All abstracts by Roger Powell in conference series: Goldschmidt
(2023) Comparing Internal and External Buffering of Oxygen Fugacity Using Phase Equilibria ModellingWeller OM, Holland TJ, Soderman CR, Green EC & Powell R
(2015) The Effect of Subduction on the Sulfur, Carbon, and Redox Budget of Lithospheric Mantle
Evans K & Powell R
(2012) Updated and Extended Activity Composition Models for Thermodynamic Calculations in Metapelitic Systems
White R, Powell R, Johnson T & Holland T
(2012) On Calculating Phase Equilibria for Metamorphic Systems
Powell R
(2012) Grain Scale Pressure Heterogeneity Produced Through Volume Change Associated with Mineral Reaction
Tajcmanova L, Powell R, Podladchikov Y, Vrijmoed J & Moulas E
(2011) Calculated Stability of Osumilite, Sapphirine and Biotite in K2O-FeO-Mgo-Al2O3-SiO2-H2O-Tio2-O (KFMASHTO)
Taylor-Jones K, Powell R & Holland T
(2009) New Internally Consistent Data and Activity Composition Models for S-Bearing Phases, and Application to Thermodynamic Modelling of Mafic Greenschist Facies Rocks from the St. Ives Gold Camp, Western Australia
Evans K & Powell R
(2006) New results in the calculation of dehydration of metabasic rocks in subduction zones
Powell R, Yang J-J & Sandiford M
(2006) The lawsonite paradox: mineral equilibria modelling in the system Na2O-CaO-K2O-FeO-MgO-Al2O3-SiO2-H2O
Clarke G, Powell R & Fitzherbert J
(2006) Improvements in thermodynamic models of hydrothermal fluids through better configurational entropy terms.
Evans K & Powell R
(2005) The Thermodynamics of Mixing in Saline and Mixed Solvent Solutions at Elevated Temperature and Pressure: A Framework for Geological Phase Equilibria Calculations
Evans K & Powell R
(2001) Granulite Facies Processes: Constraints from Partial Melting Equilibria Calculated with THERMOCALC
Powell R, White RW & Holland TJB