All abstracts by Andri Stefansson at Goldschmidt2013
(2013) Chromium Chemistry in Natural Waters, Iceland
Kaasalainen H, Stefánsson A, Gunnarsson I & Arnórsson S |
(2013) CO2-Olivine Interaction in Porous Media – An Experimental Study
Přikryl J, Stefánsson A & Sigfússon B |
(2013) Reactive Transport of Common Hydrological Tracers in Porous Media – An Experimental Study
Moola P, Sigfusson B & Stefánsson A |
(2013) Sulfur Isotope Systematics of Geothermal Fluids, Krafla, Iceland
Keller N, Stefansson A, Ono S & Gunnarsson Robin J |
(2013) IR Specroscopic and Quantum Chemical Study of Metal Bicarbonate and Carbonate Intereaction in Aqeuous Solutions
Stefansson A, Lemke K, Bénézeth P & Schott J |