All abstracts by Lara Duro at Goldschmidt2009
(2009) Experimental Studies on Th(OH)4<sub>(am)</sub> Solubility in Presence of ISA, Gluconate or EDTA
Colàs E, Grivé M, Rojo I & Duro L |
(2009) Comparison of Iodine and Selenate Retention Mechanisms onto Cementitious Materials
Rojo I, Colàs E, Grivé M, Rovira M & Duro L |
(2009) Kinetic Behavior and Redox Buffer Capacity of Pyrrhotite
Grivé M, Clarens F, De Pablo J, Rojo I & Duro L |
(2009) Experimetal Study of the System U(VI) – Organic Compounds – H2O as a Function of pH at 25℃, 0.1MPa
Sabater C, Nguyen-Trung C, Grivé M, Pourtier E, Kiprop A, Richard L & Duro L |