All abstracts by Rossane Delapp at Goldschmidt2022
(2022) Interactions Across Interfaces between Ordinary Portland Cement (OPC) Paste and Oil Shale
Gruber C, Taylor AD, Brown KG, Delapp R, Brown L, Mitchell C, Pyrak-Nolte L, Matteo EN, Klein-BenDavid O, Bar-Nes G, Meeussen JCL, Ayers J & Kosson DS |
(2022) 1-D Reactive Transport Modeling of Ordinary Portland Cement (OPC) Leaching Experiments: Preliminary Results
Jove Colon CF, Lopez CM, Kuhlman KL, Gruber C, Matteo EN, Taylor AD, Brown KG, Delapp R, Brown L & Kosson DS |