All abstracts by Dorrit E. Jacob in conference series: Goldschmidt
(2020) Extensive Prekimberlitic Lithosphere Modification Recorded in Jericho Mantle Xenoliths in Kimberlites, Slave CratonGreene S, Jacob D, O'Reilly S, Henry H, Pinter Z & Heaman L
(2020) Lithosphere Mapping in the South-Western Margin of the São Francisco Craton
Takenaka LB, Griffin W, O'Reilly S, Basei M, Ganade CE & Jacob D
(2020) New Perspectives on The Nacre-Organic Interface In Bivalve Shells
Otter L, Eder K, Gim J, Hovden R, Kilburn M, Yang L, Cairney JM & Jacob DE
(2020) Fluid Induced Formation of Garnet Coronas Around Scapolite: A Petrological, Geochemical and Mass-Balance Approach
Sommer H, Jacob D & Kröner A
(2017) Submicron Architecture of Bivalve Shells Revealed by Microbeam Techniques
Otter LM, Konsik MA, Kilburn MR, Sorowka A, Hoppe P, Williamson JE & Jacob DE
(2017) High Resolution Seasonal Signals in Bivalve Shells from Lake Rotorua, New Zealand
Herath D, Stern R, Jacob D, Clearwater S & Fallon S
(2017) Insights into Diamond Formation from Polycrystalline Diamond Aggregates
Jacob D, Stern R, Chapman J & Piazolo S
(2017) Fluid Induced Transition from Banded Kyanite- to Bimineralic Eclogite and Implications for the Evolution of Cratons
Sommer H, Jacob D, Stern R, Petts D, Mattey D & Pearson G
(2015) From MARID to Lamproite: Melting Phase Relations of MARID-Like Xenoliths from Kimberley, South Africa
Förster MW, Prelevic D, Schmück HR, Buhre S & Jacob DE
(2015) Eclogite Xeoliths with Subducted Oceanic Crust Signatures from the Wajrakarur Kimberlites, Southern India: Evidences from Trace Element and O Isotope Geochemistry
Dongre A, Jacob D, Stern R & Viljoen F
(2015) Low-Ni Olivine from Silica-Undersaturated Ultrapotassic Rocks as Evidence for Carbonate Metasomatism in the Mantle
Ammannati E, Jacob DE, Avanzinelli R, Foley SF & Conticelli S
(2015) Composition and Characterisation of Chromites, Alloys and Sulphide Inclusions from the Indo-Myanmar Ophiolite Belt of Northeastern India
Maibam B, Foley SF, Jacob DE, Singh TB, Ray D & Panda D
(2015) Manganese Speciation in Bivalve Shell Aragonite
Soldati A, Jacob D, Glatzel P, Grattage J & Geck J
(2015) Nanostructure of Arctica islandica Shells: Implications for Formation Pathways
Jacob D, Wirth R, Piazolo S & Trimby P
(2014) Non-Matrix-Matched Calibration of Femtosecond LA-ICP-MS Applied to Geochemical and Environmental Analysis
Jochum K, Macholdt D, Stoll B, Weis U, Jacob D, Mertz-Kraus R & Andreae M
(2014) Mussel Shells as Potential Hydrothermal Biomonitor
Amini M, Jacob DE, Koschinsky A & Weis D
(2014) Vibrational Spectroscopy of Biominerals: Combining Computer Models and Experiments to Understand Structural Features
Demichelis R, De La Pierre M, Raiteri P, Gale JD, Wehrmeister U & Jacob DE
(2013) Trace Elements in Olivine Characterize the Mantle Source of Subduction-Related Potassic Magmas
Ammannati E, Foley S, Avanzinelli R, Jacob D & Conticelli S
(2013) Matrix-Independent Calibration of LA-ICP-MS Using Femtosecond-Uv-Lasers?
Weis U, Jochum KP, Stoll B, Jacob D, Mertz-Kraus R & Andreae MO
(2012) High-Resolution Ontogenic Distribution of Mg/Ca Ratios and Mg Isotopes in Modern Brachiopods
Farkas J, Tomasovych A, Chrastny V, Jacob D, Francova M, Boehm F & Vollstaedt H
(2011) Polycrystalline Diamonds Witness Redox Processes in the Earth’s Mantle
Jacob D, Wirth R & Enzmann F
(2010) REE Fractionation during Low-Temperature Water-Mineral Interaction
Loges A, Goeb S, Jacob DE, Bau M, Wagner T & Markl G
(2010) Trace Elements in Olivines as Probes of Parental Melt Compositions in the Western Rift of East Africa
Foley S, Jacob D & O'Neill H
(2010) Micro- and Nanoscale Studies of Mn Incorporation in Bivalve Shells
Soldati A, Jacob D, Wehrmeister U, Meibom A, Loges N & Häger T
(2010) Trace Elements in Mantle Olivine and Orthopyroxene from the North Atlantic and Kaapvaal Cratons
Rehfeldt T, Foley SF, Jacob DE & Pearson DG
(2010) Arc Peridotite, Eclogite and Tonalite: A Trio of Ingredients for Craton Assembly
Jacob D, Prelevic D, Rehfeldt T, Buhre S & Foley S
(2009) Delayed Continental Crust Formation on a Hot Archaean Earth
Buhre S, Jacob D & Foley S
(2007) Processes of Biomineralization in Freshwater Cultured Pearls
Jacob D, Soldati A & Wehrmeister U
(2007) Characterizing Fe-Rich Dunite Xenoliths as Cumulates of Phanerozoic and Archaean Flood Basalt Magmatism
Rehfeldt T, Foley SF, Jacob DE & Carlson RW
(2006) Re-enrichment of cratonic lithospheric mantle beneath an evolving rift: mantle xenoliths from East Antarctica
Jacob DE, Foley SF & Andronikov AV
(2002) Experimental Evidence for Shallow Recycling of Ocean Crust in the Archean Earth
Buhre S, Jacob D & Foley S
(2002) Lu-Hf Isotopic Systematics of Subducted Ancient Oceanic Crust: Roberts Victor Eclogites
Jacob D, Bizimis M & Salters V
(2002) Zero Eclogites – Half Way between Shallow Mantle and Deep Crustal Origins
Schmickler B, Jacob D & Foley S
(2002) Cohenite (Iron Carbide) and Native Iron Formation within Garnet Included in Polycrystalline Diamonds by Redox Freezing in the Cratonic Lithosphere
Kronz A, Jacob D, Cartigny P & Viljoen F