All abstracts by Anton Eisenhauer at Goldschmidt2017
(2017) Modelling the Mechanisms Controlling d88/86Sr Variations in Coccolithophores
Mejía LM, Paytan A, Eisenhauer A, Böhm F, Kolevica A, Bolton C, Méndez-Vicente A, Abrevaya L, Isensee K & Stoll H |
(2017) Stable Isotope Fractionation of Ba and Sr in Witherite and Strontianite at Near Chemical Equilibrium Conditions
Mavromatis V, vanZuilen K, Naegler T, Eissenhauer A & Dietzel M |
(2017) Imaging of Boron Isotope Distribution in Brachiopods Using LA-MC-ICP-MS
Alibakhshi A, Fietzke J & Eisenhauer A |
(2017) Calcium Isotopes as Tracers of Ocean Crust Alteration – Implications for Proxy Records
Böhm F, Rocholl A, Wiedenbeck M, Liebetrau V & Eisenhauer A |
(2017) Testing the Late Silurian Seawater ‘carbonate Hypersaturation’ with Stable Ca, Sr and Cr Isotopes
Farkas J, Fryda J, Holmden C, Kolevica A, Boehm F, Liebetrau V & Eisenhauer A |
(2017) Lithium in Brachiopods – Proxy for Seawater Evolution?
Gaspers N, Magna T, Tomasovych A, Henkel D, Eisenhauer A & Fryda J |
(2017) The Influence of Diagenesis and Mineralogy on Ca Isotopes in Lower-Upper Triassic Carbonate Rocks
Lau K, Maher K, Brown S, Silva Tamayo JC, Jost A, Altiner D, DePaolo D, Eisenhauer A, Lehrmann D, Paytan A, Yu M & Payne J |
(2017) Carbonate Matrix Formation Resulting from Nitrogen Remineralization and Enzyme Activity
Krause S, Liebetrau V, Foubert A, Jaramillo D, Löscher CR, Böhm F, Gorb S, Eisenhauer A & Treude T |
(2017) δ26Mg Record of Phanerozoic Oceans
Törber P, Farkas J, Rollion-Bard C, Wallmann K, Brand U, Azmy K, Tomasovych A, Lecuyer C, Vigier N, Saulnier S, Komarek M, Magna T, Simecek M, Francova M, Böhm F & Eisenhauer A |
(2017) Boron Isotope Systematics in Cold Water Corals (Lophelia pertusa) along the Norwegian Margin: Zooming into a Potential pH-Proxy by Combining Bulk and High Resolution Approaches
Liebetrau V, Raddatz J, Fietzke J, Trotter J, Rocholl A, Krause S, McCulloch M, Rüggeberg A & Eisenhauer A |
(2017) Decoupled δ11B and δ13C during the Late Permian: Implications for Carbon Cycle Perturbations during the Mass Extinction Event
Jurikova H, Gutjahr M, Wallmann K, Liebetrau V, Flögel S, Brand U, Posenato R, Garbelli C, Angiolini L & Eisenhauer A |
(2017) 88 Sr/ 86 Sr Fractionation and Calcite Accumulation Rate in the Sea of Galilee
Fruchter N, Lazar B, Nishri A, Almogi-Labin A, Eisenhauer A, Beeri-Shlevin Y & Stein M |