All abstracts by Peter J. Eng in conference series: Goldschmidt
(2016) Redox Dependent Interfacial Reactivity of Hexavalent RadionuclidesHellebrandt S, Knope KE, Lee SS, Stubbs JE, Eng PJ, Soderholm L, Fenter P & Schmidt M
(2015) Fate of Silver Nanoparticles at the Bacterial Biofilm/Mineral/Water Interface
Gelabert A, Levard C, Ona-Nguema G, Desmau M, Auffan M, Rose J, Labille J, Sivry Y, Eng P, Guyot F & Benedetti MF
(2015) Influence of Background Electrolyte on ThIV Sorption Behavior
Hellebrandt S, Schmidt M, Knope KE, Lee SS, Stubbs JE, Eng PJ, Soderholm L & Fenter P
(2015) Sorption of Trivalent Rare Earth Elements on Calcite
Peschel S, Schmidt M, Hofmann S, Stubbs J & Eng P
(2014) Surface-Mediated Formation of Pu(IV) Nanoparticles on Muscovite
Schmidt M, Knope K, Lee SS, Stubbs J, Eng P, Bellucci F, Fenter P & Soderholm L
(2013) Oxidative Corrosion of Uraninite (UO2) Surfaces
Stubbs J, Eng P, Biwer C, Chaka A, Waychunas G & Bargar J
(2013) Amino Acid Binding on Oxide Surfaces: Results from CTR and Surface X-Ray Anomalous Scattering
Waychunas G, Stubbs J & Eng P
(2012) Oxidative Corrosion of the Uraninite (111) Surface
Stubbs J, Eng P, Biwer C, Chaka A, Waychunas G & Bargar J
(2012) Ion Specific Effects at the Calcite(104) – Water Interface
Heberling F, Eng P, Lutzenkirchen J, Stubbs J, Schafer T & Geckeis H
(2012) Structural and Chemical Studies of the Pyrite (001) Surface
Gilbert B, Eng P, Singer D, Banfield J & Waychunas G
(2011) Olivine and Pyroxene Surface Reactivity during H2-generation
Templeton A, Mayhew L, Trainor T, Eng P & McCollom T
(2010) Structure of Hydrated UO2 Surfaces
Stubbs J, Eng P, Waychunas G, Paffett M & Bargar J
(2010) Structure and Reactivity of Hydrated Goethite (100) Interface and Arsenic Sorption: CTR and RAXR Study
Ghose S, Waychunas G, Eng P & Trainor T
(2009) Structure and Modification of Iron-Oxide Surfaces during Reaction with Dissolved Iron
Trainor T, Iceman C, Tanwar K, Petitto S, Eng P, Mason S & Chaka A
(2009) Sorption Processes on Small and Dirty Mineral Particles – Do Size and Cleanliness Matter?
Brown Jr. GE, Ha J, Gélabert A, Singer DM, Wang Y, Bargar JR, Eng P, Choi Y, Kendelewicz T & Spormann AM
(2008) Hard X-Ray Microprobes Using Mirrors: Capabilities, Applications and Future Developments
Sutton S, Newville M, Eng P, Rivers M & Lanzirotti A
(2008) Parameters Controlling Metal Adsorption at the Biofilm/Mineral Interface: Evidence for a Diffusion Limited Process and Comparison with Thermodynamic Modeling
Gelabert A, Wang Y, Ha J, Ona-Nguema G, Spormann AM, Bargar JR, Rogers J, Eng P, Ghose S & Brown GE
(2008) Structural Investigation of Fe(II) Adsorption on Hematite (0001) and (1-102)
Tanwar K, Petitto S, Ghose S, Eng P & Trainor T
(2008) Structure and Reactivity of Hydrated Goethite (100) Interface and Arsenic Sorption: CTR and RAXR Study
Ghose S, Waychunas G, Eng P & Trainor T
(2008) Impact of S. oneidensis MR-1 Biofilm Coatings on Trace Element Partitioning at Metal-Oxide/Water Interfaces: A Long Period XSW-FY Study
Wang Y, Alexandre G, Ona-Nguema G, Ha J, Gescher J, Bargar J, Rogers J, Eng P, Spormann A & Brown G
(2007) Synchrotron-Based Studies of Fluids, Mineral-Water Interfaces and Glasses
Sutton S, Newville M, Eng P, Rivers M & Ghose S
(2006) Structure of the iron-oxide - aqueous solution interface: surface x-ray diffraction and density functional theory studies
Trainor T, Eng P, Chaka A, Lo C, Tanwar K, Ghose S & Petitto S
(2006) In-situ insights into microbially-mediated basalt weathering and metal biomineralization at active Seamounts
Templeton A, Trainor T, Eng P, Bailey B, Staudigel H & Tebo B
(2006) Enviromental Surface and Interface Science at GSECARS
Eng PJ, Ghose SK & Trainor TP
(2006) Applications of synchrotron radiation to processes at environmental interfaces
Brown GE, Benzerara K, Yoon TH, Ha J, Cordova CD, Spormann AM, Tyliszczak T, Tanwar KS, Trainor TP & Eng PJ
(2005) Sorption and Structural Properties of Aquous-Mineral Surfaces Interfaces: Surface X-Ray Techniques
Ghose S, Eng P & Trainor T
(2005) Structure and Reactivity of Hydroxylated Hematite Surfaces: Application of Surface X-Ray Diffraction and Spectroscopy
Trainor T, Eng P, Chaka A, Lo C, Tanwar K, Ghose S, Brown G, Catalano J, Waychunas G & Templeton A
(2005) X-Ray Fluorescence Microprobes Using Microfocusing Mirrors
Sutton S, Newville M, Rivers M, Eng P & Lanzirotti A
(2001) Structure and Reactivity of ?-Al2O3 (0001) and (1-102) Surfaces
Trainor TP, Eng PJ, Templeton AS & Brown Jr. GE