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All abstracts by Kenneth M. Kemner in conference series: Goldschmidt

(2024) The Wonders of Green Rust: A not so Random Journey Around the Periodic Table
O'Loughlin EJ, Boyanov MI, Burris D, Johnson C, Kilber A, Kelly S, Latta DE, Mishra B, Pasakarnis T, Scherer MM, Yan S & Kemner KM

(2024) Cryptic Sulfur Cycling Coupled to Iron and Carbon – Using Metagenomics to Inform Environmental Impact
Santelli CM, Chen Z, Ng G-HC, Patsis AC, Sheik C, Srivastava S, Rosenfeld CE, Kaplan DI & Kemner KM

(2024) The Stabilization of U(V) on the Surface of Reduced Nontronite Depends on Clay to Uranium Ratio
Boyanov MI, Latta DE, Scherer MM, O'Loughlin EJ & Kemner KM

(2024) Reactive Transport Modeling of Fe-S-C Cycling: Investigating the Impacts of Dynamic Hydrologic Conditions at a Riparian Wetland
Chen Z, Perez S, Ng G-HC, Santelli CM, Kaplan DI, Srivastava S, Rosenfeld C & Kemner KM

(2024) From Molecular- to Field- Scale Investigation of Iron Biogeochemistry in Marine and Freshwater Coastal Environments
Stetten L, Boyanov MI, O'Loughlin EJ, Bittencourt Peixoto R, Day D, Hopple AM, Kovach M, Machado-Silva F, Myers-Pigg AN, Otenburg O, Beilsmith KR, Pushpajom Thomas S, Spanbauer T, Weisenhorn P, Wilson S, Shevchenko E, Mcdowell NG, Ward ND, Megonigal P, Weintraub M, Bailey V & Kemner KM

(2023) Iron Redox Dynamics Across Coastal Terrestrial-Aquatic Interfaces: Field Study in The Great Lakes and Chesapeake Bay Regions
Stetten L, Boyanov MI, O'Loughlin EJ, Bailey V, Day D, Homolka KK, Hopple AM, Kovach M, Bittencourt Peixoto R, Machado-Silva F, Mcdowell NG, Megonigal P, Wilson S, Myers-Pigg AN, Otenburg O, Ward ND, Weintraub M & Kemner KM

(2023) Using X-Ray Absorption Spectroscopy to Unravel the Sequestration Mechanisms of Radionuclides and Metalloids in Natural Sediments
Boyanov MI, O'Loughlin EJ, Kwon MJ, Kaplan DI & Kemner KM

(2023) Elevated Antimony Concentration in Soils may Stimulate Microorganisms to Utilize Sb(V) for Anaerobic Respiration
Zhang Y, Boyanov MI, O'Loughlin EJ, Kemner KM, Kim H-S & Kwon MJ

(2023) Laboratory and Field Studies of the Redox Dynamics of Fe and U in Fe Flocs in Riparian Wetlands within the Tims Branch Watershed, Savannah River Site, USA
O'Loughlin EJ, Boever A, Boyanov MI, Kaplan DI, Parker C, Powell B, Taillefert M, Weisenhorn P & Kemner KM

(2023) Cryptic Sulfur Cycling Coupled to Iron and Carbon Cycling in Dynamic Riparian Wetland Environments
Santelli CM, Srivastava S, Ng C, Perez S, Rosenfeld CE, Kaplan DI & Kemner KM

(2019) Uranium Speciation and Dynamics in Contaminated Wetland Sediments
Boyanov M, O’Loughlin E, Kaplan D & Kemner K

(2019) Biotic and Abiotic Controls on Iron Reduction and Biomineralization over Broad Geochemical Conditions
Dong Y, Sanford R, Boyanov M, Flynn T, O’loughlin E, Kemner K & Fouke B

(2019) Spectroscopic and Theoretical Investigation Insights into Stable Nano-Hup Mediated by Bacteria
Nie X, Dong F, Liu M, O’ Loughlin EJ, Boyanov MI & Kemner KM

(2019) Combining Geochemical Measurements and Omics to Investigate Competitive Anaerobic Redox Dynamics in Sediments
Eitel E, Moran A, Shin H-D, Patin N, Bertagnolli A, Kemner K, Brooks S, Pennacchio C, Kaplan D, Stewart F, DiChristina T & Taillefert M

(2019) Hydrobiogeochemical Transformations of Fe and U in Sediment, Stream, and Rhizosphere Environments within Riparian Wetlands
Kemner K, Boyanov M, Weisenhorn P, Kaplan D & O'Loughlin E

(2019) Capturing Seasonal Changes in Microbial Interactions Across Redox Dynamic Environments
Weisenhorn P, Flynn T, Marshall C, O'Loughlin E, Henry C & Kemner K

(2019) Uranium Remobilization from a Wetland 50 Years after Contamination
Kaplan D, Smith R, Ferguson B, Martinez N, Montgomery D, Parker C, Seaman J, Powell B, O'Loughlin E & Kemner K

(2017) Microbial Community Development Under Iron-Reducing Conditions in Wetland Sediment Microcosms Amended with Electron Shuttles
Flynn T, Sladek M, Jensvold Z, Marshall C, Antonopoulos D, Koval J, Kemner K & O'Loughlin E

(2017) U(IV)-mineral Complexation may Explain U Speciation in Reduced Sediments
Boyanov M, Latta D, Scherer M, Mishra B, Pearce C, Rosso K, O'Loughlin E & Kemner K

(2017) Stabilization of a Mixed-Valence U(V)-U(VI) Phase in Systems with Reduced SWy-2 and NAu-1 Clays
Boyanov M, Latta D, Mishra B, Scherer M, O'Loughlin E & Kemner K

(2017) Interactions of vanadium(V) with iron(II)/(III)-bearing Minerals
O'Loughlin E, Boyanov M & Kemner K

(2016) U(VI) Reduction by Biotic and Abiotic Green Rusts
Yan S, Boyanov M, Mishra B, Kemner K & O'Loughlin E

(2015) Biogeochemical Controls on the Molecular Scale Interactions of Mercury with Microbes
Mishra B, O'Loughlin E, Boyanov M & Kemner K

(2015) Reduction of Sb(V) by Coupled Biotic-Abiotic Processes Under Sulfidogenic Conditions
Boyanov M, Johnson C, Antonopoulos D, Flynn T, Koval J, Kemner K & O'Loughlin E

(2015) Reduction and Reoxidation of Uranium: Mechanisms, Species, and Implications for Dispersal
Boyanov M, Latta D, Mishra B, O'Loughlin E & Kemner K

(2014) Non-Resonant Inelastic X-Ray Scattering to Analyze Carbon Chemistry in Unaltered Samples
Mishra B, O'Loughlin E, Cooper W, Jastrow J, Gordon R, Balasubramanian M & Kemner K

(2014) Microbial Response to Spatial and Temporal Dynamics of Uranium, Iron, Sulfur in Ethanol-Amended Sediments
Flynn T, Boyanov M, Skinner K, Kelly S, Wu W-M, Criddle C, Yan F, Marsh T, O'Loughlin E & Kemner K

(2014) Bacterially-Produced Uraninite – Ultrastructural Characterization by High Resolution Imaging and Analyses
Dohnalkova A, Marshall M, Kemner K, Kennedy D, Genc A & Fredrickson J

(2014) Microbially Catalyzed Electron Transfer to Iron Oxides: From Atomic to Micron Scale
Kemner K, Boyanov M, O'Loughlin E, Sholto-Douglas D, Skinner K, Lai B, Cook R & Latta D

(2014) Reduction of Hg(II) by Mn(II)
Mishra B, O'Loughlin E, Boyanov M & Kemner K

(2014) Influence of As(V) on Fe(II)-Catalyzed Fe Oxide Recrystallization
Huhmann B, Neumann A, Boyanov M, Kemner K & Scherer M

(2014) Uranium(IV) Surface Complexes Form by U(VI) Reduction at the Mineral-Water Interface
Latta D, Mishra B, Cook R, Kemner K & Boyanov M

(2013) Geochemical Characteristics and Microbial Community Composition of Toxic Metal-Rich Sediments Contaminated from Mine Tailings
Kwon MJ, Ham B, Hwang Y, Choi J, Boyanov M, Kemner K, O'Loughlin E & Yang J-S

(2013) The Reduction of Elemental Sulfur by Metal-Reducing Bacteria Under Alkaline Conditions
Flynn T, O'Loughlin E & Kemner K

(2013) Reduction of Aqueous U(VI) by Fe(II): Effect of Ti(IV) on the Speciation of U(IV)
Latta D, Pearce C, Rosso K, O'Loughlin E, Kemner K & Boyanov M

(2012) Reactivity of U(VI) with Pure, Oxidized, and Ti-Substituted Magnetites
Latta D, Pearce C, Gorski C, Rosso K, O'Loughlin E, Kemner K, Scherer M & Boyanov M

(2012) Dissimilatory Iron Reduction and the Redox Cycling of Green Rust
O'Loughlin EJ, Boyanov MI, Gorski CA, McCormick ML, Scherer MM & Kemner KM

(2012) Transformations of Aqueous U(VI) during the Redox Cycling of Fe Phases
Boyanov M, Latta D, Scherer M, O'Loughlin E & Kemner K

(2012) Dissolution of Uranyl Precipitates in Contaminated Vadose Zone Sediments
Singh A, Zachara JM, McKinley JP, Liu C, Boyanov MI, Kemner KM & Moore DA

(2011) Effects of Microbial Activity and Electron Shuttles on the Reduction of U(VI) Under Sulfidogenic Conditions
O'Loughlin EJ, Boyanov MI, Kwon MJ, Long P, Williams K & Kemner KM

(2011) Uranium Valence Cycling with Iron-Rich Phyllosilicates
Burgos W, Luan F, Boyanov M, Kemner K & Dong H

(2011) Reduction of Biogenic Uranyl Phosphate Nanoparticles by Three Metal-Reducing Bacteria
Rui X, Boyanov M, Kwon MJ, O'Loughlin E, Dunham-Cheatham S, Fein J, Bunker B & Kemner K

(2011) Roles of Sulfate and FeIII Reduction on Microbial Community Development
Kwon MJ, Boyanov MI, Antonopoulos D, Brulc J, Kemner K & O'Loughlin EJ

(2011) Uranium Dynamics in Biostimulated Field-Site Sediments: Spatial Distribution and Formation of Non-Uraninite U(IV) Phases
Boyanov M, O'Loughlin E, Skinner K, Mishra B, Kelly S, Wu W-M, Criddle C, Mueller M, Melhorn T, Watson D, Brooks S & Kemner K

(2010) Effects of Structural Phosphate on the Microbial Reduction of Iron Oxide and Secondary Mineralization Product Formation and Reactivity
O'Loughlin E, Boyanov M, Cook R, Gorski C, Mishra B, Scherer M & Kemner K

(2010) Fe(II)-Fe(III) Electron Transfer in Fe Oxides and Clays: Implications for Contaminant Transformations
Scherer M, Gorski C, Schaefer M, Latta D, O'Loughlin E, Boyanov M & Kemner K

(2010) In situ Biostimulation of U(VI) Reduction and Immobilization Using Emulsified Vegetable Oil
Wu W, Watson D, Mehlhorn T, Earles J, Boyanov M, Gihring T, Schadt C, Lowe K, Phillips J, Kemner K, Spalding B, Criddle C, Jardine P & Brooks S

(2010) Uranium Biogeochemistry – Novel Insights from a Microbe’s Prospective
Sanford R, Fletcher K, Thomas S, Kemner K, Boyanov M, Ritalahti K & Loeffler F

(2010) Mineral Nucleation and Redox Transformations of U(VI) and Fe(II) Species at a Carboxyl Surface
Boyanov M, O'Loughlin E, Kwon M-J, Mishra B, Rui X, Shibata T & Kemner K

(2010) Molecular Scale Transformations of Hg(II) during Coupled Biotic and Abiotic Processes
Mishra B, Boyanov M, O'Loughlin E & Kemner K

(2010) Redox Transformations of Uranium Near the Mineral-Microbe Interface
Kemner K, Boyanov M, O'Loughlin E, Sholto-Douglas D, Skinner K, Lai B, Kelly S, Cook R, Carpenter E & Nealson K

(2009) Using TEM and µ-XRF to Characterize Bacterially-Mediated Precipitation of Dissolved Copper
Kimball B, Dohnalkova A, Kemner K, Lai B, Macalady J & Brantley S

(2009) Effects of Oxyanions, Natural Organic Matter, and Fe(III) Oxide Mineralogy on the Formation of Fe(II)-bearing Secondary Mineralization Products Resulting from the Bioreduction of Fe(III) Oxides
O'Loughlin E, Gorski C, Latta D, Boyanov M, Cook R, Scherer M & Kemner K

(2009) Distinct Uranium(IV) Products Result from Uranyl Reduction in Different Ferrous-Ferric Oxyhydroxide Systems
Boyanov M, Latta D, O'Loughlin E, Gorski C, Scherer M & Kemner K

(2008) Monitoring Uranium Transformations
Kelly S, Kemner K, O'Loughlin E, Wu W-M, Criddle C & Marsh T

(2008) Interactions of U(VI) with Secondary Mineralization Products from the Bioreduction of Fe(III) Oxides
O'Loughlin E, Kelly S, Boyanov M & Kemner K

(2005) Reduction of U by Adsorbed vs. Surface-Precipitated Fe(II) at Model Cell Surfaces
Boyanov M, O'Louglin E, Kelly S, Roden E, Fein J & Kemner K

(2005) X-Ray Microprobe Investigations of Mineral-Metal-Microbe Interfaces
Kemner K, Kelly S, Boyanov M, Lai B, Glasauer S, Langley S, Kulpa C, Beveridge T & Nealson K

(2005) Cd Adsorption onto Bacillus subtilis Bacterial Cell Walls: Integrating Isotherm and EXAFS Studies
Mishra B, Kelly S, Fein J, Boyanov M, Kemner K & Bunker B

(2005) Uranyl-Calcium Coordination in Calcium Carbonate Systems
Kelly S, Brooks S, Fredrickson J, Rasbury T, Spoetl C, Sturchio N & Kemner K

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