle Peridotites in the Northern Apennine Ophiolites (Italy)
Borghini G, Rampone E, Zanetti A, Class C, Cipriani A, Hofmann A, Goldstein S & Godard M |
(2013) U-Pb and Hf Isotopes in Zircons from Mantle Chromitites of the Finero Peridotite (Ivrea Verbano Zone)
Giovanardi T, Zanetti A, Mazzucchelli M, Tiepolo M, Wu F, Langone A & Vannucci R |
(2013) High Temperature Alteration of the Gabbroic Oceanic Crust (Ligurian Ophiolites, Italy): Evidence for Hydrothermal-Magmatic Interactions
Tribuzio R, Renna MR, Dallai L & Zanetti A |