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All abstracts by Juergen Thieme in conference series: Goldschmidt

(2023) Mineral Quantification in Mixtures of Synthetic Goethite, Hematite and Ferrihydrite by Table-Top NEXAFS at the O K-Edge
Wild P, Holburg J, Müller M, Totsche KU, Mann K, Thieme J & Eusterhues K

(2022) Imaging Redox-Conditions for Microbial Life in Tar-Oil Contaminated Soils
Thieme J, Ivanov P, Eusterhues K & Totsche KU

(2022) High-Resolution Analysis of Clay Minerals and Amorphous Materials in Martian Analog Sedimentary Environments
Thorpe MT, Rampe EB, Thieme J, Dooryhee E, Lee S & Christoffersen R

(2022) Imaging Distribution and Speciation of P Across Natural Fe Oxides, Clay Minerals, Microorganisms, and Diatoms by Nano-Xrf and Nano-NEXAFS
Eusterhues K, Thieme J, Haidl A, Fröse H, Luehl L, Hönicke P, Wilhein T, Kanngiesser B & Totsche KU

(2020) Natural Mineral-Organic Associations Studied by XRF and P-Edge XANES
Thieme J, Eusterhues K, Luehl L, Haidl A, Wilhein T, Kanngiesser B & Totsche K

(2019) X-Ray Spectromicroscopy on Rocks Relevant to Mars Return Samples
Thieme J, Trewhella C, Hurowitz J & Schoonen M

(2019) Occurrence of Inner-Sphere P-O-Fe Bonds on Natural Iron Oxides
Eusterhues K, Thieme J, Regier T, Araki T, Kazemian M, Kaulich B, Narvekar S, Mansfeldt T & Totsche KU

(2018) Multimodal Imaging of a Banded Iron Formation Sample
Schoonen M, Thieme J, Northrup P, Jaret S, McKeeby B, Glotch T, Young J, Yesiltas M & Ohmoto H

(2017) X-Ray Fluorescence Imaging and Spectroscopy with Sub-µm and Sub-100nm Spatial Resolution for Mineralogy and Geochemistry
Thieme J, Williams G, Chen-Wiegart Y-C, Bowerman B, Hurowitz J, Glotch T, Legett C, Schoonen M & Coates J

(2017) Underlying Mechanisms and Control of Oil Reservoir Souring
Coates J, Williamson A, Carlson H & Thieme J

(2017) Veinlet-Scale Reactive Transport during Serpentinization: Implications for H2 Fluxes from Oceanic Serpentinites
Tutolo B, Tosca N & Thieme J

(2017) Composition of Natural Organic Matter Coatings on Fe Oxides
Eusterhues K, Thieme J, Narvekar S, Mansfeldt T & Totsche KU

(2015) Combining C1s STXM and Atomic Force Microscopy (AFM) to Study EPS in Biofilms
Eusterhues K, Liu X, Thieme J & Totsche KU

(2015) The SRX Beamline at NSLS-Ii: X-Ray Spectroscopy with Very High Spatial Resolution
Thieme J, Chen-Wiegart Y-C & Williams G

(2013) X-Ray Spectroscopy and Spectromicroscopy Study of Sulfur Speciation in Urban Soils
Thieme J & Mathes M

(2012) Characterization of EPS Fractions Before and after Adsorption to Goethite
Liu X, Eusterhues K, Thieme J, Hoschen C, Muller C, Kogel-Knabner I & Totsche KU

(2011) Scanning Transmission X-Ray and Atomic Force Microscopy Mapping of Exopolymer Fractionation in Bacillus subtilis Biofilms on Goethite
Liu X, Eusterhues K, Thieme J, Kuesel K & Totsche K

(2011) Raison D’être of X-Ray Spectromicroscopy for Geochemistry
Thieme J, Sedlmair J, Mathes M, Prietzel J & Coates J

(2010) X-Ray Microscopy – A Tool to Study the Nanoworld
Thieme J, Sedlmair J, Gleber S-C, Rieger J, Niemeyer J & Coates J

(2009) Surface Passivation Does not Impede Biotransformation of Fe Oxides by Shewanella oneidensis
Eusterhues K, Friedrich MW, Thieme J, Prietzel J, Keller T, Grundmann G, Salomé M & Totsche KU

(2005) Green Rust Formation Under Anaerobic Nitrate-Dependent Fe(II) Oxiding Conditions
Weber K, Thieme J, Larese-Casanova P, Scherer M, Achenbach L & Coates J

(2002) The Study of Geochemical Processes with X-Ray Spectromicroscopy
Thieme J

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