All abstracts by Oliver Kost in conference series: Goldschmidt
(2024) Recovering the Vegetation/Soil Component of δ13C Variation in Speleothem Records, Despite Overprints from In-Cave EffectsStoll H, Day CC, Lechleitner F, Kost O, Endres L, Śliwiński J, Perez-Mejias C, Cheng H & Scholz D
(2023) Surface Ocean Cooling led Freshening on the Iberian Margin during the Abrupt Cooling Event in Marine Isotope Stage 6
Zhang H, Huang Y, Wijker R, Cacho I, Torner J, Santos MC, Kost O, Wei B & Stoll H
(2022) Experimental Study of Thermodynamic Behavior of NaCl-Kcl Electrolytes in Reaction with Alkali Feldspars Under Supercritical Condition of Water
Roodpeyma T, Driesner T & Kost O
(2019) Hydrological Variations Inferred from Colloidally-Transported and pH-Dependent Trace Elements in Stalagmites
Sliwinski J, Kost O & Stoll H
(2019) High-Resolution Stalagmite Record of the Penultimate Glacial Climate for the North-Atlantic Realm
Kost O, Gasson E, Stoll H, Cheng H & Edwards RL