All abstracts by Jennifer L Macalady at Goldschmidt2014
(2014) Characterization of Phases and Fe Isotopes of Iron Sulfide Minerals in a Microbial Gradient Culture
Mansor M, Grettenberger C, Fantle M & Macalady J |
(2014) A Metabolically Versatile Cyanobacterium and the Low-Oxygen Proterozoic World
Hamilton T, Klatt J, Bird L, Freeman K, de Beer D & Macalady J |
(2014) Hydrocarbon Biodegradation and Bacterial Succession in Surface and Seafloor Pressure Incubations
Lincoln SA, Valladares Juárez AG, Schedler M, Kadimesetty HS, Müller R, Macalady JL & Freeman KH |
(2014) Microbial Communities at a Highly Efficient Acid Mine Drainage Site
Grettenberger C, Pearce A, Macalady J, Burgos W & Bibby K |