An International Conference for Geochemistry

organised by
the European Association for Geochemistry and the Geochemical Society

This page gives the latest information about the conference.

The programme for Goldschmidt 2000 is now available both as a html file and as a pdf file.

The abstract volume for Goldschmidt 2000 will be provided to delegates on CD in Adobe's pdf format. Delegates who wish to read or print abstracts before the start of the conference may access the abstract volume on this website, either from the author index allowing each individual paper to be downloaded, or by downloading the entire abstract volume which will yield the whole volume as a single file which might take a significant time to download, and will require at least 20Mb of RAM to view.

Goldschmidt 2000 is proving to be a popular conference, with more than 1000 registrations already received. The range and quality of the abstracts submitted ensure that Goldschmidt 2000 will be among the most important Earth Science conferences this year. In addition to the 13 themed symposia, there will be lectures by the medallists of the Geochemical Society and the European Association for Geochemistry.

The conference is being managed for the organising committee by Cambridge Publications .

First Circular

Second Circular

Late Registrations:
Registration will remain open during the conference, allowing delegates to register on site. On Site registration will take place in the Department of Zoology, South Parks Road, Oxford between 2pm and 6pm on Sunday September 3rd, and from 9-12 and 2-4 on Monday September 4th, Tuesday September 5th, and Thursday September 7th. The registration fee for delegates is 180 pounds, that for graduate students only 80 pounds. Payment should be made either in cash or by a cheque in Pounds Sterling.

Accommodation bookings for Goldschmidt 2000 have now closed, and no further bookings can be accepted. However, for those who still need to book accommodation we have made an arrangement with St Hugh's College for delegates to book directly with them. Please use the following link to the form for booking accommodation at St Hugh's. Alternatively you could use the link provided to hotels in Oxford to make your own arrangement with a local hotel.

The centre of Oxford was designed for horses and the occasional carriage and is not well suited to cars as parking space is extremely limited. We strongly recommend that delegates plan to come to Oxford by train or by coach as these services are both rapid and frequent. Oxford is less than an hour from London by train, and this service operates every 30 minutes during the day. There are also direct coach services between Oxford and the London Airports.

Conferences of interest:
We shall be making links from the Goldschmidt 2000 home page to other conferences that may be of interest to delegates.

The 2000 Mineralogical Society of America short course on Transformation Processes in Minerals is being held in Cambridge UK on September 1st and 2nd. Further information can be obtained at: .

The Applied Mineralogy Group of the Mineralogical Society of Great Britain conference on The Mineralogy of Waste and Waste Disposal will be held at BGS in Keyworth, Nottinghamshire on Monday 25th September. Details of the conference plus downloadable application forms are available at:

Please email us at to add further meetings to this section.

Further Publication Services:
Cambridge Publications specialises in offering a conference service tailored to the needs of delegates and organising committees. We are able to manage all aspects of a conference, including publications on paper, CD and the web, communications with authors and convenors, managing accommodation and exhibition arrangements, and ensuring the smooth running of the meeting. We have performed most of these tasks for Goldschmidt 2000, but are also happy to carry out a subset of these operations where this is more convenient to conference organisers. If you are involved in organising a conference in the next two years and would be interested in exploring how we could help you ensure the most effective and efficient management of your meeting, please do not hesitate to contact us. You can reach Cambridge Publications by e-mail at, by fax or 'phone at (44) 1223 333438 or by post to PO Box 27, Cambridge CB1 8TR, UK.

The latest information relating to this conference will be made available via this web site

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