All abstracts by Boaz Lazar at Goldschmidt2017
(2017) The Nitrogen Cycle in Lake Kinneret – Evidences from Nitrogen Isotopes
Zilberman T, Gavrieli I, Lazar B & Nishri A |
(2017) Mg Isotope Fractionation during Precipitation of Marine Mg-Evaporites
Shalev N, Lazar B, Halicz L & Gavrieli I |
(2017) Chemical Characterization of Atmospheric Dust from a Weekly Time Series in the North Red Sea between 2006-2010
Teutsch N, Torfstein A, Tirosh O, Shaked Y, Rivlin T, Zipori A, Stein M, Lazar B & Erel Y |
(2017) Warm Intervals in the Levant: Reconstructing Temporal and Spatial Rainfall Distribution from Dead Sea Sediment Geochemistry
Kiro Y, Goldstein SL, Kushnir Y, Lazar B & Stein M |
(2017) Tracing the Recharge History of Groundwater –The En-Qedem Thermal Brine Springs, Dead Sea Shore
Weber N, Yechieli Y, Stein M, Gavrieli I & Lazar B |
(2017) 88 Sr/ 86 Sr Fractionation and Calcite Accumulation Rate in the Sea of Galilee
Fruchter N, Lazar B, Nishri A, Almogi-Labin A, Eisenhauer A, Beeri-Shlevin Y & Stein M |