All abstracts by Andreas C. Scheinost at Goldschmidt2017
(2017) Sorption of U and Eu on Illite: Influence of Accessory Minerals
Marques Fernandes M, Scheinost AC & Baeyens B |
(2017) Oxidation State and Local Structure of Technetium Reacted with Siderite
Schmeide K, Scheinost AC, Weiss S & Brendler V |
(2017) Technetium Interaction with Fe(II)-minerals Analysed by Spectroscopy and Thermodynamics
Yalcintas E, Scheinost AC, Gaona X, Altmaier M & Geckeis H |
(2017) Sorption of NpO2+ on Montmorillonite: Influence of Ferrous Iron
Marques Fernandes M, Scheinost AC & Baeyens B |
(2017) Monothioarsenate Transformation Kinetics Determines Arsenic Mobility in Sulfidic and Organic-Rich Systems
Besold J, Biswas A, Suess E, Scheinost A, Rossberg A, Mikutta C, Kretzschmar R, Gustafsson JP & Planer-Friedrich B |