All abstracts by Kenneth A. Farley in conference series: Goldschmidt
(2024) Helium Diffusivity Measurements Under Hydrothermal Conditions Indicate High Retentivity of Helium in Goethite at Surface TemperaturesThyer B, Farley KA & Treffkorn J
(2024) A New Approach to Probe Carrier Phases of Extraterrestrial 3He in Pelagic Sediments
Deng R, Pavia F, Qian Y, Kirschvink J, Roberts A & Farley KA
(2023) 40Ar/39Ar and (U-Th)/He Constraints on Landscape Evolution in Alkaline-Carbonatite Complexes
Conceição FT, Vasconcelos PM, Navarro GRB & Farley KA
(2021) Perseverance Rover Notional Caches for Mars Sample Return
Hickman-Lewis K, Herd CDK, Bosak T, Stack KM, Sun VZ, Benison KC, Cohen BA, Czaja AD, Debaille V, Hausrath EM, Mayhew LE, Moynier F, Sephton MA, Shuster DL, Siljeström S, Simon JI, Weiss BP, Smith CL, Steele A, Flannery D, Goreva YS, Gupta S, Kah LC, Minitti ME, McLennan SM, Madariaga JM, Brown AJ, Williford KH & Farley KA
(2019) Amazon Relic Landscapes: Evidence from Cosmogenic 3He in Paleoriver Hematite Pebbles
da Silva Monteiro H, de Paula Vasconcelos PM & Farley KA
(2019) Combining Weathering Geochronology and Cosmogenic Nuclides in Landscape Evolution
Vasconcelos PM, Farley K & Stone J
(2017) Intracrystalline Oxygen Isotope Thermometry of Goethite
Miller H, Farley K, Eiler J & Vasconcelos P
(2017) Tectonics, Climate, and Copper in the Central Andes: Insights from (U-Th)/He Hematite Geochronology
Cooper F, Adams B, Blundy J, Bunker E, Farley K, McKeon R & Ruggiero A
(2017) Anomalous Magmatism at 40 S on the Pacific Antarctic Ridge during the Penultimate Deglaciation
Lund D, Asimow P, Farley K & Lewis M
(2017) Olivine Barometry Based on X-Ray Computed Tomography of Fluid Inclusions
Farley K & Horton F
(2017) Xenon and Krypton in Carbon-Rich Lithologies: Isotopic Anomalies, Present and Past Atmospheric Signatures
Avice G, Farley KA & Tartèse R
(2015) Neon Diffusion in Hematite and Corundum
Cox S & Farley K
(2015) Slow and Steady Drop of the Atacama Water Table from ~15 Ma Constrained by (U-Th)/He Dating of Hematite
Cooper F, Blundy J, Farley K, Mckeon R & Ruggiero A
(2015) Enhanced Hydrothermal Activity along the East Pacific Rise during the Last Two Glacial Terminations
Lund D, Asimow P & Farley K
(2015) The Clumped-Isotope Geochemistry of Marble Exhumation
Ryb U, Eiler JM, Farley KA, Lloyd MK & Stolper DA
(2015) SHRIMP-Si (18O/16O) Analyses of Goethite: Technical Aspects and Applications to Paleoenvironmental Studies
da Silva Monteiro H, Vasconcelos PM, Ireland T, Farley K, D'Avila J, Miller H, Eiler J & Southam G
(2015) Super Light Rain in Supercontinents
Vasconcelos PM, da Silva Monteiro H, Ireland T, Farley K & D'Avila J
(2014) Radiation Damage and Noble Gas Mobility in Minerals
Reiners P & Farley K
(2014) Ne and He MDD Geochronology of Hematite from a Michigan BIF
McKeon R & Farley K
(2014) (U-Th)/He Geochronology and δ18O Values of Goethite in Weathering Profiles
Miller H, Farley K, Eiler J & Vasconcelos P
(2014) Dating Mars with ID-Kard: Further Advances for a Future Mission
Cartwright J, Farley K, Hurowitz J, Asimow P, Simcic J, Madzunkov S & Papanastassiou D
(2014) NASA’s Mars 2020 Rover Mission
Farley K, Schulte M, Beaty D & Bass D
(2014) (U-Th)/He Chronometry of Multiple Secondary Minerals, Sierra Nevada, California
Sousa F, Saleeby J & Farley K
(2014) Neon Diffusion in Durango Fluorapatite
Cox S & Farley K
(2013) Nucleogenic Neon-21 Production Rates for Geochronology
Cox S, Farley K & Cherniak D
(2009) Testing the Limits to High Spatial Resolution Laser Analysis of Noble Gases in Natural and Experimental Samples
Kelley S, Cherniak D, Farley K & Schwanethal J
(2009) Major Events in the Recent History of the Solar System Recorded by 3He in Deep-Sea Sediments
Farley KA
(2008) What is 4He/3He Thermochronometry Telling us About the (U-Th)/He System in Apatite?
Shuster D & Farley K
(2008) Late Glacial Paleoclimate of the Central Altiplano Constrained by Cosmogenic He-3 Dating and ‘clumped-Isotope’ Paleothermometry
Blard PH, Lave J, Farley KA, Tripati A, Eiler JM, Sylvestre F & Fornari M
(2008) What are Diffusing Noble Gases Really Doing?
Farley K
(2007) Further Constraints on Helium Partitioning in Mantle Minerals
Burnard P, Farley K & Toplis M
(2007) Very High Exhumation Rates in the Central Swiss Alps, Revealed by the (U-Th)/He and Fission Track Analyses
Aramowicz A, Cosca M, Farley K, Seward D & Stöckli D
(2007) The Influence of Neutron Irradiation and Thermal Annealing on Helium Diffusivity in Apatite
Shuster D & Farley K
(2007) (U-Th)/He Apatite Constraints on the Erosional History of the Southwestern Colorado Plateau and Implications for Early Tertiary Uplift and Carving of a "Proto-Grand Canyon"
Flowers R, Wernicke B & Farley K
(2006) Evidence for radiation damage control on apatite He ages from the Grand Canyon region, Colorado Plateau
Flowers RM, Shuster DL, Farley KA & Wernicke BP
(2006) Cosmogenic 3He in Apatite, Titanite, and Zircon
Farley K, Libarkin J, Mukhopadhyay S & Amidon W
(2006) Progress and Problems with Apatite (U-Th)/He Dating
Farley K & Clark M
(2006) (U-Th)/Ne chronometry
Gautheron C, Tassan-Got L & Farley K
(2006) Terrestrial Cosmogenic Nuclides as Paleoaltimeters: New Approaches and Future Potential
Libarkin J, Riihimaki C & Farley K
(2006) (U-Th)/He and 40Ar/39Ar geochronology of weathering, Hamersley Province, Australia: implications for weathering history and landscape evolution
Heim J, Vasconcelos P, Farley K, Shuster D & Broadbent G
(2006) Subcontinetal lithospheric mantle origin of the Cenozoic kamafugite in western Qinling, China: Evidence from helium isotopes in mantle-derived xenoliths
Zhao Z, Gautheron CG, Farley K, Zhang H, Yu X & Mo X
(2006) Radiation damage and helium diffusion kinetics in apatite
Shuster D, Flowers R & Farley K
(2005) He Diffusion and (U-Th)/He Thermochronometry of Monazite and Rutile
Stockli D, Farley K, Walker JD & Blackburn T
(2005) Dating Erosion Events Using <+>4<$>He/<+>3<$>He Thermochronometry
Farley K, Shuster D, Clark M & Maheo G
(2005) Timing of Accelerated Glacial Denudation Constrained by <+>4<$>He/<+>3<$>He Thermochronometry
Shuster D, Farley K & Ehlers T
(2003) Comparison between (U-Th)/He and K/Ar Ages from Layered Young Rhyolites in Kyushu, Japan
Yamada K, Tagami T & Farley K
(2003) 4He/3He Thermochronometry
Shuster D, Farley K, Sisterson J & Burnett D
(2003) Experimental Evidence Concerning the Pressure Dependence of He Diffusion and Fission-Track Annealing Kinetics in Apatite
Donelick R, Farley K, Asimow P & O’Sullivan P
(2003) Thermal Sensitivities of Zircon (U-Th)/He and Fission-Track Systems
Tagami T, Farley K & Stockli D
(2002) 3He Exposure Dating of Magnetite
Bryce J & Farley K
(2002) Cosmogenic 3He in Goethite
Shuster D, Farley KA & Vasconcelos PM
(2002) Rutile as a Potential (U-Th)/He Thermochronometer
Crowhurst PV, Farley KA, Ryan CG, Duddy I & Blacklock KA
(2002) Apatite (U-Th)/He Multi Grain-Size Analysis: A Thermal History Tool
Stockli DF & Farley KA
(2002) Using Proton-Induced 3He to Study He Diffusion Kinetics and Rock Thermal Histories
Farley K, Shuster D, Burnett D & Sisterson J
(2002) Apatite (U-Th)/He Signals of Transient Topography
Ehlers TA & Farley K
(2002) Constraining Landscape Evolution of the West Antarctic Rift Flank of Southern Victoria Land
Fitzgerald P, Baldwin S, Farley K, Hedges L, O'Sullivan P & Webb L
(2002) Acapulco Recorded an Early Asteroidal Heat Pulse
Marti K, Kim Y, Min K, Renne P & Farley K
(2002) Mantle-Derived Components in Xiangshan Uranium Deposit, Jiangxi, China
Hu R-Z, Zhao J, Peng J, Bi X, Farley KA & Burnard P
(2001) Volatiles in the Source of Basalts from the Southeast Indian: Degassing Corrections from Noble Gas Trajectories
Burnard PG, Farley KA & Graham DW
(2000) Fractionation of Noble Gases during Mantle Melting: Amsterdam-St. Paul's Plateau, South East Indian Ridge
Burnard P, Farley K, Graham D & Mukhopadhyay S