All abstracts by Kenneth T. Koga in conference series: Goldschmidt
(2024) Carbon Isotopic Measurements in Silicate Melt Inclusions and the δ13C Value of Earth’s Upper MantleMoussallam Y, Lee H, Rose-Koga EF, Koga KT, Aubaud C & Georgeais G
(2023) High Temperature Equilibrium Sulphur Isotope Fractionation Model between Melt and Sulphide from Experiments Using a 1-Atm Gas-Mixing Furnace
Prabha Mohan S, Koga KT, Rose-Koga EF, Mathieu A & Pointud F
(2023) Rutile and Titanite Phase Stability Constraints at Subsolidus Conditions in a Mafic System: Insights from Experimental Petrology
Pereira I, Koga KT & Bruand E
(2022) Faster = Stronger? Decompression Rates vs Eruption Parameters at Stromboli Volcano
Georgeais G, Rose-Koga EF, Moussallam Y, Koga KT, Gurioli L, Pistolesi M, Harris A, verdier-Paoletti M, Metrich N & Bertagnini A
(2021) Experimental Constraints on the Phase Stability of Ti Phases at Subsolidus Conditions in a Mafic System
Pereira I, Koga KT, Bruand E & Nicollet C
(2021) Ti-Mineral Stability in Metagabbros Formed at Different Stages of the Wilson Cycle
Pereira I, Bruand E, Koga KT & Nicollet C
(2021) The Trace Element Signature of Ecuadorian Magma: Slab or Crustal Origin
Narváez DFF, Samaniego P, Koga KT, Rose-Koga EF, Hidalgo S & Ratzov G
(2021) Magma Decompression Rate Calculations with EMBER: A User‐friendly Software to Model Diffusion of H2O, CO2 and S in Melt Embayments
Georgeais G, Koga KT, Moussallam Y & Rose-Koga EF
(2019) Li and B Contents in Silicate Melts as Tracers of Volcanic Degassing
Spallanzani R, Cichy SB, Wilke M, Oelze M, Koga K & Laporte D
(2019) Insights into the 2017-2018 Ambae Eruption
Bani P, Moussallam Y, Medard E, Rose-Koga E, Koga K, Gauthier P-J, Carn S, Aiuppa A, Coppola D, Tari D, Bani I, Benbakkar M, Voyard G, Scott B, Garaebiti E & Lardy M
(2019) A Tool to Measure Ascent Rate: Volatile Element Concentration Profile in Embayment
Rose-Koga EF, Moussallam Y, Koga KT, Médard E & Bani P
(2019) Grain Boundary Diffusion of Re, Os, Pt, and Pb, in Olivine Aggregate in Presence of Sulfide
Koga KT, Rouleau M & Brenan J
(2018) Nepheline-Normative Primitive Melt Genesis in Arcs: Mineralogic and Lithospheric Controls
Koga KT, Rose-Koga EF, Métrich N, Di Muro A & Deloule E
(2017) Evolution of F and Cl Relative to Lithophile Trace Elements in Oceanic Crust, from Oceanic to Subduction Metamorphisms in Western Alps
Koga KT, Rose-Koga EF, Nicollet C & Bruand E
(2016) Sulfur and Lead Isotopic Systematics of Sulfides in South African Xenoliths
Koga KT, Rose-Koga EF, Gannoun AM, Thomassot E & Shimizu N
(2016) Experimental Determination of DF(Hbl/Flu) in F-Bearing Systems at Lower Crust P−T Conditions
Wu J & Koga K
(2016) F, Cl, S Concentrations and Pb Isotopes in Melt Inclusions from São Miguel, Azores
Rose-Koga EF, Koga KT, Moreira M, Vlastelic I, Jackson MG, Whitehouse MJ & Shimizu N
(2015) DF(Hbl/Flu) at Lower Crust P−T Conditions Determined by Direct Measurements on Extracted Fluids
Wu J & Koga K
(2014) Experimental and Numerical Simulations of Li Isotope Fractionation during Degassng of Rhyolitic Magma
Koga KT, Laporte D, Rose-Koga E & Cluzel N
(2014) Volatile (F and Cl) Concentrations in Iwate Olivine-Hosted Melt Inclusions Indicating Low Temperature Subduction
Rose-Koga EF, Koga KT, Hamada M, Hélouis T, Whitehouse MJ & Shimizu N
(2013) Reading the Melt Inclusion Record of Pre-Eruptive Magmatic Volatiles
Gaetani G, Bucholz C, Rose-Koga E, Shimizu N, Koga K & Monteleone B
(2013) Mass Independently Fractionated Sulfur Isotopes in HIMU Lavas Reveal Archean Crust in their Mantle Source
Cabral R, Jackson M, Rose-Koga E, Koga K, Whitehouse M, Antonelli M, Farquhar J, Day J & Hauri E
(2012) Oceanic Gabbro Signature in Mangaia Melt Inclusions
Cabral R, Jackson M, Rose-Koga E, Day J, Koga K, Shimizu N, Whitehouse M & Price A
(2011) Lithium-Boron Isotope Fractionation during Degassing of Rhyolitic Magma
Koga KT, Rose-Koga EF, Laporte D, Cluzel N, Shimizu N & Deloule E
(2011) Volatile Abundances and Pb Isotopes in Melt Inclusions from Iwate Volcano, Japan
Rose-Koga EF, Koga KT, Hamada M, Hélouis T, Whitehouse MJ & Shimizu N
(2011) Kinetics and Mechanism of Antigorite Dehydration: Implications for Subduction Zone Seismicity
Chollet M, Daniel I, Koga KT, Morard G & van de Moortèle B
(2011) Fluorine Partitioning between Hydrous Minerals and Aqueous Fluid at 1 GPa and 770-850˚C
Wu J & Koga K
(2007) Pressure and Temperature Dependence of Water Solubility in Forsterite: Implications for the Activity of Water in the Earth`s Mantle
Bolfan-Casanova N, Bali E & Koga K
(2004) Trace Element Distribution between Antigorite and Fluid Near the Dehydration Conditions
Koga K, Reynard B & Daniel I
(2001) Hydrogen Analyses of H2O-Saturated Mantle Minerals Using SIMS and FTIR
Koga KT, Hauri EH & Hirschmann MM