All abstracts by Miquela Ingalls in conference series: Goldschmidt
(2023) Phase Identification of Phosphorus Uptake onto Carbonate Minerals in Coastal Wastewater Injection ZonesMeyers KL, Kump L, Webb S, Richardson JA, Martin M & Ingalls M
(2021) Carbonate P/Ca as a Proxy for Phosphate Levels in the Archean
Ingalls M, Fischer W & Grotzinger J
(2018) Do you Need a PBL on a 253 Plus? Uncertainty in ∆47 Measurements
Davidheiser-Kroll B, Ingalls M & Snell K
(2018) Spatial Stable Isotope Variability in Modern Lacustrine Carbonate: How do Local Microbial Processes Translate to the Sedimentary Record?
Ingalls M, Trower L & Snell K
(2015) Paleocene-Eocene Lhasaplano Paleoaltimetry: Implications for Mass Balance in the India-Asia Collision
Ingalls M, Rowley D, Olack G & Colman A