All abstracts by Marie-Christine Boiron at Goldschmidt2015
(2015) Fluid Inclusions and Volatile-Rich Minerals in Nephelinite as Tracers of Fluids beneath the NW African Craton (Saghro Volcanic Field, Morocco)
Chamboredon R, Parat F, Boiron M-C & Hidas K |
(2015) Sulfur Radical Species Form Gold Deposits on Earth
Pokrovski G, Kokh M, Guillaume D, Borisova A, Gisquet P, Jean-Louis H, Lahera E, Del Net W, Proux O, Testemale D, Haigis V, Jonchière R, Seitsonen A, Ferlat G, Vuilleumier R, Saitta M, Boiron M-C & Dubessy J |