All abstracts by Stephen Cox in conference series: Goldschmidt
(2023) Argon Isotopic Composition of Marine Biogenic Carbonates and Implications for Tracking the Secular Variation of the Atmosphere Through the PhanerozoicCermak AM, Cox S, Hemming SR, Chen H & Gothmann AM
(2019) Thermochronology of Antarctic-Derived Pebbles for Ice Sheet and Geologic History
Cox S, Hemming S, Williams T, Thomson S, Reiners P & van de Flierdt T
(2015) Neon Diffusion in Hematite and Corundum
Cox S & Farley K
(2014) Neon Diffusion in Durango Fluorapatite
Cox S & Farley K
(2013) Nucleogenic Neon-21 Production Rates for Geochronology
Cox S, Farley K & Cherniak D