Plenary and Awards Sessions
Symposium 1: Cosmochemistry
Symposium 2: Mantle Plumes, Blobs and Hot Lines
Symposium 3: Geochemistry of Re and Os
Symposium 4: Element Partitioning in Experimental and Natural Systems
Symposium 5: Trace Elements in Igneous Petrology
Symposium 6: Geochemistry of Mantle and Crustal Xenoliths
Symposium 7: Chronometry of Geological Processes
Symposium 8: Coupled Mass and Heat Transfer
Symposium 9: Chemostratigraphy and Events
Symposium 10: Proxies in Paleooceanography and Paleoclimatology
Symposium 11: Terrestrial Aquatic Systems
Symposium 12: Environmental Geochemistry
Symposium 13: Organic Geochemistry, Including Molecular and Isotopic Signals, in Paleoenvironmental Reconstruction
Symposium 14: Advances in Analytical Geochemistry
Symposium 15: Metamorphic Fluids
Symposium 16: Structure and Reactivity of Mineral Surfaces
Open Sessions
C. J. Allègre: The Chemical Structures of the Earth and Their Evolution: Arguments and Debate
W. S. Broeker: What Caused the Glacial to Interglacial Change in Atmospheric CO2?
C. H. Langmuir: Mantle Melting, Melt Extraction and Source Heterogeneity: Issues and Constraints
K. H. Wedepohl: The Importance of the Pioneering Work by V.M. Goldschmidt for Modern Geochemistry
Introduction: Stanley R. Hart
Presentations: Claude J. Allègre and Alexander N. Halliday
Introduction: Teresa S. Bowers, Gradient Corporation, USA
Acceptance: Patricia M. Dove, Georgia Institute of Technology, USA
Introduction: Claude J. Allègre, Institut de Physique du Globe, Paris, France
Acceptance: Albrecht W. Hofmann, Max-Planck-Institut für Chemie, Mainz
Conveners: E. Jessberger and M. E. Lipschutz
Grün E: Dust in the Solar System
Lee D-Ch & Halliday AN: 182Hf-182W Chronometry and the Evolution of the Early Solar System
Floss Ch et al.: Elemental and Isotopic Fractionations Produced Through the Evaporation of Hibonite
Greshake A et al.: Mineralogy, Chemistry, and Oxygen Isotopes of Refractory Inclusions from Antarctic Micrometeorites
Schirmeyer S et al.: Occurrence of Li in CM-Chondrites: Indication of Nebular Alteration of Ca,Al-Rich Inclusions
Lipschutz ME Volatile Trace Elements in Kaidun, A Polymict Breccia From Hell
& Wang M-S:
Arndt P et al.: Mass and Multielement Analyses of Interplanetary Dust Particles Using PIXE and STIM with the Heidelberg Proton Microprobe
Deloule E & Robert F: Origin of Water in the Solar System: Ion-Probe Determinations of D/H Ratios in Chondrules
Halliday A et al.: Hf-W Isotope Geochemistry, Core Formation, the Lead Paradox and the Origin of the Moon
Coffee Break
Holzheid A & Palme H: Siderophile Elements in the Earth's Mantle and Implications for the Early History of the Earth
Schmidt G & Palme H: The Late Veneer Hypothesis for the Origin of Highly Siderophile Elements in the Mantle of the Earth
Ballhaus Ch: Sulfides Under Upper Mantle Conditions - Experiments Under Controlled Sulfur Fugacities
Meshik AP et al.: CFF-Xenon: An Alternative Approach to Terrestrial Xenology
Nkusi G et al.: Occurrences and Partial Chemical Characterization of Halogenated Organic Compounds in Carbonaceous Chondrites
Conveners: S. Goldstein and T. Elliott
White WM: Chemical Insights on Mantle Plumes
O'Connell RJ : Models of Plumes and Hotspots in a Convecting Mantle.
& Steinberger B
Goldstein SL et al.: Trace Element Budgets of OIB, MORB, and Primitive Mantle Reservoirs
Allègre CJ: Where Do Hot Spots Come From?
O'Nions RK Closure and Isolation of Mantle Reservoirs and the Role of Plumes
& Tolstikhin IN:
Zindler A et al.: Plumes and Plums in the MORB Mantle
Morgan JP & Morgan WJ: Two-stage Melting of a Mulit-component Mantle: A Proposed Link Between the Chemistry of Ocean-Island and Mid-Ocean Ridge Basalts
Ballentine Ch et al.: Hafnium Isotope Geochemistry of the Cameroon Line: Initial Results From MC-ICPMS
Stein M et al.: From Subduction to Intraplate Magmatism in the Arabian-Nubian Shield: Metasomatic Transformation of Plume Related Source to Heterogeneous Subcontinental Lithosphere and Implications for Formation of Mantle Reservoirs
Wilson M: HIMU Mantle Plumes, Hot Lines and Hot Blobs: Sr-Nd-Pb Isotopic Constraints for the Mesozoic-Cenozoic Evolution of Their Mantle Source
Hoernle K et al.: The Geochemistry of Basalts from the Iblean Hills (Sicily) and the Island of Linosa (Straits of Sicily): Evidence for a Plume from the Lower Mantle?
George RM & Rogers NW: Temporal Variations in Magmatism in the Southern Ethiopian Rift: Plumes, Lithosphere and Melt Production Rates
Bell K & Simonetti A: Nd, Pb and Sr Isotopic Systematics From Oldoinyo Lengai Carbonatite Volcano (Tanzania): Carbonatite Magmatism and Lithosphere-Plume Interaction
Griselin M & Arndt N: Plume-Lithosphere Interaction and Crustal Contamination during Formation of Coppermine River Basalts, Northwest Territories, Canada
Hauri EH: What's New About Hawaii? Constraints on Magma Pathways, Structure, and Bulk Composition in a Classic Mantle Plume
Eiler JM et al.: Oxygen Isotope Constraints on the Sources of Hawaiian Volcanism
Hofmann AW et al.: Trace Element Evidence for Gabbroic Source Components in Hawaiian Magmas
Morgan WJ & Morgan JP: Why the Kolbeinsey Ridge Differs from the Reykjanes Ridge
Fitton JG & Saunders AD: Thermal and Chemical Structure of the Iceland Plume During Break-up of the North Atlantic
Taylor RN et al.: Influence of the Iceland Plume Along the Reykjanes Ridge: Geochemical and Isotopic Constraints
Nowell GM & Kempton PD: Hafnium Isotope Constraints on Depleted MORB Versus Depleted Plume Components
Hawkesworth CJ et al.: U-Th Isotope Studies in Selected Ocean Island Basalts
Sims KWW & DePaolo DJ: Porosity of the melting zone beneath Hawaii and Mid-Ocean Ridges: Inferences from 238U-230Th-226Ra Disequilibria
Claude-Ivanaj Ch 238U-230Th-226Ra Disequilibria in Volcanics of Karthala Volcano: Evidences of Plume-Lithosphere
& Allègre CJ: Interactions in the Source of the Volcanism
Class C et al.: Significance of Lower Mantle Entrainment or Plume-Lithosphere Interaction in Oceanic Island Basalts. Helium Isotope Evidence from Grande Comore
Sarda Ph et al.: Rare Gases in Deep Mantle Hot Spots on the South Atlantic Ridge
Kunz J et al.: Terrestrial Xenology Revised
Richard D et al.: Primitive Helium in Depleted Archean Komatiite
Haase KM & Goldstein SL: Mixing Processes Between the Easter Plume and SE Pacific MORB
Hauff SF et al.: Origin of the Central American Ophiolites Through Plume/Ridge Interaction?
Belyatsky BV et al.: Isotope Sources of Alkaline Magmatism of the Clarion Fracture Zone (Pacific Ocean)
Gee M et al.: Plume Signature: Melting vs Source
Holm PM et al.: Tertiary Picrites From the Faroe Islands CFB Province: Implications for MORB-type Components in the Icelandic Mantle Plume
Larsen LM & Pedersen AK: Earliest Tertiary Break-up Volcanism in West Greenland: Mg-rich Volcanics from Nuussuaq and Disko
Hemond Ch & Devey CW: The Foundation Seamount Chain, Southeastern Pacific: First Isotopic Evidence of a Newly Discovered Hotspot Track
Koppers AAP et al.: 40Ar/39Ar Ages and Isotope Geochemistry of Vlinder Guyot and Adjacent Seamounts (W-Pacific Plate): From Altered Submarine Basalts to Mantle Source Characteristics
O'Connor JM et al.: Broad Zones of St. Helena and Tristan Plume Volcanism Linked to a Stationary Region in the Mantle
Bureau H et al.: Volatiles: Mantle Source Characterization and Degassing Process for Hot Spot Volcanism - The Piton de la Fournaise (Reunion Island) Example
Moreira M & Allègre C-J: Rare Gas Signature of the Azores Archipelago
Niedermann S et al.: A Plume-like Noble Gas Component in MORB Glasses From the East Pacific Rise, 14°-23°C
Polyak BG et al.: Helium Isotopes and Major Volatiles in "Zero-age" Basaltic Glasses From 10°N of the EPR
Babbs T et al.: Composition of the Lower Mantle: The Plateau Paradox
Barry T et al.: Cenozoic Alkali Basalts From the Gobi Desert, Mongolia: Products of a Mantle Plume?
Ntaflos Th et al.: The Early Cretaceous Continental Flood Basalts from Franz Josef Land, Arctic Russia
Patterson R et al.: The Temporal Evolution of the European Asthenospheric Reservoir: Trace Element and Sr-Nd Isotopic Constraints from the Upper Rhine Graben, Germany
Vrevsky AB et al.: Geochemical and Isotopic Evidence of Archaean Mantle Plume Action on the Baltic Shield
Conveners: L. Reisberg and S. Shirey
Ravizza G: Extending the Marine Os Isotope Record
Burton KW et al.: Variations in the Osmium Isotope Ratio of Seawater
Marcantonio F et al.: Extraterrestrial Dust Flux to the Seafloor: Constraints from Osmium and Helium Isotopes
Reisberg L Diagenesis of Himalayan-Derived Sediments: A Source of Radiogenic Os to Seawater
& France-Lanord Ch:
Williams G et al.: Osmium Concentration and 187Os/186Os in Surficial Sediments of Long Island
Helz GR et al.: Osmium and the History of Anoxia in Chesapeake Bay
Yin Q & Rocholl A: Negative 187Os/186Os vs. 143Nd/144Nd Correlation Observed in the Continental Crust
Birck JL & Allègre CJ: The Re-Os System in Planetary Bodies
Shirey SB & Walker RJ: Re-Os Isotopic Evolution of the Earth's Mantle, Archean to Present
Schiano P et al.: Re-Os Isotope Systematics of Mid-Ocean Ridge Basalt Glasses
Snow JE: Os-Nd Isotopic Systematics of the MORB Mantle
Hauri EH: Osmium Isotopes in the Convecting Mantle: Constraints on Magma Transport, Slab Recycling, and Core-Mantle Interaction
Chesley JT et al.: Re-Os Isotope Systematics of the Columbia River Basalt Group
Frick LR et al.: Re-Os Isotopic Evidence for a Subcontinental Lithospheric Mantle Source for the Scourie Dykes
Pearson DG et al.: Re-Os isotope constraints on the sources of kimberlites and lamproites
Burnham OM Re and Os in Peridotite Massifs: Implications for Models of Continental Lithospheric Mantle Evolution
& Rogers NW:
Hassler DR & Shimizu N: The Osmium Isotopic Composition of Peridotitic Xenoliths From the Northeastern Kerguelen Islands
Meisel Th & Walker RJ: Osmium Isotopic Comparison of the Upper Mantle
Saal AE et al.: Os Isotopic Composition of Lower Crustal Xenoliths from Northern Queensland, Australia
Stein HJ et al.: New Tools, New Interpretations: A Re-Os Revelation at the Skarn Deposits of Pitkäranta, Russia
Suzuki K et al.: Study on Molybdenite Alteration and its Re-Os Fractionation by N-IR Microscopy and Micro-X-Ray Diffraction
Ruiz J et al.: Re-Os Isotopes and Sulphides in Hydrothermal Ore Deposits
Frick LR et al.: Re-Os Dating of Metamorphism in the Lewisian Complex, NW Scotland
Ravizza G & Pyle D: PGE and Os Isotopic Analyses of Single Sample Aliquots with NiS Fire Assay Preconcentration
Hanski EJ et al.: Decipering the Os Isotopic Evolution of the Mantle: The Pechenga Ferropicrites of NW Russia
Conveners: S. Foley and E. Hauri
Righter K et al.: Predicting Siderophile Element Metal-Silicate Partition Coefficients
Agee CB & Li J: Pressure Effect on Partitioning of Nickel, Cobalt, and Sulfur During Mantle-Core Formation
Kelley SP et al.: Crystal-Melt Partitioning and Diffusion Profiles in Experimental Basalt Systems
McCammon CA et al.: Partitioning of Ferric Iron Between Lower Mantle Phases: Results from Natural and Synthetic Samples
Hauri EH et al.: Trace Element Partitioning at High Pressures: New Ion Probe Results and Implications for Differentiation of a Terrestrial Magma Ocean
Redfern SAT et al.: Kinetics of M1/M2 Ordering in Olivine: a Measure of Cooling Rates
Seitz H-M & Altherr R: Partitioning of Transition Metal Elements Between Mantle Minerals: Empirical Geothermobarometers
Heinrich W et al.: Monazite-Xenotime Thermometry: An Empirical Calibration of the (LREE-HREE)PO4 Solvus
Bau M: Controls on the Fractionation of Isovalent Trace Elements: Distinguishing Between Melts and Aqueous Fluids
Stalder R et al.: Experimental Trace Element Partitioning Between Solid Phases and Aqueous Fluid Phases Under Upper Mantle Conditions
Klein M et al.: Experimental Partitioning of Selected Rare Earth and High Field Strength Elements Between Amphiboles and Tonalitic Melts
Grochau B & Johannes W: Influence of the Melt Composition on the Fe-Mg Partitioning between Garnet and Granitic Melts
Streck MJ: High-silica Rhyolite Differentiation Processes in the Light of Mineral Partition Coefficients From the Rattlesnake Tuff, Oregon
Appora I & Javoy M: Carbon and Oxygen Isotopic Fractionations Between CO2 and Carbonated Liquids
Fett A: Partitioning of Ti Between Garnet and Clinopyroxene in High Pressure Experiments and High Pressure Rocks - A Comparison
Heuss-Aßbichler S Intercrystalline Exchange of Al-Fe3+ Between Grossular-Andradite and Clinozoisite-Pistazite Solid
& Fehr KT: Solutions
Bouch J et al.: Partitioning of High Field Strength and Rare Earth Elements Between Sector Zones in Diagenetic Titanite
Green TH: Experimental Versus Natural Two-mineral Partition Coefficients - a "High-Tech" Controversy
Rocholl A et al.: Experimental Partitioning of Trace Elements Between Clinopyroxene, Garnet and Basanitic Melts Studied by Ion Microprobe
Harte B et al.: Clinopyroxene-garnet Trace Element Partition Coefficients for Mantle Peridotite and Melt Assemblages
Zack T et al.: A Consistent Partition Coefficient Set of 21 Trace Elements for Clinopyroxene, Amphibole and Garnet Through Laser Ablation Microprobe Analysis of Garnet Pyroxenites From Kakanui, New Zealand
Salters VJM & Longhi J: Partitioning of Trace Elements During Primary Melting of MORB Mantle
Bartels KS & Furman T: Crystal Chemical Controls on Element Partitioning Between Clinopyroxene and Mafic Alkalic Liquids: Implications for Mantle Source Signatures
Amossé J & Allibert M: Thermochemical Behaviour of Pt, Ir, Rh and Ru vs. fO2 and fS2 in a Basaltic Melt. Implications for the Differentiation of the Elements
Tschauner O et al.: Partitioning of Ni and Co Between Metal and Magnesiasilicate-Perovskite Under Conditions of the Lower Mantle
Geßmann CK & Rubie DC: Valence States of Siderophile Elements at High Pressure and Temperature - Experiments, Results, Restrictions
Akinfiev NN: New Mechanism of Element Partitioning in the Mixed Natural Fluids: Account of Dielectric Permittivity
Harms E et al.: Influx of SO2 into the Atmosphere During the Plinian Eruption of Laacher See Volcano (East Eifel, Germany) and Magmatic Halogen Fractionation
Schreiber U et al.: Melt/Melt Diffusion in Globule-bearing Alkaline Magmas: Origin of the Alkaline Series?
Zeeh S & Walter U: Element Partitioning in Epithermal Environments: An Example From Burial Calcite Cements of the Alpine Realm (Austria, Germany, Slovenia)
Andreeßen T et al.: Experimental Determination of Trace Element Partitioning Between Amphibole and Melt
Ashchepkov IV & Andre L: Calculated Partition Coefficients Mineral/Melt for Garnets, Phlogopite and Orthopyroxenes
Schmidt KH et al.: Trace Element Partitioning Between Phlogopite and Leucite Lamproite Melt
Sassi R et al.: Trace Element Distribution in Titanite-bearing Ultra-high Pressure Eclogite
Podlesskii KK: Distribution of Fe and Mg Between Sapphirine and Other Minerals in Aluminous Granulites
Singh J & Johannes W: Role of K-feldspar during partial melting in the continental crust
Franz G et al.: Rare Earth Element Distribution in Zoisite and Epidote From High Pressure Pegmatites and Hydrothermal Segregations
Chevychelov V Partitioning of Ore Components Between Melt and Aqueous Fluid in the Systems Granodiorite (Granite,
& Chevychelova T: Leucogranite)-H2O-NaCl-HCl
Gramenitskiy EN The Ore Components Concentration at the Magmatic Stage in the Granite System
& Shchekina TI:
Conveners: G. Wörner and M. Wilson
Albarède F et al.: Buffered Differentiation of Piton de la Fournaise Lavas (Réunion): Magma Percolation Through a Mush Zone
Cebriá JM & Wilson M: Trace Element Composition of the European Asthenospheric Reservoir as Inferred From Partial Melting Modelling
Zou H & Zindler A: Constraints on the Degree of Dynamic Partial Melting and Source Composition Using Concentration Ratios in Magmas
Davidson JP et al.: Constraining Magma Differentiation Histories Through Crystal Isotope Stratigraphy
Bach W et al.: Basalt Sources and Chemical Fluxes in the Lau and North Fiji Basins
Rapp RP & Shimizu N: Arc Magmatism in Hot Subduction Zones: Interactions Between Slab-derived Melts and the Mantle Wedge, and the Petrogenesis of Adakites and High-Magnesian Andesites (HMA)
Petrova T et al.: Cenozoic Shoshonites of the Eastern Sikhote-Alin
Sobolev AV: Primary Melts at Mid-Ocean Ridges, Mantle Plumes and Subduction-Related Plate Margins: Constraints on Mantle Melting
Fitton JG et al.: The Chemical Distinction Between Depleted Plume and N-MORB Mantle Sources
Chung S-L & Wang K-L: Trace Element Characteristics of Absarokites in the Arc-Continent Collision Zone of Taiwan: Implications for the Genesis of Orogenic Potassic Lavas
Becker H & Wenzel Th: Glimmerite Veins in High-pressure Rocks from Lower Austria - Clues for the Origin of High-K Magmas in Orogenic Belts
Linnen RL & Keppler H: Ta/Nb Fractionation in the Earth's Crust: Evidence from Columbite Solubility Experiments
Weinstein Y et al.: Veined Lithosphere as a Mixed Source for Continental Alkaline Mafic Magmas
Peltonen P et al.: Petrogenesis of EMORB- and OIB-like Metabasalts from the 1.95 Ga old Jormua Ophiolite (Finland): Trace Element and Sm-Nd Isotope Results
Brügmann GE et al.: Noble Metal Contents in Ferropicritic Magmas and Associated Ni-Sulfide Deposits of the Pechenga Complex, Kola Peninsula
Kononova VA et al.: Geochemical Constraints on the Petrogenesis of the High-K Rocks of the Southern Sakun Massif, Aldan Shield, Siberia
Stolz AJ et al.: Fluid-related Enrichment in the Mantle Source Regions of Lamproites From the Aldan Shield, Siberia
Devey CW et al.: Geochemistry of Young Submarine Lavas From the Juan Fernandez Chain (SE Pacific)
Meen JK & Elthon D: Anatomy of a Mid-Cayman Rise Gabbro
Weiss M & Müntener O: Crystal Chemistry of Titanian-Clinhumite: Implications for Storage of HFSE in the Mantle
Suhr G & Seck HA: Origin of Strong Positive Zr Anomalies in Clinopyroxenes from Ophiolitic Dunite
Foley SF et al.: Major and Trace Element Compositions of Melts From Mica Clinopyroxenite in the Lower Cratonic Lithosphere - Results of Experiments on Mantle Vein Assemblages
Elliott T et al.: Element Transport Processes Beneath the Mariana Arc
Turner S et al.: U-Th Disequilibria Along the Tonga-Kermadec Island Arc
Wendt JI et al.: Petrogenesis of Subduction Related Rocks From the Tonga-Kermadec Arc Based on Pb Isotopes and U-Th Disequilibrium
Sigmarsson O et al.: Oceanic Crust of Sub-arc Mantle Melting: 238U-230Th Disequilibria in the Austral and Southern Volcanic Zone, Chile
Thirwall MF et al.: Isotopic and Trace Element Effects of Crustal Assimilation and Slab Contributions in Island Arc Magmas, Grenada, Lesser Antilles
Van Soest MC et al.: Helium-Carbon Systematics of the Lesser Antilles Magmatic Arc System (LAMAS)
Pedroni A et al.: Helium, Neon and Argon Isotope Systematics of Geothermal Fluids from the Lesser Antilles Island Arc
Adam J: Volatiles in Magmas and the Primary Mantle
Bogatikov OA et al.: Geochemical Discrimination Between Magmatic Sources of a) Paleozoic and b) Mesozoic High-K Complexes in the Aldan Schield, Russia
Borisova AYu: Continental Lithospheric Source for Oceanic Island Magmas Depleted by Ta, Nb, Th, and U
Jung S & Masberg P: Geochemistry and Trace Element Systematics of Cenozoic Mafic Volcanic Rocks From the Vogelsberg (Central Germany) - Constraints on the Origin of Continental Alkaline and Tholeiitic Basalts and Their Sources
Liebsch H et al.: Unmixing and Mixing of Carbonatite and Silicate Magma - Evidence from Laacher See Carbonate-bearing Xenoliths
Nikogosian IK & Sobolev AV: Ultra-depleted and Ultra-enriched Primary Melts in Hawaii Plume: Evidence From Melt Inclusions Study
Neumeier G The Volcanic Rocks From the Rhön Mountains: Geochemical and Petrological Investigations
& Huckenholz HG:
Patterson R et al.: Dissolved Disks: A Rapid ICP-MS REE Analysis Technique Used to Map Regional Variations in Mafic Magma Chemistry in the Massif Central, France
Tribuzio R et al.: Trace Element Variations in Minerals from Tholeiitic Gabbros (Northern Apennine Ophiolites, Italy)
Tsamerian OP & Sobolev AV: The Evidence for Extremely Low Degree of Melting Under Mid-Atlantic Ridge at 14°N
Verma SP: Error Propagation in Trace Element Modelling of Some Igneous Processes
Joron JL et al.: Geochemical Mantle Heterogeneities Revised According to Hygromagmaphile Element Distributions in Basaltic and Basic Volcanic Rocks Related to Different Geotectonic Setting
Treuil M et al: A New Set of Isoter and the Differentiation of the Earth
De Hoog JMC Zirconolite in K-rich Calc-alkaline Lavas from Lewotolo Volcano (E. Indonesia): Late-stage Mobility of
& van Bergen MJ: HFSE and REE in Arc Magmas
Hoch M et al.: Geochemistry of Calc-alkaline Lamprophyres From the Schirmacher Oasis, East Antarctica
Mason PRD et al.: Trace Element and Sr-Nd-Pb-O Isotopic Behaviour During the Final Stages of Arc Magmatism in the East Carpathians, Romania
Münker C: Nb/Ta Fractionation in Cambrian Island Arc and Back Arc Basalts
Ioudintsev SV: Uranium Solubility in Model Granitic Melts
Petrova T: High-magnesian Magmas of the Eastern Sikhote-Alin
Robert U & Streck MJ: Divergent Trends Towards Trachyte and Rhyolite From a Common Basalt at the Bodrum Igneous Complex, SW Anatolia
Robert U & Agrinier P: Oxygen partitioning in felsic rocks and cumulate minerals in potassic magmatic series (Bodrum Igneous Complex, SW Anatolia)
Streck MJ & Grunder AL: Strong Local Trace Element Variability in a Tholeiitic Suite From Oregon: Dominance of Intra-suite Interactions vs. Mantle or Crustal Processes
Volynets ON et al.: Isotope Characteristics of Withinplate Geochemical Type Basalts From Kamchatka Island Arc System: Evidence of Composite Magma Source
Wai KM et al.: Mantle heterogeneity in eastern Papua New Guinea: Implications for Plate-tectonic Evolution of the Southeast Asia and Southwest Pacific Regions
Wittenbrink R Variation in Time and Space of Magma Genesis of Neogene to Recent Volcanic Rocks in the Southern
& Kraemer B: Central Volcanic Zone (CVZ) of the Andes (24°-26°S, 67°-69°W)
Barling J et al.: Geochemistry of Early Proterozoic Calc-alkaline Intrusives of the Inari Terrain, Northern Baltic Shield: Geochemical Evidence of Tectonic Events
Breiter K et al.: Geochemistry of Extremely Fractionated P-rich Granites: An Example From Podlesí, Czech Republic
Förster H-J et al.: Post-collisional A-type Silicic Magmatism in the Variscan Erzgebirge
Gerdes A et al.: Mantle Sources in the Hercynian Granitoids? A Trace Element and Isotope Study
Gottesmann B et al.: Geochemistry and Mica Composition of the Gottesberg Subvolcanic A-type Suite (Saxony, Germany)
Jennings JA The Evolution of Granitic Magmas: Evidence From Their Accessory Phases
& Rowbotham G:
Krause O et al.: First Petrogenetical Conclusions on Megacrystic S-type Granitoids From the Eastern Ghats Belt (India)
Robu IN et al.: REE Content Variation in the Rezezat Granitoid Body From the Southern Carpathians (Romania)
Robu L: REE Content in the Furcatura and Petreanu Granitoid Bodies From the Southern Carpathians (Romania)
Seltmann R et al.: The Altenberg-Teplice Caldera: Reversed Zonation of a Stratified Magma Chamber
Vellmer C & Koller F: Petrogenesis of Gabbros of the South Bohemian Batholith: Geochemical Evidence for the Presence of Mantle-derived Magmas During Batholith Formation
Rahn M et al.: Evidence for an Extended Post-Collisional Calc-Alkaline Volcanic System along the Alpine Belt: The Characterization of Volcanism through Clinopyroxene and Amphibole Composition
Polozov AG: The Behaviour of Rare Earth Elements During the Alteration of the Siberian Platform Basalts
Conveners: H.-G. Stosch and R. L. Rudnick
Pearson DG: Constraints on Lithospheric Mantle Evolution From Re-Os Isotope Studies of Xenoliths
McBride JS et al.: Re-Os and Sm-Nd Isotopic Evidence for a Multi-stage Evolution of the Subcontinental Lithsopheric Mantle, Southeastern Australia
Chesley J & Rudnick RL: Growth and Modification of the Tanzanian Lithospheric Mantle: Preliminary Re-Os Results
Cohen AS et al.: Re-Os Isotope Systematics of Peridotite Xenoliths From Dreiser Weiher and Gees, Eifel, Germany
Lorand JP & Pattou L: Platinum-group Element Contents of Mantle Peridotite Xenoliths from France
Hartmann G: Noble Metals in the Primitive Mantle and Their Behaviour During Various Mantle Processes
Shimizu N et al.: Comparative Trace Element Geochemistry of Peridotite Xenoliths from Siberian and Kapvaal Craton Roots
Spetsius Z: Trace Elements in Mafic and Ultramafic Xenoliths From Kimberlites of Yakutia
Jagoutz E et al.: Chemical Equilibrium Between Garnet and Clinopyroxen in Eclogitic Xenoiths from Kimberlites
Jacob DE et al.: Isotopic Analysis (Sm/Nd, Rb/Sr and U/Pb) of Single Subcalcic Garnet Grains From Yakutian Kimberlites
Ottolini L Geochemistry of Lithium and Boron in the Mantle: Results from Studies of Peridotites
& McDonough WF:
Bedini RM Evolution of LILE-enriched Small Melt Fractions in the Lithospheric Mantle Beneath the East African
& Bodinier J-L: Rift: an ICP-MS Study of Spinel Peridotite Xenoliths
Ionov D: Distribution and Residence of Lithophile Trace Elements in Minerals of Garnet and Spinel Peridotites: An ICP-MS Study
Shi L et al.: Trace Element Constraints on the Nature of Metasomatizing Agents in the Lithospheric Mantle Beneath the Northern Canadian Cordillera
Carignan J et al.: The Isotopic Composition of the Subcontinental Mantle Lithosphere in Yukon, Canada, as Inferred by Ultramafic Nodules and Alkaline Lavas
Downes H & Vaselli O: Contrasting Styles of Interaction between Asthenospheric Melts and Shallow Manlte Lithosphere - is there a Geodynamic Control?
Witt-Eickschen G Unusually Geochemical and Isotopic Signatures in Diopsides From Mantle Xenoliths From the Rhön
& Kramm U: (Germany): Evidence for Mantle Upwelling Beneath Central Europe
Kelemen PB & Hart SR: Silica Enrichment in the Continental Lithosphere via Melt/rock Reaction
Wiechert U & Hoefs J: Oxygen Isotope Heterogeneities in Peridotite Xenoliths
Wirth R: Amorphous Intergranular Layers in Xenoliths: Indicators for the Early Stage of Partial Melting?
Pretorius W Crustal Evolution Under the Central Zone of the Limpopo Belt, South Africa, Based on the Geochemical
& Barton Jr JM: Characteristics of Crustal and Upper Mantle Xenoliths in the 530 Ma Venetia Kimberlite Pipes
Kempton PD Granulite Xenoliths From the Pannonian Basin: Evidence for the Composition and Evolution of the Lower
& Downes H: Crust Beneath Alpine Europe
Zhou X et al.: Granulite Xenoliths vs. Terrains in an Archean Craton: A Case Study of Lower Crust Beneath North China
Deines P & Harris JW: The Complex Nature of Diamond Growth: Evidence From 13C/12C Ratios, Nitrogen Content and Aggregation State and Inclusion Chemistry of Diamonds From Jwaneng, Botswana
Cartigny P et al.: Nitrogen Isotopic Composition of Diamonds from Fuxian, China
Akagi T & Masuda A: Carbon Isotope of Fluid Inclusions in Zairean Fibrous Diamonds
Fitzsimons ICW et al.: Two Generations of Growth Within Diamonds From George Creek, Colorado
Roden MF et al.: Proterozoic Lithosphere Composition beneath the Colorado Plateau
Garrit D et al.: Processes in Archean and Proterozoic Mantle in West Greenland
Rosenbaum JM Two-stage Enrichment of the Eifel Mantle: New Evidence
& Wilson M:
Zinngrebe E et al.: Gt-Spl-Plag Clinopyroxenite and Lherzolite Xenoliths From Bayuda, Sudan: First Insights Into NE African Lithospheric Mantle
Brumm R et al.: Geothermobarometry in High-Fe3+ Garnet Clinopyroxenites From the Bayuda Main Volcanic Field, Sudan
Bonadiman C et al.: Alkali-rich Carbonatitic Metasomatism in the Grande Comore Oceanic Mantle
Gregoire M et al.: Petrology of Kerguelen Mantle Xenoliths: Evidence of a Strongly Refractory Oceanic Mantle Percolated by Basaltic Melts
Bau M et al.: Trace Element Characteristics of Mantle Metasomatism in Subduction Zones: The Batan Xenoliths, Philippines
Petrova T & Esin S: Alkaline Volcanism and Xenoliths of Sikhote-Alin
Ashchepkov IV et al.: Phlogopite in Vitim Mantle Xenoliths and its Significance for Mantle Melts
Ashchepkov IV Vein System Beneath Vitim Plateau: Mechanism of Fractionation and Relationships with Basaltic
& André L: Magmatism
Wittenberg A et al.: Kyanite eclogites from Siberia - Influenced by Kimberlitic Melt?
Bagdasarov EA et al.: Evolution of Yakutian Kimberlite Eclogite Pargeneses Compositions
Gueddari K et al.: Evidence for Geochemical Behaviour of Platinum-group Elements (PGE) in Upper Mantle: Spinel Peridotites From Orogenic Massifs and Xenoliths
Zanetti A et al.: Geochemistry and Crystal Chemistry of Mantle Amphiboles from the Carpatho-Pannonian Region and their Petrological Implications
Mc Dade P & Harris JW: Multiple Diamond Sources at the Kalahari Craton Margin: Letseng-la-terai, Lesotho
Hart R et al.: Refractory Trace Elements in Diamonds and Their Bearing on the Origin of Ancient Cratons
Stachel Th & Harris JW: Syngenetic Mineral Inclusions in Diamonds From Ghana - Unique Samples From the Base of the Peridotitic Mantle Lithosphere
Sharkov EV: Two Main Types of the Early Precambrian Lower Crust
Franz L et al.: Xenoliths From the Mid-German Crystalline Rise: Lithospheric Evolution Indicated by Phase Relations and Geochemistry
Jakes P et al.: Petrology and Geochemistry of Lower Crust in Bohemian Massif: Two Contrasting Lithologies
Klügel A et al.: Magma Ascent Chronology Constrained by Diffusion Rates Between Mantle Xenoliths and Their Host Melt
Conveners: K. Mezger and D. Vance
Oberli F et al.: 230Th/238U Disequilibrium Systematics in U-Th-Pb Dating: Nuisance or Powerful Tool in Geochronometry?
Friedl G & Finger F: U-Pb Monazite Dating in Orthogneiss Terrains - Some Potential Problems and Possible Solutions
Pidgeon RT et al.: Inherited and Disturbed U-Pb Ages in Zircon and Titanite from an Archean Syenite: Implications for the Stability of U-Pb Systems in these Minerals
Grauert B et al.: Metamorphic Mineral Ages in Conflict with a Simple Closure Temperature Concept
Kamber BS et al.: Granulite Chronometry - how Accuratly can we Interpret Precise Ages?
Nägler ThF et al.: What Dominates the Nd and Pb Characteristics of Garnet?
Zhu XK et al.: Chemical and Isotopic Zonation in Metamorphic Monazite
Chavagnac V Coesite-bearing Eclogites From the Bixling Complex, Dabie Shan Mountains, China: Sm-Nd Ages,
& Jahn B-m: Geochemical Characteristics and Tectonic Implications
Thöni M & Miller Ch: Sm-Nd Isotope Systematics in Metamorphic and Magmatic Garnets: Age and P-T Constraints on the Eo-Alpine Subduction/Exhumation History (Koralpe-Saualpe, Austria)
Vance D et al.: Pre-Tertiary Metamorphic Ages From the Zanskar Himalaya
Willner AP et al.: Time of Formation, Peak of HP-HT Metamorphism, and Cooling History of Quarz-Feldspar Rocks in the Central Erzgebirge, Saxony, Germany
Vavra G et al.: Zircon Chronometry of Lower Crustal Processes: Magmatism, Anatexis and Metasomatism in the Ivrea Zone
Corfu F: Patterns and Significance of Titanite U-Pb Ages in Western Superior Province, Ontario
Inger S & Freeman S: Rb-Sr Fabric Ages Constrain Tectonic Processes in the Alps and Himalaya
Freeman SR et al.: Geochronological and Chemical Constraints on Deformational Fabrics
Schaltegger U & Corfu F: Dating Short-lived Late-orogenic Extensional Events in the Variscan Belt of Central Europe
Dodson M et al.: The Multi-standard Approach to Accuracy in 40Ar-39Ar Dating
Pickles CS et al.: Investigations Into the Behaviour of Argon Isotopes During Metamorphism: Reaction Fronts and Diffusion Profiles
Villa IM: The Influence of Irradiation and Heating Schedule on Ar Diffusion in Gem-quality Orthoclase from Madagascar
Shukolyukov YuA et al.: XeS-XeN Dating of Uranium-bearing Minerals
Christensen JN Sr and Nd Isotopic Studies of Melt Inclusions in Quartz: Evidence for Multiple Age Components in the
& Halliday AN: Bishop Tuff, California
Moorbath S Long-Delay Resetting of the Sm-Nd Whole-Rock System Negates Use of Initial *Nd for Tracing Crust and
& Whitehouse MJ: Mantle Evolution
Eisenhauer A et al.: U-series Ages of a Last Interglacial Coral Core from the Abrolhos Islands, W. Australia
Rasbury ET et al.: 238U/207Pb-206Pb/207Pb Isochron Age of Exposure Surfaces in Rapidly Deposited late Paleozoic Cycles
Richards DA et al.: U-Pb Dating of Quaternary Age Spaleothems and Peats
Meffan-Main S & Cliff RA: Chronlogy of Deformation in Basement Gneisses Using Rb-Sr Microsampling
Glodny J & Grauert B: Metapegmatites and Their Use for Dating Thermal and Deformational Events in Metamorphic Terranes: The Western Bohemian Massif
Müller W et al.: Dating of Deformation Across the Brittle-Ductile Transition: High Spatial-Resolution Rb/Sr and 40Ar/39Ar Data from the Periadriatic Fault System (Alps)
Wodicka N & Card KD: U-Pb and 40Ar/39Ar Constraints on the Tectonothermal History of the Levack Gneiss Complex, Southern Superior Province, Canada: Implications for the Exhumation of Deep-Crustal Rocks
Zreda MG et al.: Cosmogenic Dating of Fault Faces - A New Tool for Paleoseismology
Dunkl I et al.: Two Types of Tectonic Denudation: Record of Rate in the Fission Track Age of Sediments
De Jong K et al.: 39Ar Recoil as Cause for HT Disturbance of 40Ar/39Ar Age Spectra of Actinolitised Hornblende From Gneisses of the Early Proterozoic Lapland-Kola Orogen, W. Kola Peninsula (Russia)
Pushkarev YuD: The Nature of the 40Ar/39Ar Plateau-like Spectra Corresponding to Apparent Ages: A Combination of Stepwise Crushing and Stepwise Heating Methods as a Basis for the Problem Solution
Chernyshev IV et al.: 39Ar Losses Control in the 39Ar-40Ar Method: Case of Oceanic Basalts Study
Sharp WD et al.: 40Ar/39Ar and K-Ar Dating of Mauna Kea Lavas From the Hilo 1-km Corehole, Hawaii Scientific Drilling Project
Singer BS et al.: Inherited Argon in Pleistocene Andesite Lavas: 40Ar/39Ar Incremental-heating and Laser Fusion Analyses of Plagioclase
Lips ALW et al.: First 40Ar/39Ar Laserprobe ages of the Pelagonian Zone, Internal Hellenides, Greece
Kraml M et al.: Spot Fusion and Incremental Heating of Single Crystals From Kaiserstuhl Volcanic Rocks With the BGR 40Ar/39Ar Laser Probe
Dahlgren S et al.: U-Pb Isotopic Time Constraints, and Hf and Pb Source Characteristics of the The Larvik Plutonic Complex, Oslo Paleorift. Geodynamic and Geochemical Implications for the Rift Evolution
Siebel W et al.: Rb-Sr, K-Ar geochronology and Nd isotopic study of contrasting granite massifs in western Bohemia
Todt W et al.: Pb Isotope Studies of Indian Carbonatites
Nemchin AA Dating of Internal Structures of Zircons as Constraints on the Timing of Granite Genesis and
& Pidgeon RT: Crystallization: Granites from SW Australia
Liebetrau V et al.: Comparison of Zircon Dating Methods for S-type Granitoids: Cathodoluminescence Documented Dating vs. Standard Techniques
Kosler J et al.: U-Pb Geochronology of Granulite Facies Rocks: Implications From BSE Study of Zircons
Bezmen NI et al.: Distribution of 206Pb and 238U Between Zircon and Hydrothermal Fluids
Frei R et al.: Single Mineral Pb-Pb Stepwise Leaching: Assessing the Mechanisms
Mezger K et al.: Thermal History of the Eastern Ghats Belt (India) Deduced from U-Pb and 40Ar/39Ar Dating of Metamorphic Minerals
Simien F: Formation and Evolution of a Crustal Segement - The Montagne Noire Area
Roberts MP & Finger F: Significance of Zircon Ages for Southern Bohemian Granulites: Evidence for Late Zircon Growth as a Consequence of Long-Term Melt Residence During Retrograde Metamorphic Evolution
Tikhomirova M et al.: Geochronological Investigations on Grey Gneisses From the Freiberg Region (Eastern Erzgebirge)
Baumann N et al.: Datings on Minerals as Contributions to Clearing up the Geological History of the Saxonian Granulite Complex
Gehmlich M et al.: 207/206Pb Single Zircon Evaporation Ages From Ordovician Sections of the Saxothuringian Zone (Germany)
Hofmann B & Hölzl S: The Crustal Profile of the KTB Main Borehole: Isotopic Characterisation and Time Marks
Köhler R et al.: Rb-Sr Isotopic Systematics on a Profile Through a Granite Contact (Ehrenfriedersdorf, Germany)
Siebel W et al.: Early-Paleozoic Acid Magmatism in the Fichtelgebirge, NE Bavaria
Irber W et al.: Leaching of Rb and Sr (87Sr/86Sr) of Hercynian Peraluminous Granites with Application to Age Determination
Shatagin KN: Time and Nature of Rb-Sr Isotopic System Disturbance in North Kazakhstanian Granites
Böhm ChO & Sergeev SA: Amphibolites as Milestones of Pre-Permian Volcano-Sedimentary Cycles in Penninic and Ultrahelvetic Basement Domains (Central Swiss Alps)
Biino GG & Meisel TC: Re-Os Dating and Isotopic (Re-Os, Ar-Ar, Rb-Sr, Sm-Nd, and U-Pb) Evidence for Crustal Contamination of a Triassic Alkaline Mineralized Ultramafic Pipe (Ivrea Verbano Zone, Italy)
Linner M et al.: Eo-Alpine Eclogites in the Austroalpine Basement S of the Tauern Window: Geochemistry of Eclogites and Interlayered Metasediments
Cliff RA & Inger S: U-Pb Systematics in Accessory Minerals form Alpine Metasediments
Rhede D et al.: Th-U-Pb Dating of Accessory Minerals by Electron Microprobe
Mundil R et al.: Chronological Control on Questionable Orbital Cycles Recorded in Middle Triassic Platform Carbonates
Mankopf NR Usability of Hematite for Dating Ore Formation
& Lippolt HJ:
Pravdivtseva OV et al.: Xenon-Xenon Geochronological Records of Hydrothermal Redeposition in the Shlema-Aberoda Pitchblende
Conveners: P. Möller and L. Rybach
Clauser Ch et al.: Crustal Dynamics and Advective Heat Transport in Continental Rift Zones
Balyshev SO: Relationship of Heat Transfer and Decompression Processes in Fault Zones
Holzbecher E: Convective Heat and Mass Flow in Porous Media
Aquilina L et al.: Water-rock Interaction Processes in the Triassic Sandstone and the Granitic Basement of the Rhine Graben: Geochemical Investigation of a Geothermal Reservoir
Johansen H et al.: Controls on CO2 Budget in Deep and Ultradeep Sedimentary Basins: Importance of Mineralogy and Diagenetic Reactions for Gas Composition, Carbonate Cementation and for the Preservation of Porosity at Great Depths
Lesniak PM: Deep Crustal Fluid Advection and Exchange of Oxygen-18: Application to Carpathians
Kohl T et al.: Evaluation of Convectively Driven Heat Flow by Quantitative Gas Flow Analysis Near the KTB Location
Pedersen T et al.: Fluid Flow in Sedimentary Basins: Flow Along Fractures
Möller P & Ondrak R: Heat and Mass Transport in Hydrothermal Mineralizations
Mäder U & Engi M: Aquifer Thermal Energy Storage: A Quantitative Geochemical Model for Long-term Cyclic Storage and Recovery
Conveners: J. Veizer and S. B. Jacobsen
Melezhik V & Fallick AE: Organic Carbon Recycling in the Early Precambrian: How Much Do We Know About It?
Lahtinen R: Palaeoproterozoic Metasedimentary Rocks in the Tampere-Hämeenlinna Area, Southern Finland: Chemostratigraphical Division into Arc- and Basement-related Groups
Gorokhov IM et al.: Lead and Strontium Isotopes in Ancient Carbonates From the Urals and Siberia: Evolution of Seawater 87Sr/86Sr Over the Late Proterozoic
Kuznetsov AB et al.: Carbonate Diagenesis of the Karatau Group Rocks, the South Urals: Chemical and Sr Isotopic Evidence
Schidlowski M et al.: Carbon Isotope Stratigraphy of the Phosporite-bearing Precambrian-Cambrian Transition Series of the Lesser Himalaya (Uttar Pradesh, India)
Jacobsen SB et al.: The record of Nd Isotopes in Neoproterozoic Sediments: Implications for Atmospheric Evolution, Ocean Mixing and Global Tectonics
Kaufman AJ Neoproterozoic Variations in the C and Sr-Isotopic Composition of Seawater: Stratigraphy and
& Jacobsen SB: Biogeochemical Implications
Derry L et al.: *13C Anomalies in Neoproterozoic Glacial Cap Carbonates: What Can They Tell Us About the Neoproterozoic Oceans and Climate?
Schramm A et al.: U-Th Isotopes and Trace Element Ratios in Late Pleistocene Aragonitic Sediments From Lake Lisan (Paleo-Dead Sea)
Yakovleva OV Glauconite feasibility to Numerical Stratigraphic Studies: 57Fe Mössbauer Evidence
& Gorokhov IM:
Pokrovsky BG: C-, O-, S-, and Sr-Isotope Variations in the Carbonate Successions of Siberian Platform and Events on the Precambrian/Cambrian Boundary
Mingram B et al.: Geochemical Correlation of Metamorphic Rocks: Evidences for Repetition of Early Paleozoic Rocks in High Grade Metamorphic Units of the Erzgebirge
Calanchi N et al.: Inorganic Geochemistry of two Cores From the Meso-Adriatic Depression (MAD): Trace Elements as Geochemical Indexes of Paleoenvironmental Changes in the Late Quaternary
Veizer J et al.: Oxygen Isotope Evolution of Phanerozoic Seawater
Veizer J et al.: Strontium Isotope Stratigraphy: Potential Resolution and Event Correlation
Ebneth S & Veizer J: Strontium Isotope Record of the Cambrian System
Carden GAF et al.: A Global Correlation of Carbon and Oxygen Stable Isotopic Changes Across the Ordovician-Silurian Boundary
Diener A et al.: High Resolution Sr Isotope Stratigraphy: Middle and Upper Devonian of Central Europe
Bruckschen P et al.: Oxygen, Carbon and Strontium Isotope Stratigraphy of the European Lower and Middle Carboniferous - Criteria for Evaluation of Original Signal and New Data
Dolenec T et al.: Stable Isotope Variations in the Permian - Triassic Boundary Sedimentary Rocks from the Karavanke Mountains (Slovenia)
Podlaha OG et al.: Revisiting High-Resolution Isotope Stratigraphy of the Jurassic/Early Cretaceous: Limitations in Resolution of Secular Variations
Strauss H: The Sulfur Isotopic Composition of Seawater as Deduced From Trace Sulfate in Carbonates
Kampschulte A The Sulfur Isotopic Composition of Jurassic and Cretaceous Seawater as Deduced From Trace Sulfate in
& Stauss H: Belemnites
Gareev EZ: Sedimentary Geochemistry of the Riphean Stratotype (Meso/Neoproterozoic) in the South Urals, Russia
Maslov AV Paleosalinity of Riphean Sedimentary Basins on the Eastern Edge of Russion Craton (C/S Method, First
& Krupenin MT: Results)
Conveners: E. Suess and M. A. Arthur
Wolf-Gladrow DA et al.: Carbon Isotopic Fractionation in Marine Plankton: Paleobarometer for PCO2
Bijma J et al.: Effects of Seawater Carbonate Chemistry on the Stable Isotopic Composition of Foraminiferal Calcite
Freeman KH et al.: Molecular Proxies for PCO2 From Marine Surface Waters
François R et al.: Bulk Sediment *15N as a Tool in Paleoocenography
Hemming NG et al.: Boron Isotopes in Carbonates as a Proxy for Paleo-pH: Applications and Limitations
Sywall MA & Hoefs J: Lithium Isotope Composition of Quaternary and Tertiary Planktonic Foraminifera: Consequences for the Lithium Budget of the Ocean
Schmid M et al.: Oxygen Isotopes in Marine Diatoms (Opal-A)
Yu E-F et al.: Radiochemical Constraints on Ocean Circulation During the Last Glacial Maximum
Frank M et al.: Biogenic Particle Flux in the Eastern Atlantic Sector of the Antarctic Circumpolar Current: Spatial and Temporal Variations During the Late Quaternary Deduced From 230Th, 10Be and 231Pa Sediment Profiles
Chabaux F et al.: 238U-234U-230Th Disequilibrium in Fe-Mn Crusts: Study of Seawater Th Isotope Ratios
Frank N et al.: A New Proxy of the 230Th/231Pa Fractionation in the Pacific Water Column During the Past?
Von Blanckenburg F Advection Lengthscales of Seawater Be, Pb, and Nd and Implications for Secular Variations in Their
& O'Nions RK: Isotopic Compositions
Abouchami W et al.: Temporal Changes in Pb Isotope Composition and Concentration Recorded by a Mn Crust from the Central Pacific and Their Relationship to Climate
Ling H-F et al.: Nd and Pb Isotope History of Central Pacific Seawater
Simonetti A et al.: Inferences on Atlantic Deep Water Circulation from Pb and Nd Isotopes in Atlantic Fe-Mn Deposits
Peucker-Ehrenbrink B The Influence of Silicate Weathering on the Marine Os and Sr Isotope Records
& Blum JD:
Oxburgh R Pleistocene variations in the osmium isotopic composition of sea water as indication of controls on
& Shackleton NJ: continental weathering processes
Nagender Nath B et al.: Cerium Anomalies in the Arabian Sea Sediments Beneath and Beyond Oxygen Minimum Zone (OMZ)
McDermott F et al.: Late Glacial Climate in S.W. Ireland: The Cave Calcite Record
Hladíková J et al.: Holocene Climatic Record in the Calcareous Tufa Mound in Svaty Jan pod Skalou (Bohemian Karst, Czech Republic)
Colin C et al.: Detritic Record of Chemical Weathering / Physical Erosion Characteristics of the Himalaya During the Two Last Glacial-Interglacial Cycles
France-Lanord Ch The Seawater Sr Record and Processes of Erosion and Weathering in Himalaya
& Derry LA:
Rutsch H-J et al.: The Global Barium Cycle: Experiments With a Zonally-averaged Global Ocean Ciculation Model
Schaller T & Wehrli B: Concentration Patterns of Redox Sensitive Metals in Lake Sediments - Indicators for Wind and Temperature Regimes
Brumsack H-J et al.: High-resolution Major and Minor Element Geochemistry of Sedimentary Sequences from the Lower Cretaceous (NW German Basin)
Hofmann PM et al.: Processes Controlling the Accumulation of Organic Matter-rich Sedimentary Sequences of Albian Age in the North Atlantic
Henderson GM et al.: Direct Dating of Oxygen-Isotope Substage 5e by Measurement of U and Th Isotopes in Marine Sediments From the Bahamas
Antonow M: Geochemistry of Central Greenland Sea Sediments and Isotopic Characterization of Surface Water Masses of the Past 250 ky
Mangini A et al.: Evaluation of Glacial Deep Water O2 Content From Authigenic Uranium in Sediments
Gallet S & Jahn B-m: Geochemical and Isotopic Characterization of the Luochuan Loess-Paleosol Sequence of China and its Paleoclimatic Implications
Stein R et al.: Late Cenozoic Organic-Carbon Flux and Paleoenvironment in the Arctic Ocean Gateway Area (ODP-Leg 151 and Polarstern Cruise ARCTIC '91)
Gingele FX Comparison of Independent Proxies in the Reconstruction of Deepwater Circulation and Productivity
& Schmiedl G: Changes in the Southeast Atlantic
Knies J & Stein R: Organic Carbon, Biomarker and Paleoenvironment of the Northern Barents and Kara Sea During Glacial/Interglacial Periods: First Results of an Organic Geochemical and Sedimentological Study
Müller PJ et al.: Late Quaternary PCO2 Variations in the Angola/Benguela Current System Inferred From Bulk Organic Carbon and Alkenone *13C and Alkenone Temperatures
Specht J et al.: Carbonate Dissolution and Lysocline Variations in the Western Equatorial Atlantic
Vogler S et al.: Scavenging of 230Th, 232Th and 231Pa in the North-East Atlantic Ocean
Walter H-J Fractionation of 230Th and 231Pa in the Southern Ocean - The Effects of Particle Composition and Particle
& van der Loeff MR: Flux
Williamowski C et al.: Benthic *13C and CD/CA Records of Mid-depth Ventilation from the Upper Portuguese Continental Margin
Bollhöfer A et al.: Growth Rates and Manganese/Iron Variations in Two Manganese Nodules From the Peru Basin
Haese R & Schulz HD: Reconstruction of Aeolian Input to the Equatorial Atlantic: A One Million Year Record
Heiss GA et al.: Stable Isotope Signal in Corals From the Indian Ocean
Kunzendorf H Tracing and Use of Radiometric Signals in Baltic Sea Surface Sediments
& Christiansen Ch:
Hemming SR et al.: 40Ar/39Ar Age Constraints on the Sources of Ice-rafted Hornblende Grains in the Heinrich Layers
Van Os BJH et al.: Climate Induced Geochemical Variations in Dutch Overbank Deposits During the Lower Pleistocene and Pliocene
Staudigel H et al.: Biologically Mediated Alteration of Volcanic Glass in Seawater: Implications for Earliest Basalt Diagenesis, Seawater Chemistry and Origin of Cherts
Mundil R et al.: Chronological Control on Questionable Orbital Cycles Recorded in Middle Triassic Platform Carbonates
Peucker-Ehrenbrink B Continental Runoff of Osmium Into the Baltic Sea
& Ravizza G:
Dolenec T & Faganeli J: Rare Earth Element Geochemistry of the Surficial Sediments from the Adriatic Sea
Dubinin AV: Paleoevents in Sedimentation Recorded by Authigenous Mineralization
Conveners: F. H. Frimmel and A. I. B. Zehnder
Pawellek F: *13C of Dissolved Inorganic Carbon in Major River Systems: Sources and Processes in Watersheds
Barth J et al.: Spatial and Seasonal Biogeochemistry of the St. Lawrence River System
Chudaev OV et al.: The Mineral Waters of the Russion Far East
Kirchner JW: Long-term Acidification Resulting From Catchment Base Cation Depletion: Geochemical Theory and Field Observations
Roy S et al.: Sr Isotope Geochemistry of the Large Chinese Rivers. Implication for Weathering Rate
Hohmann R et al.: Tritium-Helium-3 Water Ages in Lake Baikal
Lindemann J et al.: Contribution of Redoxchemical Processes in Spring Peat Bogs to the Neutralization of Atmospheric Acidification, Frankenwald (Northeast Bavaria)
Winckler G: Elemental and Isotopic Abundance of Helium and Argon in Mediterranean Brine Basins. Evidence of a Radiogenic Component Derived from the Subsurface
Buergisser ChS et al.: Reductive Dissolution of Co(III)- and Mn(III)-hydrous Oxide Minerals by Chelating Agents
Tricca A & Stille P: Rare Earth Elements and Sr Isotope Determination on Alsatian River and Groundwaters
Petelet E et al.: A Global Geochemical Approach to a Hydrological Problem: Major, Trace, Isotopic (H2O, Sr, Pb) Constraints on the Surficial/Ground Waters Interaction in the Herault Watershed (S France)
Hirt M et al.: Too Much Air in Ground Water?
Pinti DL et al.: The use of Atmospheric Noble Gases for Evaluating Groundwater Movement in Deep Sedimentary Aquifers
Eggenkamp HGM et al.: Variations in Chlorine Isotope Compositions in Water and Sediment Related to Oil
Ben Othman D Geochemical Constraints on the Short-time Scale Water Movements in a Small Watershed During an
& Luck J-M: Autumn Flood: Major, Trace Elements and Sr Isotopes
Diener A & Veizer J: Sulfate 34S/32S in the River Elbe and its Tributaries
Eikenberg J et al.: U and Th Series Disequilibrium Studies in Ground and River Waters of the Upper Rhine Valley
Friese K: Geochemistry of Sediments in Acid Mining Lakes
Louvat P & Allègre CJ: Chemical Weathering and Erosion Rates from the Rivers of Reunion Island
Pinti DL & Matsuda J: Noble Gas Signature in Australian Cherts and Banded Iron Formations [2.5-3.5 Ga]. An Attempt to Detect Earth's Paleoatmosphere
Chudaeva VA Surface Water Composition of Kamchatka, Russia
& Lutsenko TN:
Pauwels H et al.: Denitrification in a Shaly Aquifer: The Coet-Dan Drainage Basin (Brittany, France)
Staudacher Th et al.: Comparison of Erosion Rates at Reunion Island, Determined by Cosmogenic Noble Gases and by Rivers Geochemistry
Gautelier M et al.: Dissolution Kinetics of Dolomite in Hydrochloric Acid
Helz GR et al.: Mechanism of Removal of Mo from the Sea and its Concentration in Black Shales: EXAFS Evidence
Roostai AH et al.: Hydrogeochemistry in Relation to Water Acidification in the Brocken Area (Harz Mountains, FRG)
Sullivan AB & Drever JI: Inorganic Sunlight-Induced Dissolution of Amorphous MnO2
Jedrysek MO et al.: *13C and *34S in Peat Profiles as a Possible Record of Global Changes
Jedrysek MO et al.: Mechanisms of Methanogenesis in Various Tropical Freshwater Sediments
Nikolaenko AN: Mathematical Model of Mulit-ion-salt Migration in Soils and Pore Solutions
& Skurlatov YuI:
Ernestova LS Terrestrial Aquatic Systems Under Human Impact
Stipp SLS: In situ, Real-time Observations of the Adsorption and Self-assembly of Macromolecules From Aqueous Solution onto an Untreated, Natural Surface
Conveners: U. Förstner and W. Salomons
Schulte U et al.: The Isotopic Compositions of Dissolved and Solid Sulfur and Carbon Species in a Deep Confined Tertiary Aquifer
Mörth C-M et al.: Interpretations of *34S and Sulfate Concentration Variations Over the Year in Runoff and Groundwater in a Small Forested Catchment in Western Sweden
Novak M: *34S Signals in Forest Soils of Central Europe
Mayer B et al.: A Sulfur Isotope Tracer Technique for the Assessment of the Environmental Consequences of K2SO4 Applications During Amelioration Procedures in Forests
Buzek F et al.: Impact of Atmospheric Sulphur on Mosses and Stone Monuments: *34S Monitoring in Belgium and Czech Republic
Heinrichs H Source Attribution of Urban Particulates Using Receptor Models
& Brumsack H-J:
Reimann C et al.: Geochemical Mapping of the Environmental Impact of Ni-Smelting and Mining in the Arctic Terrain of the Kola Peninsula (NW Russia)
Steinmann M & Stille P: Speciation of Rare Earth Elements in a Heavy Metal Contaminated Soil Using Geochemical and Isotopic Methods
Van Cappellen P: Biogeochemical Dynamics of Metals in Surface Sediments
Huisman DJ et al.: Natural Heavy-Metal Contents in Late Cenozoic Dutch Sediments
Ingri J & Widerland A: Uptake of Trace Elements on Suspended Matter in the Kalix River
Cundy AB et al.: A High-resolution Chemical Record of Anthropogenic Influences in SE Sicily
Müller G et al.: Heavy Metals in Aquatic Sediments of the Oka River Drainage Area (Russia)
Albrecht A et al.: Anthropogenic Radionuclides as Tools to Study Exogenic Geochemical and Aquatic Processes
Walraven N et al.: Stable Lead Isotopes and Concentrations in Overbank Deposits as Tracers of Industrial Pollution in Limburg, The Netherlands
Matschullat J: Trace Element Fluxes to the Baltic Sea: Problems of Atmospheric and Fluvial Input Budgets
Hansmann W et al.: Pb-Isotopes as Tracers of Pollutants in Soils
Kralik M et al.: The Dust We Breath: Mineralogy, Lead-isotope and PAH-composition of Viennese Dust Samples
Andersson PS et al.: Particulate Transport of 234U-238U in the Kalix River and the Baltic Sea
Porcelli D et al.: Sources and Colloid Transport of 234U-238U in the Baltic Sea and Kalix River Watershed
Viers J et al.: Role of Humic Substances on the Transport of Major and Trace Elements in Surficial Drainage Basins (Nsimi-Zoetele, Cameroon)
Deissmann G & Kistinger S: Effects of pH and Eh on Contaminants in Acid Mine Waters from the Ronneburg Uranium Mine
Ljungberg J & Öhlander B: Geochemical Field Study of Water Covered Mine Tailings
Boyd R et al.: Anthropogenic Noble-Metal Enrichment of Topsoil in the Monchegorsk Area, Kola Peninsula
Wittbrodt PR Reduction of Cr(VI) by Soil Humic Substances
& Palmer CD:
Loch JPG & Keijzer ThJS: Chemical Osmosis in Contaminated Clayey Materials
Rammlmair D: The Role of Gels in Self Organisation of Slagheaps From the Arsenic Production Site, Muldenhütten, Freiberg, Saxony, FRG
Helz GR et al.: Mechanism of Removal of Mo from the Sea and its Concentration in Black Shales
Manceau A & Hazemann JL: Direct Determination of the Speciation of Heavy Metals in Soils and Wastes by EXAFS Spectroscopy
Sarret G et al.: Direct Determination of Pb and Zn Speciation in Contaminated Lichens by EXAFS Spectroscopy
Bruno J et al.: The Development and Application of Coprecipitation/Solid Solution Models to Describe Low Temperature Trace Element Geochemistry
Prieto M et al.: Crystallization Behaviour in the System CdCO3-CaCO3-H2O: Zoning in (Cd,Ca)CO3 Single Crystals
Baron D & Palmer CD: Iron-Chromate Precipitates in Cr(VI)-Contaminated Soils
Böttcher ME et al.: Synthesis of a Complete BaCO3-SrCO3 (Witherite-Strontianite) Solid-Solution Series From Aqueous Solutions at 25°C: Characterization of Ba-Sr and 13C-12C Substitution by FTIR Spectroscopy
Kersten M: Aqueous Solubility Diagrams for the C-H-S Solid-Solution System in Cementitious Waste Stabilization Technology
Förstner U & Salomons W: Geochemical Concepts for Long-term Strategies of Contaminated Sites
Wüst W & Dahmke A: Reductive Dehalogenation of Chlorinated Aliphatic Hydrocarbons (CAH) by Zero-Valent Metals and Bimetals in Groundwater Remediation
Ward RS & William GM: Biogeochemical Changes in Landfill Gas During Sub-Surface Migration
Dulski P & Bau M: Anthropogenic Gadolinium in Natural Surface Waters and Drinking Water
Böttcher M et al.: Black Spots in the German Wadden Sea: 34S/32S Effects Associated With Intense Sulfate Reduction
Piboule M & Amossé J: The Oklo Natural Reactor (Zone 10): Platinum Group Element Behaviour
Pourcelot L Oxygen Isotopes and U, Pb, REE Data on Clays and Uraninites of the Oklo Natural Reactors:
& Gauthier-lafaye F: Temperatures, Water Radiolysis and Weathering Effects
Pilot JD et al.: *34S and *18O Investigations of Industrially Contaminated Freiberg Soil (W-E-Transect), Lake Water, Lake Sediment Profiles and of Freiberg Mining Water
Schäfer J et al.: Traffic-related Noble Metal immissions in South-West Germany
Land M: Seasonal Variations of Groundwater Chemistry Due to Changing Flow Paths
Rochelle CA et al.: Fluid-Rock Interactions Resulting From the Underground Disposal of Carbon Dioxide
Klaver GTh The Geochemical Composition of Dutch Subsurface Sediments
& Huisman DJ:
Mycke B & Burwood R: High Resolution Stratigraphic Analysis of Pre-Salt Source Rocks in West Africa
Koster J et al.: Trace Element Concentrations and Stable Lead Isotopes in Soils as Tracer of Lead Pollution in Graft-De Rijp, The Netherlands
Ansari AA et al.: Parabolic Distribution of Heavy Metals in Grain Size Fractions of Sediments of Gangetic Plain Near Kanpur-Unnao Industrial Region, U.P., India
Bateman K et al.: Column Experiments: Results of Experiments and Modelling
Ebert M et al.: Chromium Transport in a Reduced Aquifer System - A Column Experiment
Zeferino J et al.: Seasonal Mercury Abundances in Stream Sediments Contaminated by Gold Processing in Quadrilatero Ferrífero, Minas Gerais, Brazil
Heitzmann Jr JF et al.: Heavy Metals in Soils in the Vicinity of Municipal Landfills in the Piracicaba River Basin, São Paulo, Brazil
Kasimov NS et al.: Mobile Forms of Heavy Metals in Forest and Forest-Steppe Soils of the Russian Plain Landscapes
Bortnikova SB et al.: Behaviour of Heavy Metals in Weathering of Intermediate Sulfide Tailings of Dzhida Plant (Transbaikal Region)
Mejeed SY: Heavy Metal Concentrations in Some Slovakian Agricultural Soils
Dietz E & Roßner R: Description of the Cd-Uptake of Epipactis helleborirne (Orchid) Using Transferfactors
Lange L & Matschullat J: Trace Elements in Precipitation from the Eastern Erzgebirge, Black Triangle
Barth S et al.: Boron Isotope Systematics in Groundwater from a Solid Waste Disposal Site (Switzerland): A New Tracer for Anthropogenic Contamination
Sobolev IA et al.: Polymineral Matrix for Nuclear Wastes Immobilization
Sobolev IA et al.: Geochemical Properties of Zirconolite in the Light of Nuclear Wastes Immobilization Problem
Sulovsky P: The Behaviour of Potentially Hazardous Elements in Fluidized Bed Combustion Fly Ash
Kraemer SM Ligand Controlled Dissolution of Aluminium Oxide: Influence of pH and Solution Saturation State
& Hering JG:
Aswathanarayana U: Biogeochemical and Socio-economic Consequences of Katina-P Oil Spill Disaster in Maputo Bay, and its Lessons
Grantham MC Biogeochemistry of Subsurface Environments: Investigation of Bacterial Effects on Iron Oxyhydroxide
& Dove PM: Coatings by Fluid Tapping ModeTM Atomic Force Microscopy
Hoogewerff JA et al.: Geochemical Fingerprints in Human Bones: Can We Trace the Stuff that We are Made off?
Taraskevicius R: The Problems of Biogeochemical Analysis of Municipal Wastes Landfill
Peinerud E: The Sedimentary Si/Al Ratio as an Indicator of Diatom Productivity Changes
Friedl G et al.: Solid Phases of Manganese in Sediments
Wolff-Boenisch B et al.: Sr-isotopic Composition in Wine as Fingerprints for its Origin: First Approach by Conventional Thermal-Ionization-Mass-Spectrometry
Luck J-M Sources and Mobilization Processes of Metals in a Small Anthropized Watershed: Trace Metals and Pb
& Ben Othman D: Isotopes in the Dissolved and Particulate Loads
Labonne M et al.: Heavy Metal Concentrations and Radiogenic Isotopes (Pb, Sr) in Recent Molluscs and Ancient Shells From a Coastal Pond (Thau, South France)
Rezaie Boroon MH Leaching Behaviour of Contaminated Building Waste Material
& Tobschall HJ:
Zinkute R: Identification of Contamination Sources Using Chemical Elements Associations in Topsoils
Ellminger F & Matschullat J: Overbank Sediments and Slags - Witness for Medieval Mining Phases
Gennadiev AN et al.: Fluxes of Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons in the Environment
Kasimov NS et al.: Biogeochemistry of Aquatic Systems in the Volga Delta
Conveners: D. Leythäuser and J. R. Maxewell
Volkman JK et al.: Changes in Phytoplankton productivity and Sea Surface Temperature Across the Subtropical Convergence East of New Zealand Since the Last Glaciation Based on Biomarker Compositions
Schulte S et al.: Preservation and Early Diagenesis of Organic Matter in Sediments From the Continental Margin off Pakistan
Schouten S et al.: Paleoenvironmental Significance of Methanogenic Bacterial Lipids in Marine Sediments
Melé AR et al.: Recognition of Photic Zone Anoxia in Paleo Water Columns From Chlorophyll-Derived Pigment Distributions
Sinninghe Damsté JS: Sedimentary Derivatives of a Carotenoid of Green Sulphur Bacteria as a Molecular Proxy for Photic Zone Anoxia
Grice K et al.: Biological Markers from Hypersaline Environments with Unusually heavy *13C Contents
Van Kaam-Peters HME Paleoenvironmental Reconstruction of an Upper Jurassic Lagoonal System Using Free and Sulphur-
et al.: Bound Biomarkers
Mongenot T et al.: Study of the Different Facies in Laminated Organic-rich Kimmeridgian Sediments of Orbagnoux (Jura, France). Source Organisms and Depositional Environments
Höld IM et al.: A Molecular Level Investigation of Kerogens Using Stable Carbon Isotopic Compositions of Pyrolysis Products
Mycke B & Burwood R: High Resolution Stratigraphic Analysis of Pre-Salt Source Rocks in West Africa
Schwark L et al.: Impact of Volcanic Ash Flows on the Biological Communities in an Oligocene Lacustrine Environment - An Organic Geochemical Approach
Hemmann AG et al.: Organic Matter in Sediments of Lake Holzmaar: Evidence From Stable Carbon Isotopes
Gröcke DR: Carbon-Isotope Shifts Recorded in Megafaunal Dietary Niches of C3 and C4 Plants in the Late Pleistocene of South Australia: Correlation with Paleofloral Reconstructions
Kok MD et al.: Abiotic Incorporation of Sulphur Into Algal Biomass
Burk T et al.: Anaerobic Methane Oxidation in Tidal Flat Sediments of North Germany
Naylor ChC & Keely BJ: Sedimentary Purpurins: Possible Intermediates in the Formation of Aetioporphyrins
Flügge A: Diagenetic Degradation of Long-Chain Alkenones: Implications for Uk37 Paleo-Thermometry
Niedan VW & Schöler HF: Natural Formation of Chlorobenzoic Acids
Fahl K & Stein R: Late Quaternary Organic Carbon Flux and Biomarker in the Laptev Sea and the Adjacent Continental Margin
Stax R: Marine vs. Terrigenous Organic Matter Accumulation in the Irminger Basin (ODP-Leg 152): Paleoenvironmental Implications During Cenozoic Times
Mann U: Organic Matter Enrichment an Anoxic Conditions in Cretaceous Black Shales from the Upper Magdalena Valley (Colombia): Latest Results of an Ongoing Sedimentological and Organic Geochemical Study
Ogrinc N & Lojen S: Stable Carbon Isotopes in Marine Pore Water
Hemmann AG et al.: Stable Isotopes in the Organic Carbon Cycle of Lakes
Lojen S et al.: Stable Isotope Fractionation in Recent Lacustrine Sediments (Lake Bled, Slovenia)
Kríbek B et al.: Weathering of Algae and Humic-type Organic Matter in the Spoil Banks of Brown-Coal (Miocene, Sokolov Coal-Mining Area, Czech Republic)
Conveners: A. Eisenhauer and L. Turpin
Jackson SE et al.: The Application of Laser Ablation Microprobe (LAM)-ICP-MS to in Situ U-Pb Zircon Geochronology
Horn I et al.: Breaking the PPB Detection Limit Barrier Using Laser Ablation Microprobe ICP-MS
Jochum KP et al.: Improvements in Multi-Element Analysis by Multi-Ion-Counting Spark-Source Mass Spectrometry (MIC-SSMS)
Blichert-Toft J et al.: Progress Report on the Magnetic-Sector ICP-MS (Plasma 54)
Pearce NJG et al.: Application of Laser Ablation ICP-MS to the Microanalysis of Volcanic Glasses and Minerals
Perkins WT & Pearce NJG: Problems and Progress in the Determination of Trace and Ultra Trace Elements by ICP-MS and the Application to Petrogenetic Studies of Igneous Rocks
Rehkämper M Development of New Isotope-Dilution MC-ICPMS Techniques for the Determination of Platinum-Group
& Halliday AN: Elements in Geological Samples
Hallbauer DK: Determination of Rare Earth Elements and Certain Rare Metalls in Small Samples by Capillary Ion Analysis
Poller U et al.: Cathodoluminescence and Conventional U-Pb Single Zircon Dating on the Same Grain Applied to S-type Granitoids
Verma SP: Evaluation of Accuracy in Analytical Geochemistry
Mauser K: Standardless XRF Analysis in Geochemistry - Future or Reality?
Bourdon B et al.: 231Pa/235U Measurements in Volcanic Rocks by Thermal Ionization Mass Spectrometry
Frei R et al.: Single Mineral Pb-Pb Stepwise Leaching: Assessing the Mechanisms
Hinton RW: Comparison of Yttrium and Holmium Concentrations: Natural vs Analytical Variability
Bruhn F et al.: PIXE Trace Element Analysis in Sedimentary Geochemistry: Bochum Proton Microprobe
D'Orazio M & Tonarini S: Simultaneous Determination of Neodymium and Samarium in Igneous Rocks by Isotope Dilution Inductively Coupled Plasma Mass Spectrometry
Habermann D et al.: Quantitative Analysis of Mn2+ in Sedimentary Calcite Using Cathodoluminescence Spectroscopy
Godelitsas A et al.: Investigation of Natural Prehnite Using Spectroscopic and Nuclear Reaction Techniques
Leipprand I et al.: Systematic Evaluation of Instrumental Parameters for Organotin Compound Speciation Using a GC-MIP-AED
Kühn M et al.: Trace Matrix Separation With Cedex®100 in Highly Saline Thermal Waters. Enrichment of 12 Different Trace Metals
Rüde Th: Determination of Arsenic Species Using Flow Injection - Hydride Generation Technique
Conveners: W. Heinrich and A. M. van den Kerkhof
Mavrogenes JA et al.: Mixing Relations in the System H2O-CO2
Lüttge A et al.: A New Method to Investigate Supercritical Fluid Phases Under "Quasi in situ" Conditions
Loucks RR et al.: Experimental Solubility of Gold in Sulphidic Brine at Amphibolite and Greenschist-facies Conditions
Gottschalk M et al.: Na-K Richterite Solid Solutions as a Sensor for NaCl/KCl Ratios in Metamorphic Fluids
Baker J et al.: Preservation of Extreme Pre-metamorphic Isotopic Gradients in the Ultrahigh-pressure Metamorphic Terrain, Dabie Shan, China
Bickle MJ et al.: Fluid-flux and Reaction Rate from Advective-diffusive Carbonation of Mafic Sill Margins in the Dalradian, S.W. Scottish Highlands
Vennemann TW et al.: Oxygen Isotope Exchange During Extreme Deformation of Quartzite Clasts in Conglomerates of the Tyson Formation, Vermont
Landwehr D et al.: Stable Isotope Evidence for Closed System Fluid Evolution in KTB Rocks
Simon K: Does *D from Fluid Inclusion in Quartz Reflect the Original Hydrothermal Fluid?
Rammlmair D et al.: Mixing of Two Carbon Sources Controls the Spread in *13C (-20 to -60) in Sediments and Tuffites of the Sukumaland Greenstone Belt, NW Tanzania
Mingram B et al.: Nitrogen Isotope Compositions of Metasedimentary Rocks of Different Tectonometamorphic Units
Baumgartner LP et al.: Fluid-rock Interaction in Contact Aureoles
Jamtveit B: Contact Metamorphism Around Shallow Level Granitoid Plutons: The Role of Magmatic Fluids
Hein UF et al.: Generation of Volatiles During very Low-grade to Low-grade Metamorphism: Examples from the Ardennes Mts. (Belgium)
Cesare B Devolatilization-generated Veins in the Lower Crust: The Synmetamorphic Veining Model
& Connolly JAD:
Glebovtsky VA et al.: Distribution of Fluid Inclusions in some Metamorphic Complexes and their Connection with P-T Parameters Evolution
Johnson EL et al.: Fluid Mobility in Metamorphic Rocks During Deformation: Controls on Fluid Inclusion Distribution and Mineral/fluid Equilibria
Eichhorn R et al.: Metamorphic Fluids From Mica-breakdown - A Source for Primary Tungsten Enrichment?
Mullis J et al.: Fluid immiscibility in the central Alps
Prospert C & Biino GG: Fluid Dynamics During Namurian-Westphalian Anticlockwise Path in the Silvretta Thrust Sheet (Eastern Alps)
Raith JG: Scapolite Rocks from the Saualpe, Austria - A Monitor of Fluid Composition During Metamorphism
Philippot P: During Subduction Zone Metamorphism, Could the Transition from Aqueous Solutions to Silicate-rich Hydrous Fluids (or Melt) be Supercritical in Nature?
Scambelluri M et al.: Fluid-Rock Interaction and Seawater Recycling in Eclogite-Facies Serpentinite
Moree M et al.: Evidence for Continuous Fluid Flow in Subduction Zone Settings: Low-grade Phyllosilicate-Carbonate Assemblages and Fluid Chemistry
Vanko DA: Metamorphic Fluids of the Deep Oceanic Crust: Petrological and Fluid Inclusion Evidence on P-T-X Conditions
Frezzotti M-L et al.: Fluid Regime in North Victoria Land (Antarctica) During Ross Orogeny: Evidence from Fluid Inclusions
Perchuk LL et al.: Role of Alkalies and Ca2+ Mobility During Formation of Patchy Charnockites
Touret JLR: Fluids in Granulites: The Quest Continues
Van den Kerkhof AM Retrograde Fluid Activity in High-grade Metamorphic Rocks as Indicated by Cathodoluminescence
& Behr H-J:
Van Reenen DD Large Scale Fluid Infiltration, Metasomatism and the Late-Archean Exhumation of Limpopo Belt
& Smit CA: Granulites
Agard P et al.: Blueschist Facies Fluids in Metapelites: Behaviour versus Tectono-metamorphic Evolution
Bakker RJ et al.: Computerised Clathrate Stability Model: Specification of Metamorphic Fluids in Inclusions
Brunsmann A et al.: Zoisite-Quartz Segregations in Garnet Amphibolites and their Significance for Fluid Flow
Chapman HJ et al.: Characterisation of Nd, Sr, and O Isotope Systematics Due to Ultrahigh-pressure Metamorphism of Hydrothermally Altered Eclogites, Dabie Shan, China
Kozlowski A et al.: Metasomatic Fluids in the Metamorphic Izera Area, Poland
Leslie K: Fluids and Cordierte "Melts" Within the Nanga Parbat - Haramosh Massif, Northern Pakistan
Simakov SK: Estimation of Kokchetav Eclogite Fluid Compositions
Neumann U & Luettge A: Parameters Controlling the Composition and the Mobility of the Fluid Phase in Hydrothermal Experiments
Pleshakov AM et al.: Helium in Diamond-bearing Metamorphic Rocks, Northern Kazakhstan
Roselle GT et al.: Focused Fluid Flow in Contact Aureoles: A Case Study from Ubehebe Park, California, USA
Skelton ADL et al.: The Mechanism of Cross-layer Metamorphic Fluid Flow - An Isotopic and Petrological Case Study of a Dalradian Greenschist Facies Metabasite Sill at Port Ellen, Islay, SW Scottisch Highlands
Török K: High-salinity Retrograde Fluids in the High Pressure-low Temperature Gneisses of the Sopron Area (W Hungary)
Vanko DA et al.: Fluids in Equilibrium with Low-Temperature Vein Minerals (Zeolites, Calcite, Quartz, and Sulfates) in the Southeast Piedmont, U.S.A.
Conveners: A. Putnis and D. Vaughan
Eggleston CM: Mineral Surfaces in Geochemical and Environmental Processes: Direct Observation of the Microscopic Machinery
Jordan G Dissolution Rates and Activation Energy for Dissolution on the Brucite (001) Surface Obtained by
& Rammensee W: Scanning Force Microscopy
Nagy KL et al.: Heterogeneous Nucleation and Growth of Clays: Gibbsite and Brucite on Muscovite
Bosbach D: Precipitation and Dissolution of Sulfate Minerals: Mechanisms and Kinetics Studied with Scanning Force Microscope
Dove PM & Dixit S: Controls of Solvent-Surface Interactions in the Kinetics of Quartz Dissolution
Stipp SLS: Spontaneous Segregation of Monovalent Trace Elements (Na, K, Cl, F) out of Iceland Spar Calcite at Ambient Conditions
Vaughan DJ et al.: Studies of Mineral Surface Chemistry Involving Copper and Iron
Manceau A et al.: Stucture and Surface Reactivity of the Phyllomanganate, Birnessite
Becker U & Quantum Mechanical Treatment of Gold Adsorption/Reduction on Galena: Calculations of the
Hochella Jr. MF: Thermodynamics, Surface Diffusion, XPS and STS Spectra
Lasaga AC: New Concepts on Surface Chemistry From Ab Initio and Monte Carlo Methods
Putnis A et al.: What can Crystal Growth Experiments Tell us About Natural Mineral Surfaces?
Hall Ch: Mineral Surface Chemistry in Critical Oilfield Operations
Wogelius RA Surface Oxidation and Hydroxylation of Olivine Produced by Reaction with Aqueous Solutions: An Ex
& Fraser DG: Situ XAS (REFLEXAFS) and ERDA Study
Bebié J et al.: Surface Chemistry and Reactivity of Pyrite: I. Electrophoresis Studies
Stubert I & Peiffer S: Oxidation Kinetics of Pyrite in the Presence of Iron(III)-reducing and Non-reducing Organic Ligands
Chaturvedi S et al.: Surface Chemistry and Reactivity of Pyrite II: Surface Science Investigations
Fellows RA et al.: Structure of a (0001) Surface of an Ilmenite (FeTiO3) Single Crystal Following Argon Ion Sputtering and Annealing in Oxygen Partial Pressures
Kammerer G et al.: The Identification of Sulfate-containing Solid-phases on Mineral Surfaces by Means of Spectroscopic Methods
Schosseler PM et al.: Complexation of Copper(II) with Carbonate Ligands in Aqueous Solution as Studied by Electron Paramagnetic Resonance (EPR)
Vaughan DJ et al.: Electrochemistry of pyrite (FeS2) in Aqueous Electrolytes
Widler AM Adsorption of Gold(I)-Hydrosulphide Complexes by Pyrite
& Seward TM:
Valsami-Jones E et al.: Heavy Metal, REE and Actinide Exchange with Calcium in Apatite
Lewin E & Allègre CJ: The Isotopic State of the Sampled Earth's Mantle
Galer S: Strontium Isotope Tracers of Mixing and Overturn in the Mantle
Kramers JD et al.: Pb and Nd Modelling and the Histories of the Continental Crust and Depleted Mantle
Javoy M: Volatile Budgets in the Upper Earth (Upper Mantle, Crust, Ocean, Atmosphere)
Trieloff M et al.: Resolving Multiple Fluid-Rock Interactions in the Mantle: Trapped Noble Gases and Their Hosts in Peridotitic Rocks From Zabargad Island, Red Sea
Woodland AB et al.: The Ferric Iron Budget of Orogenic Lherzolite Massifs and Implications for the Mantle Redox State
Lattard D: Is " logfO2 (FMQ)" a Key to the Oxidation State of the Mantle?
Kadik AA: The redox state and C-H-O fluid composition of the Earth's upper mantle
Puchtel IS et al.: 2.8-Ga Komatiite-Basalt Sequence Within the Kostomuksha Greenstone Belt, Baltic Shield: A Remnant of an Archaean Oceanic Plateau Obducted Onto an Ancient Continental Margin
Peltonen P et al.: Petrogenesis of E-MORB and OIB-like Metabasalts From the 1.95 Ga Old Jormu Ophiolite (Finland): Trace Element and Sm-Nd Isotope Results
Rampone E et al.: Isotopic Contrasts Within N-MORB Ophiolite
Marchig V & Burgath KP: Chemical Variations in Mantle Peridotite from Mid Atlantic Ridge (MARK area, ODP Leg 153)
Orberger B et al.: Platinum-Group Elements as a Tracer for Melt-rock Interactions in Peridotites. Example: The Nan-Uttaradit Ophiolite, NE Thailand
Köhler H Age and Origin of Enderbites From the Nilgiri Hills Massif, South India
& Srikantappa C:
Widmer J & Metz P: Non-equilibrium Reaction-paths During Metamorphism of Siliceous Dolomites in the Ballachulish Aureole, Scotland
Zheng Y-F et al.: Isotopic Evidence for Preservation of Meteoric Water Signature in Eclogite from the Dabie-Sulu Terranes in East China
Abart R et al.: Pervasive Versus Channalized Material Transport During Metamorphism, Evidence from Stable Isotope Signatures
Teklay M et al.: Geochemistry, Pb-Pb Single Zircon Ages and Nd-Sr Isotope Ratios of Precambrian Rocks From Southern and Eastern Ethiopia: Implications for Crustal Evolution in East Africa
Knowles-van Cappellen VL The Effects of Ionic Strength and Aggregation on Crystal Growth Kinetics
et al.:
Oelkers EH & Schott J: An Experimental Study of Enstatite Dissolution as a Function of Solution Composition and Temperature
Diakonov I et al.: Hematite Solubility in NaOH Solutions (110-300°C) and the Thermodynamic Properties of Fe(OH)4- and Fe(OH)3- Aqueous Species. Application to the Solubility of Minerals in the System Fe(III)-O-H
Pokrovski G et al.: Experimental Study of Aluminium-Silica Complexing in Crustal Fluids
Ragnarsdottir KV et al.: EXAFS Investigation of Aqueous Complexes of Yttrium, Antimony and Tin to 340°C at Psat
Wilkin RT & Barnes HL: Solubilities of Na- and K-clinoptilolite in Hydrothermal Solutions
Christensen JN Sr and Nd Isotopic Studies of Melt Inclusions in Quartz: Evidence for Multiple Age Components in the
& Halliday AN: Bishop Tuff, California
Mason PRD et al.: Trace Elements and Sr-Nd-Pb-O Isotopic Behaviour During the Final Stages of Arc Magmatism in the East Carpathians, Romania
Van Soest MC et al.: Helium-Carbon Systematics of the Lesser Antilles Magmatic Arc System (LAMAS)
Pedroni A et al.: Helium, Neon and Argon Isotope Systematics of Geothermal Fluids from the Lesser Antilles Island Arc
Meen JK & Elthon D: Anatomy of a Mid-Cayman Rise Gabbro
Koppers AAP et al.: 40Ar/39Ar Ages and Isotope Geochemistry of Vlinder Guyot and Adjacent Seamounts (W-Pacific Plate): From Altered Submarine Basalts to Mantle Source Characteristics
Salvi S Natural Synthesis of Hydrocarbons in Alkaline Intrusive Rocks
& Williams-Jones AE:
Sindern S & Kramm U: Isotopic Constraints on Metasomatic Mass Transfer in the Iivaara Alkaline Complex, Finland
Schleicher H et al.: Enriched Subcontinental Mantle Beneath Southern India: Evidence from Nd, Sr, Pb and C-O Isotopic Studies on Tamil Nadu Carbonatites
Loth G & Höll R: Cathodoluminescence Investigation of the Evolution of Zircon Crystal Shapes Applied to Supplement Geochemical Studies
Simakin AG: Magma Cyrstallization With Crystal Settling in Upper Boundary Layer: Mixed Approach
Schmidberger S et al.: Petrogenesis of Late Carboniferous Calc-alkaline Volcanics from an Extensional Setting, Saar-Nahe Basin, SW Germany
Hellman R et al.: Deformation of Chalk by Pressure Solution
Landenberger H et al.: Simulation of Organic Matter Diagenesis in Marine Sediments With the Computer Model CoTAM
Bailey AM & Roberts HH: Diagenesis in Modern Mississippi and Mahakam Deltaic Sediments
Durand C et al.: Mass Balance of Silicon, Aluminium and Potassium: A Touchstone for Diagenesis Modeling in North Sea Reservoir Sandstones. Application to Greater Alwyn
Gaillardet J et al.: Chemical and Physical Weathering in the Amazon River Basin
Drescher J et al.: Noble Gases in The Continental Deep Drilling Project KTB
Brauns M & Haack U: Pb and Sr Isotope Studies on Ores and Rocks of the Siegerland-Wied District
Larsen RB et al.: Fluorine-rich Biotites and Alkali-metasomatism as Guides to Massive Sulphide Deposits: An Example From the Bleikvassli Zn-Pb-Ag-(Cu) Deposit, Norway
Schneider J & Haack U: New Lead Isotopic Data from Pb-Zn Ore Deposits in the Northern Eifel, Germany
Hallbauer DK The Bulk Fluid Compositions of Inclusions in Quartz from Selected Rare Metal Pegmatites in Siberia
& Zagorsky VYe:
Melcher F & Grum W: Fluid-induced Formation of Podiform Ophiolitic Chromitite: Implications From Inclusions and Isotope Systematics, Kempirsai Massif, Urals
Polozov AG: The Rare Earth Elements in Apatites and Calcites From Iron Ore Deposits of Angara-Illim Type (Siberian Platform)
Förster B & Haack U: Multistage Evolution of the Aue-Niederschlema Uranium Vein Deposit (Erzgebirge, Germany): Evidence from Pitchblende Dating
Steele DF: Theoretical Determination of Isotope Fractionation Factors in Sedimentary Carbonates
Driesner Th Fractionation of Oxygen and Hydrogen Stable Isotopes Between Aqueous Salt Solutions and Water
& Seward TM: Vapour at Elevated Temperatures
Vennemann TW et al.: Mechanism of Hydrogen Isotope Exchange Between Hydrous Minerals and Molecular Hydrogen: Ion Microprobe Study of D/H Exchange and Calculations of Hydrogen Self-Diffusion Rates
Hoefs J et al.: The Stable Isotope (H, O) and Chemical Composition of Individual Precipitation Events
Hoernes S & Krylov D: Stable Isotope Reminiscence of Repeated Fluid-rock Interaction: Case Studies from Rayner Complex (East Antarctica) and the Limpopo Belt (South Africa)
Simakov SK: Kimberlite and Lamproite Eclogite Paleogeotherms: Evidence of the Mantle Plume Formations
Svetov SA: Geochemistry of Mantle Sources (Evidence From the Peridotitic Komatiites)
Zheng Y-F: Oxygen Isotope Layering of the Mantle as Deduced from Isotopic Partitioning in Mantle Minerals
Draper DS & Green TH: PT Phase Relations of Silicic, Alkaline, Aluminous Glasses Trapped in Mantle Xenoliths
Werner O & Lippolt HJ: Simulation of Variscan and Mesozoic Regional Lead Mixing and Fractionation in Central Europe
Belous AE et al.: Zircon Alterations During Hydrothermal Treatment in 2M Na2CO3 at Elevated P-T Parameters
Makeev AF et al.: The Use of Unit-cell Parameters of Crystalline Residue of Zircon in Geochronology (Radiation Age of Zircon)
Shcherban IP Sodium and Potassium Role in Natural Metasomatic Processes
& Scherban DI:
Tagirov B & Zotov A: Standard Ferric-Ferrous Electrode Potential at 20.8-90°C
Tagirov B & Zotov A: Experimental Study of the Solubility of Magnetite in HCl Solutions at 300-450°C and 500-1000 Bars
Shikina ND & Zotov AV: Stoichiometry and Stability of the Sb Hydroxocomplex at Elevated Temperatures (Experimental Study)
Gautier J-M et al.: An Experimental Study of Quartz Precipitation and Dissolution Rates at 200°C
Shcherbakov YuG: Geochemical Factors of Non-volatile Element Concentration
Irber W et al.: Experimental Leaching with Cation Exchange Resin: A Method to Estimate Element Availabilities in Geological Samples
Böttcher ME et al.: Synthesis of a Complete BaCO3-SrCO3 (Witherite-Strontianite) Solid-Solution Series From Aqueous Solutions at 25°C: Characterization of Ba-Sr and 13C-12C Substitution by FTIR Spectroscopy
Karsten LA et al.: The Geodynamic Nature of the Middle Riphean Mashak Formation of the South Urals - Trace Element Evidences
Akopova GS et al.: Assessment of Hydroecologikal State in the Areas of Gas Transfortation and Gas Storage Objects
Akopova & GS et al.: Experimental Estimation of Environmental Pollution by Carcinogenic Polyaromatic Hydrocarbons in the Gas Industry
Andronikov AV: The Origin of Alkaline Trachybasalts of the Manning Massif (East Antarctica)
Andronikov AV Isotopic Characteristics of K-rich Trachybasalts of the Manning Massif (East Antarctica)
& Beliatsky BV:
Kramm U & Sindern S: Rheomorphism - A Possible Origin of Alkaline Silicate Rocks
Mühe R & Haase K: Geochemical Constraints on the Magmatism Along the Rift Axis of the Northern Red Sea
Milos R: Geochemistry and Petrology of Greisenization at the Slavkovsky les Mts. (Bohemian Massif)
Petrova AYu et al.: Evolution of Sr and O Isotopic Composition During Two Different Granite Types Formation Within Sangilen Highland (South-East Tuva, Russia)
Tchameni R et al.: Geochemical and Nd-Sr Isotope Composition of the Archean Ntem Granitoids (Sud-Cameroon): Evidence for Rapid Crustal Growth
Meen JK & Elthon D: High-pressure Experimental Studies in Hydrous Systems Including Boron
Grevel Ch & Schertl H-P: Geochemistry and Possible Protoliths of Coesite-bearing Pyrope Quatzites and Related Rocks of the Southern Dora-Maira Massif, Western Alps
Kumar APP et al.: Reaction Textures and P-T-Fluid Evolution of Clinohumite, Humite, and Chondrodite Marbles in the Kerala Khondalite Belt, Southern India
Strekopytov S: Comparative Behaviour of Molybdenum and Tungsten in Ferromanganese Nodules
Vorontsov AE et al.: The Rocks of Phoscorite Group in Iron Ore Deposits of Angara-Ilim Type (Siberian Platform)
Dobrovolskaya MG: Geochemistry of Alkali Metals in Sulfides
Evstigneeva TL: "Heavy" and "Light" Platinum-Group Elements in Sulfoarsenides
Bortnikova SB et al.: Behaviour of Heavy Metals in Weathering of Intermediate Sulfide Tailings of Dzhida Plant (Transbaikal Region)
Shikina ND Red Muds - A New Material for High-sorptive Engineering Barriers for Sr
Kolonin GR Thermodynamic Model of Oxidised Solubility of Arsenopyrite and Arsenic Mobility Under Surface
& Palyanova GA: Conditions
Moralev GV Rb-Sr Study of Au-Ag Shkol´noe Deposit (Kurama Mountains, North Tadjikistan): Age of Mineralization
& Shatagin KN: and Time Scale of Hydrothermal Processes
Mineev SD The Pressure Influence on Hydrogen Isotopes Fractionation in the Serpentine-Water System
& Grinenko VA:
Rasulov A: Oxygen-Isotopic Differences in the Carboniferous Sedimentary and Diagenetic Carbonates From the Urals
Driesner Th et al.: Molecular Dynamics Simulations of an Aqueous NaCl Solution from 300 to 770 K, Ab initio Calculations of Hydration Complexes and their Geochemical Implications
Kämpf H et al.: Multistage Deposition of Fluorite in Pseudocarstic Cavities at Jilove-Sneznik/CZ: A Comparative Study of REE, Sr and Nd Behaviour in Fluorine-rich Hydrothermal Fluids
Krupenin MT et al.: REE in Fluorite and Country Rocks of Low Riphean (S Urals)
Zimmermann H The Evaporation of Caribbean Seawater: Components of Brines, Precipitates and Fluid Inclusions
& Wehebrink Ch:
Mann U: Organic Matter Enriched and Anoxic Conditions in Cretaceous Black Shales from the Upper Magdalena Valley (Colombia): Latest Results of an Ongoing Sedimentological and Organic Geochemical Study
Faber E et al.: Fate of Sedimentary Methane - Isotopic Tracing of the Path to the Atmosphere
Index of Volume 1 Number 1
Index of the Journal of Conference Abstracts
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