All abstracts by Daniel J. Frost at Goldschmidt2013
(2013) The Dependence of Siderophile Element Partitioning on Pressure, Temperature, fO2 and S-Content
Vogel AK, Rubie DC, Frost DJ, Audétat A & Palme H |
(2013) Silicon Diffusion in Liquid Iron: Kinetic Implications for Metal-Silicate Equilibration
Posner ES, Frost DJ & Rubie DC |
(2013) Metal-Silicate Partitioning of the HSE at High Pressures and Temperatures in S-Bearing Systems
Laurenz V, Rubie DC & Frost DJ |
(2013) The Stability of Carbonate Melt in Eclogite Rocks with Respect to Oxygen Fugacity
Frost D, Stagno V, McCammon C & Fei Y |
(2013) The Fate and Behaviour of Volatiles during Subduction of Oceanic Crustal Material Towards the Deep Mantle
Rosenthal A & Frost DJ |
(2013) Experimental Calibration of a Garnet-Clinopyroxene Geobarometer for Mantle Eclogites
Beyer C & Frost DJ |
(2013) Single-Crystal Elastic Properties of Fe<sub>0.04</sub>Mg<sub>0.96</sub>SiO3 – Perovskite at High Pressure
Kurnosov A, Trots D, Boffa Ballaran T & Frost D |
(2013) Single Crystal Elasticity of the Na<sub>1.07</sub>Mg<sub>1.58</sub>Al<sub>4.91</sub>Si<sub>1.26</sub>O12 NAL Phase and Seismic Heterogeneity in the Deep Mantle
Pamato MG, Kurnosov A, Boffa Ballaran T, Trots DM, Caracas R & Frost DJ |
(2013) Elastic Wave Velocities of Polycrystalline Mg<sub>3</sub>Al<sub>2</sub>Si<sub>3</sub>O12-pyrope Garnet to 24 GPa and 1300K
Chantel J, Manthilake G, Frost D, Beyer C, Jing Z & Wang Y |
(2013) Some Solid Solutions Involving Fe<sub>4</sub>O5
Woodland A, Schollenbruch K, Koch M & Frost D |
(2013) Experimental Efforts to Understand Deep Mantle Melting
Frost D, Novella D, Myhill R, Liebske C & Tronnes R |
(2013) F and Cl Solubilities in Wadsleyite and Ringwoodite
Roberge M, Bureau H, Bolfan-Casanova N, Frost D, Raepsaet C, Surble S, Khodja H & Fiquet G |
(2013) The Formation of Low Degree Hydrous Melts in the Earth’s Upper Mantle
Novella D, Frost DJ & Hauri EH |
(2013) Hydrogen Mobility in Wadsleyite at Low Temperatures
Vigouroux E, Ingrin J, Depecker C, Bolfan-Casanova N & Frost D |