All abstracts by Sophia Ford at Goldschmidt2012
(2012) Arsenic Speciation and Distribution Controls throughout Murshidabad, West Bengal, India
Telfeyan K, Sasidharan S, Datta S, Ford S & Johannesson K |
(2012) Laboratory CO2 Flow Experiments to Model Hydrochemical and Mineralogical Changes in the Arbuckle Aquifer during CO2 Storage
Barker R, Watney L, Bhattacharya S, Strazisar B, Kelly L, Ford S & Datta S |
(2012) Field Scale Investigation of Geochemical Parameters Controlling High and Low As Occurrence in Murshidabad District, West Bengal: India
Manalilkada Sasidharan S, Telfeyan K, Ford S, Neal A, Haug TJ, Johannesson K & Datta S |