All abstracts by Patrizia Fumagalli in conference series: Goldschmidt
(2023) Experimental Evidence of Fast REE Re-distribution in Mantle Clinopyroxene via Reactive Melt InfiltrationBorghini G, Fumagalli P, Arrigoni F, Klemme S, Rampone E & Tiepolo M
(2023) Origin and Scale of Mantle Heterogeneities: Snapshots from Field-Based Studies and Experimental Works
Borghini G, Fumagalli P & Rampone E
(2019) Melt-Peridotite Reactions in a Veined Mantle: Pyroxenite-Peridotite Experiments at 2 GPa
Borghini G, Fumagalli P & Rampone E
(2019) The Role of Melt-Rock Reaction in Creating Enriched-Morb Mantle Sources
Rampone E, Borghini G, Class C, Goldstein SL, Cipriani A, Cai Y, Hofmann AW, Zanetti A, Fumagalli P & Godard M
(2013) Chromium Solubility in Chlorite and Implications for Subduction Zone Dynamics: An Experimental Study in the CrMASH System up to 6.5 GPa, 900℃
Fumagalli P, Fischer J, Gemmi M, Merlini M & Poli S
(2013) Composition of COH Fluids up to 2.4 GPa: A Multi-Method Approach
Tiraboschi C, Tumiati S, Ulmer P, Recchia S, Pettke T, Fumagalli P & Poli S
(2013) Melt-Rock Reaction in Oceanic Troctolites (Ligurian Ophiolites, Italy) as Revealed by Trace Element Chemistry of Olivine
Rampone E, Borghini G, Crispini L, Godard M, Ildefonse B & Fumagalli P
(2009) Unravelling Redox Processes in Mantle Wedge Peridotites
Malaspina N, Poli S & Fumagalli P
(2009) High-Pressure Cr Solubility in Chlorites and its Implications for Clinochlore Stability
Fischer J, Merlini M, Fumagalli P & Poli S
(2009) Carbonate-Silicate Equilibria in Upper-Mantle Peridotites Saturated with C-O-H Fluids
Tumiati S, Fumagalli P & Poli S
(2009) Geobarometric Constraints to Low-P Evolution of Lithospheric Mantle
Borghini G, Fumagalli P & Rampone E
(2000) Hydrates in Synthetic Peridotites and Mechanisms of Hydrogen Transport at High Pressure
Fumagalli P & Poli S