All abstracts by Gregory F. Slater at Goldschmidt2012
(2012) Timing and Carbon Sources for Microbial Processes in the Deep Terrestrial Carbon Cycle
Slater G, Mailloux B, Silvern R, Li L, Sherwood Lollar B & Onstott TC |
(2012) Using PLFA to Constrain Microbial Distribution Related to S-Cycling in Oil-Sands Composite Tailings during Reclamation
Ngonadi N, Slater G, Ziolkowski L & Penner T |
(2012) Biogeochemical Characterization of a Late Archean Sub-Seafloor Hydrothermal System, Dome Mine, Timmins, Ontario, Canada
Stromberg J, Banerjee N, Southam G, Cloutis E, Slater G & Barr E |
(2012) Assessing Limitations for PAH Biodegradation in Long-Term Contaminated Soils Using Bioavailability Assays
Mahmoudi N, Slater G & Juhasz A |
(2012) The Oldest Isolated Life-Bearing Macrosystem on the Planet?
Ballentine C, Holland G, Slater G, Li L, Laccrampe-Couloume G & Sherwood Lollar B |
(2012) Brines and Saline Fracture Waters in the Terrestrial Subsurface: A Niche for the Deep Biosphere and Unique Analog for Mars
Li L, Sherwood Lollar B, Holland G, Slater GF, Ballentine CJ & Lacrampe-Couloume G |
(2012) Network of Terrestrial Subsurface Sites in Precambrian Shields: Insights for Early Earth and Mars
Sherwood Lollar B, Onstott TC, Kieft TL, Li L, van Heerden E, Slater GF, Moser DP, Lacrampe-Couloume G, Holland G & Ballentine CJ |
(2012) Isotopic Evidence for the Early Use of Ceramics in Cooking Meats and Processing Milk from Sheep and Goats
Gregg M & Slater G |
(2012) Radiocarbon Analysis of Microbial DNA and PLFA from Arsenic Impacted Aquifers in Bangladesh
Mailloux B, Trembath-Reichert E, Cheung J, Watson M, Dochenetz A, Stute M, Freyer G, Ferguson A, Ahmed KM, Alam M,J, Buchholz B, Slater G, Ziolowski L, Thomas J, Layton A, Zheng Y & van Geen A |