All abstracts by Markus Maisch at Goldschmidt2021
(2021) Simultaneous Minimization of Arsenic Mobilization and Nitrous Oxide Emission Under Nitrogen Fertilization in Paddy Soils
Joss H, Joshi P, Maisch M, Zhu Y-G, Muehe EM, Zarfl C & Kappler A |
(2021) Phototrophic Fe(II) Oxidation Takes Place in Organic Rich Environments
Nikeleit V, Maisch M, Byrne JM, Harwood C, Kappler A & Bryce C |
(2021) Autotrophic Nitrate Reduction Coupled to Oxidation of Fe(II) Phases by a Gallionellaceae Sp.-Dominated Microbial Community Enriched from a Pyrite-Rich Aquifer
Jakus N, Blackwell N, Mellage A, Straub D, Hoeschen C, Maisch M, Byrne JM, Mueller CW, Grathwohl P, Kleindienst S & Kappler A |