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All abstracts by Graham A. Shields in conference series: Goldschmidt

(2023) In situ Rb-Sr Dating and REE Patterns of Ediacaran Glauconites and Detrital Feldspars from the Centralian Superbasin and the Flinders Ranges, Australia
Loyola CV, Farkas J, Verdel C, Gilbert S, Holmes L, Löhr S, Brock G, Shields GA, Edgoose C, Redaa A, Blades ML, Collins AS, Bishop C, Giles S, Christie-Blick N & Haines P

(2023) Environmental Stabilisation and Biological Diversification in the Aftermath of the Sturtian Snowball Glaciation
Bowyer F, Krause AJ, Song Y, Huang K-J, Fu Y, Shen B, Li J, Zhu X, Kipp MA, van Maldegem LM, Brocks JJ, Shields GA, Le Hir G, Mills BJW & Poulton SW

(2022) Tectonic-Magmatic Cycles, C-S-Redox Coupling and the Lomagundi-Jatuli Carbon Isotope Excursion
Shields GA & Boyle RA

(2022) In situ Rb–Sr Dating and Trace Element Analysis of Glauconite-Rich Strata from the Arumbera Sandstone, Amadeus Basin
Loyola CV, Farkas J, Verdel C, Gilbert S, Holmes L, Hissey E, Löhr S, Brock G, Shields GA, Edgoose C, Redaa A, Blades ML & Collins AS

(2022) Tracking the Spatial Extent of Ocean Redox Variability in the Mesoproterozoic Ocean
Song Y, Mills BJW, Bowyer F, Andersen MB, Ossa Ossa F, Harvey J, Zhang S, Canfield DE, Shields GA & Poulton SW

(2022) Clay Mineral and Isotopic Evidence for Widespread Restricted, Evaporitic Conditions during the Deposition of the Ediacaran Doushantuo Formation
Han S, Löhr S, Abbott A, Baldermann A, Voigt M, Cui H, Chen B, Farkas J, Shields GA & Kaufman AJ

(2022) Widespread Euxinia during the Late Ediacaran Ocean Oxygenation Event (Shuram) in South China
Zhou Y, Poulton SW, Zhu M, Bowyer F & Shields GA

(2022) Dissolution Methods for Strontium Isotope Stratigraphy: Guidelines for the Use of Muddy, Dolomitic Limestone
Chen X, Zhou Y & Shields GA

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