All abstracts by Simon Turner at Goldschmidt2013
(2013) Constraining the Nature of the Western Azores Mantle Source Using Pb-Hf-Os Isotope Systematics
Genske F, Beier C, Turner S, Stracke A & Haase K |
(2013) Mafic Potassic Volcanics from the Altiplano, South America: Indication of a Dynamic A-Type Magma Source Under Construction?
Pankhurst M, Schaefer B & Turner S |
(2013) Assimilation of Sediments Embedded in the Oceanic Arc Crust: Myth or Reality?
Bezard R, Davidson J, Turner S, Macpherson C, Lindsay J & Boyce A |
(2013) Along-Arc Geochemical and Isotopic Variations in Javanese Volcanic Rocks: ‘Crustal’ Versus ‘Source’ Contamination at the Sunda Arc, Indonesia
Handley H, Blichert-Toft J, Turner S, Macpherson C & Gertisser R |
(2013) Mass Transfer of Fluids and Metals in the Deep Earth
Locmelis M, Fiorentini M, Rushmer T, Adam J, Zaccarini F, Garuti G, Turner M & Turner S |
(2013) Extremely Young Melt Infiltration of the Continental Lithospheric Mantle
Turner S & Turner M |
(2013) Recycling of Water between the Mantle and Crust/Hydrosphere
Turner M, Turner S, Ireland T & Adam J |
(2013) Crystal/Melt Partitioning of Volatiles during the Near-Solidus Melting of Peridotite
Adam J, Turner M, Hauri E & Turner S |
(2013) Fractionation of 238U/235U by Reduction during Low T Uranium Mineralisation Processes
Murphy M, Stirling C, Kaltenbach A, Turner S & Schaefer B |