All abstracts by Aneta Slodczyk at Goldschmidt2023
(2023) Phase Equilibria Point to Cold and Shallow Depth Conditions for Magma Storage at La Palma 2021 Eruption
Andújar J, Scaillet B, Casillas R, Di Carlo I, Slodczyk A, Frascerra D, Faranda CF, Jiménez Mejías M, Núñez-Guerrero E, Meletlidis S, Scaillet S & from Orléans-Olot 2021-2022 course ESG |
(2023) In situ Spectroscopic Investigations of Volatiles Speciation in Hydrous Melts and Magmatic Fluids
Louvel M, Chatelin T, Hazemann J-L & Slodczyk A |